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Falin Saga


Chapter 1 - Prologue

Nicolas arrived at this new world the same way an infant does, in pain and misery. His body was aching and he felt as if he could barely move. Tendrils of pain shot up his arms and legs every so often causing him to bite his lip so he wouldn't cry out.

He struggled to open his eyes just to see what state his body was in, but all he could see was darkness. For a moment he thought that this body was blind if it wasn't for the fact that he caught glimpses of stars every now and then.

He wasn't afraid to admit it, but fear was starting to set in. Here he was alone, at night, in pain, there could be wild animals closing in on him or something worse.

Nicolas closed his eyes once again he been in enough pain in his original world to learn how to block some of the pain with his mind. As they say mind over matter.

After meditating for a while he finally felt as if he could move a little, he sat up slowly making sure the pain wasn't as excruciating as before.  Seeing that it became tolerable, he begins crawling around in the darkness, scrounging around for some kind of stick of some sort. With the thought, he could lean on it or fight off anything that came his way.

The only thing he could find was twigs and the like. He continued to feel around the area until he found a fallen log. Given up on trying to get up to look around he position himself upright against the log and tried to look around.

He strained his eyes but it was too dark the only thing he could see was trees, everywhere he looked there were more and more trees. He was getting more and more worried when suddenly he remembered he could call Ana. He wanted to facepalm himself.

Giving a deep sigh he calls for Ana while berating himself in his head. In less than a second, she appears with a flash of light.

"You called for me, big brother?"

"Yes, Ana I did. What is this world and what happened to this body?"

"This body has substant a broken rib, a heavy blow to the head and has been poisoned."

Nicolas felt bad for the original owner, he couldn't imagine what he been through. "Can you use your I don't know powers to heal me?"

"I'm sorry, big brother but that is not possible. I can't alter the state of how the original owner body is found."

"Is there anything you can do?" Asked Nicolas frustrated, he wanted to get rid of his pain quickly.

"Yes there is, big brother, I'm knowledgeable about all the different types of plant life in this forest. I can tell you the different combinations that can dull your pain, and treat your different ailments."

Nicolas looked surprised Ana never offered to do something unless he stated it directly himself, how curious.

"I can go gather them if you wish."

"Yes go ahead, I'll be waiting here for you," Nicolas replied.

After some time Ana came back, snapping her fingers an assortment of items were laid out in front of him.

"Good job Ana, let's get me patched up."

Ana goes about making a fire. This lights up the area allowing  Nicolas to see clearly. Once again Nicolas felt stupid he should have asked her to do that earlier. He decided to blame it on the pain.

He looks around once again realizing that he is indeed deep within the forest. There were no town or anything in sight.

He looked down at to get some clue as to who he was. He was wearing blue and white robes, he assumed it was silk since it had such light and soft fabric with a seemingly shimmering quality. He could tell from his clothing that his new family had some kind of status.

Nicolas decided to put that aside, for now, he needed to get healed. After setting everything up, the next couple hours was of Ana walking Nicolas through the process of fixing his injuries so the pain was at manageable levels.

Once that was finished Nicolas decided that it was finally time to get down to business. He was really curious about this world and how this body got into this situation.

"Alright Ana, I need you to tell me what's going on, where am I?"

"Big brother, you're in ancient China, to be exact it's the year 1245 during the xxx dynasty."

'Ahh... that explains the clothes' He thought. 

"What am I doing out here alone in the woods?"

"That requires a bit more explaining, big brother."

'I have a feeling that this will be a doozy of a backstory.' Nicolas thought while looking around the area some more. Only to find some sort of black hat with two wing-like flaps of thin, oval-shaped boards on each side.

"That is called a Wu sha' cap, big brother. It's a type of headwear that is worn by officials, now please stay by the fire as I  explain this world to you."

Nicolas nodded his head he was ready to hear everything. He could tell that there was something different from the previous world. So getting as comfortable he could near the fire since he didn't want to miss anything Ana have to say, he motioned her to start.

"Big brother, this device has been remiss in its duties as your device. The higher-ups upgraded some of the programmings for this device. The programming will allow me to chime in on important matters without you asking me first."

"That is indeed helpful, but why is the upgrade needed?"

"The upgrade was needed because the first world, as they say, where you are from, was on easy mode. The higher-ups wanted you to gain experience in handling difficult situations, so the first world was your training wheels."

"Wait...wait... are you telling me that this world is going to be harder than the first one?" Nicolas asked in a panicked tone.

"Yes, big brother. Each world you visit from now on will get harder by a certain degree."

Nicolas angrily kicked at a fallen branch near his feet."What the fuck? Why didn't the old man tell me or put it in one of the manuals?"

"As I said before, I have been remiss in my duties. It was my job to inform you, but since you never asked it never came up. Which is why the upgrade was needed. So future mishaps won't happen."

"I really can't believe this, the things I go through for love. Fine, it's alright. Tell me about this world already." Nicolas replies giving a big sigh.

"Since this world is much harder instead of telling you everything directly I will mind link with you and play out the events from the time this body was young until now."

"Alright, I'm ready, let's do this."

Ana proceeded to walk over to Nicolas and sit down in front of him. Ana's hands start glowing and in one swift movement their on each side of his head.

Nicolas felt a tingling feeling in his head for a bit, then suddenly he was submerged deep into the memories. Everything was so lifelike as though he was actually there. With great anticipation he watched them all play out.


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