Chereads / Immortals / Chapter 6 - Immortals Book 3 Final Half

Chapter 6 - Immortals Book 3 Final Half

EK was dying slowly. M jumped out of the building through the window. He broke through the glass and burglar bars

EK: GT! GT! Just go! Go and get M

GT: EK! Do not do anything funny

EK: I will not! GO! Just go!

GT: Alright fine!

GT jumped out of the window and saw Mr. M chasing after M. M spotted him and was irritated by him so he had no option but to shot Mr. M on his head twice. Mr. M dropped dead. M was running away as fast as he could, GT was chasing after him and was running really fast. GT chased him for 2 minutes and they already ran long distances. GT chased M to a deserted place. GT used his chain to trap M's legs. M dropped to the ground. GT jumped really high with his sword aimed to M's head but M just kicked GT's stomach. The bomb in the immortals building exploded. GT then looked back in the direction of the immortals building and put his hands on his head because he was sad that the building exploded with his friends nearby. M got GT's sword and cut off GT's left hand. GT dropped to the ground, screaming in pain but he fought the pain and got up and tried to use his chain from his left hand to choke M. M then caught the chain and pulled it out of GT's hand and the chain got damaged and on top of that the chain was electric. GT fought M with one hand and his legs. They fought for 12 minutes. M and GT were both on the ground. GT got up and beat the hell out of M. GT then got his sword and prepared to stab M's eye.

M: Remember my face kid. I will return and I will kill you

GT: Not if you're dead! You have caused more that enough trouble in our lives

M: And I'm not done ruining your lives. I will not stop until you have suffered. I promise.

GT: Well you're gonna have to break that promise, because you're going to be dead

M: Remember that death is not a man, its a boy!

A portal opened under M which made GT miss and not kill M. GT and M fell in the portal. A minute later, GT was thrown out of the portal. GT got up slowly and put a bandage on his arm. He always moves with all the equipment he needs. He picked up the chain that M damaged and walked back to the immortals building, limping. When GT reached, he saw all the immortals down, injured and some looked dead. Ambulances arrived and were helping the immortals out. Police were also at the building, looking for all the criminals. GT saw EK walking towards him

GT: EK? you're alive? But how? You were shot twice on your chest and you were in the building.

EK: I know. I see you're missing an arm.

GT: Forget that. EK there were bombs in that building. How did you survive

EK: Well it turns out that the bullets that he reloaded were fake. So I got up and ran away before the bomb exploded

GT: But you were still injured. You were limping and now you look more than fine. Those bullets were not fake. The bullets grazed me.

EK: I know

GT: EK? What did you do? Did you...

EK: No, no, no. I did not take it. I dropped it in the building so... yeah.

EK walked away and went to check up on the rest of the team. They were outside being checked up on by doctors. GT stopped trusting EK. EK helped GT make a robotic arm to replace the arm that GT lost. ML the first walked to GT

ML1st: Are you okay?

GT: Yeah I'm okay. In a week or two I'll be back. Did the police find the bodies of DN and Mr. M?

ML1st: No I don't know what they planned but I know that Mr. M would never be on DN's side

GT: Mr. M died. I saw M shoot two bullets at him.

ML1st: But what if....

GT: On his head.. M shot Mr. M's head. Twice!

ML1st: We'll let you know if there are any updates, get some rest kid.

ML the second used the remote to instantly rebuild the immortals building and replace everything in it. They used a type of machine to recover PK which left her in a coma for 2 weeks

ONE MONTH LATER..... 2 January, 2030.....California

Everyone was well recovered and ready to go on with their lives as a team but everything changed when GT and ET decided to go with ST to New York. GT was going to New York to finish his studies properly. ET was also going to do the same because DN the first made everyone think she was dead which disturbed her education. ST was outside the building with a car, waiting for ET and GT so that they can go. ST was so impatient and kept on shouting for them and making noise. DN the second joined the team and was outside.

ET was with PK and PC in the main room of the building. The three really got emotional and were crying

PC: I can't believe you're actually going away

ET: It's just for some time. I think, but I'll be visiting when I can

PK: Please! You should visit. If possible four times every month

ST: Heyyy! GT, ET let's go! We don't have time! ( He said, screaming from outside)

ET: I guess I have to go

PK: yeah, we'll walk you out.

ET: thanks.

PC and PK walked ET to the door. DS, ML the first and ML the second were also outside to say bye to ET. ET put her things in the boot of the car and entered inside.

ST: Wh-wh-where is GT

ET: What?

ST: Where is GT?

ET: I thought he was here

ST: Well he isn't.

ST continued screaming for GT. GT was in the building. He got his suitcase and started heading down the stairs. EK followed him. They were talking and going down the stairs

EK: Hey man. I thought you already left for New York

GT: Nah! Well I'm going now.

EK: Yah! I can see that

GT: Well I just have to say, It has been a rough fight, for all of us but we got through it

EK: Yeah man. You know I cant believe we're having a proper conversation without arguing

GT: ha, ha. Very funny.

They reached the door and said their goodbyes

EK: Well when are you coming back?

GT: That's the thing, I don't think we're ever coming back

EK: What? Well its for the better. I mean you're going to pursue your career. Oh and you never told us how things went down between you and M. When will you tell us?

GT: I won't. You also never told me what really went on with you before the building exploded. But anyway, never mind that. All you should know is that M is gone but not dead.

EK: He hasn't troubled us in a month so I think he isn't coming back

GT: anyway. I got to go! I'll see you around some time.....Ethan!

EK: What the hell? Who is Ethan? My...My name is Emmanuel

GT: Wait! You're kidding me right? I always thought you were Ethan. Well we all make mistakes. Anyway, Goodbye, Emmanuel....

EK: I'll see you around, Gabriel!

GT: Take care of PC and PK

EK: Sure

GT walked outside and started saying bye to everyone.

ST: GT! You better hurry up! I ain't playing man.

ML1st: Well GT, It was nice knowing ya

DS: yeah we were really pleased to meet you.

GT: You know I never wanted to save your asses? But you're cool.

PC: Uh, GT? So this is goodbye

GT: Don't worry I'll visit some time

PK: Don't do foolish things

GT: I won't. So PK, I wanted to tell you that...

ST: ugh, just kiss and let's go

PK: Eew! But anyway You should go. What you want to tell me can wait!

GT: Sure.

GT hugged PC and PK, put his things in the boot, got in the car and left for New York. ML the first discovered that there are multiple universes that existed and ML the first created a huge device that would make them travel to different worlds. ML the second found specific worlds where their doppelgangers have certain powers and are heroes in their world. The earths that he found where there were these people who are their doppelgangers were Earth 1 where a certain team called the league saves the world, Earth 2 which is for villains, Earth 3 of the Reign of the good mechanics and the cloud kingdom, He found out that the universe that they were living in was originally earth 1 but was reborn to Earth 119, Earth 399 of The Uprising, Earth 595 of the cybots and Earth 989 of the Ex-Villains.

2 Months, 26 days later..... 28 March, 2030..

The earth began shaking and started getting erased from existence, The immortals were all surprised and thought they defeated him. Their Earth was getting erased from existence slowly and would take about a month to be fully erased but according to ML the first's calculations for other earths it was taking less than 4 hours to be wiped completely. Buildings were getting damaged and the sky was red

ML1st: We have to get the other teams from the universes

GT: But how will we possibly do that? That machine of yours hasn't been tested by anyone. Its not safe!

EK: Well what the hell is happening?

ET: Its like there is something or someone moving to every earth with a huge machine that is wiping out everyone and everything from existence

ST: Debo! He is the one doing this

ML1st: He isn't using a machine. He is not called the master of all universes for nothing. That's his super power!

PK: So what do we do? What should we do?

EK: We have to call the others. The doppelgangers from other earths who have special abilities, super powers. They can help us out in defeating him. The ones that ML the second discovered.

ST: I thought we killed Debo

PC: Apparently not.

DS: I'm not getting any of this. What's really going on?

ML1st: There is a multiverse with lots of earths or universes, call it what you like. We will all take a portal going to different earths. ML the second knows all the specific earths that we should travel to so that we are on time

ML2nd: We can't all go in at once. The shaking of the earth is making the traveling machine unstable. One of us has to go in and just for the record not it.

ML1st: Not it

DS: Not it

EK: Not it

PK: Not it

PC: Not it

ET: Not it

DN2nd: Not it

ST: Not it

GT: Wait, wait, hold up. Not it for what? Why are you all saying not it?

PK: As in we are not going through the portal. It's only you left and you didn't say not it. So you have to go! After all, you were trained by a deadly warrior and you're a cold and heartless murderer.

GT: Do you hate me because of what happened between the three of us or..

PK: I don't want to talk about it

ML2nd: The only earth that seems safe to travel to is earth 3, I'll start up the machine and set the location to earth 3.

GT: And how will I know where to find them? What are they called?

EK: When the portal opens up in earth 3, you will find them as soon as you go through. The portal is set to wherever these people are

ML2nd: The are called the reign of good mechanics but you can call them the R.G.Mechanics.

GT: and are you sure these other so called earths exist? You said its not stable for a huge number to go through the portal

PK: You keep on asking questions so that you find a way to remain. Just go!

ML2nd: When going in, one person has to go in but when you're coming back, you'll be safe!

GT: Fine! Fine! I'm just scared

PK: You don't have to be scared of. Just go!

GT: Alright! That makes me feel a lot better especially that its coming from you

PK: GT I'm not in the mood. Just go!

ML the second started up the machine and a portal opened up in the building. The portal was set to earth 3. GT closed his eyes and jumped in the portal..

Earth 3....New York City....Reign of Good Mechanics

The R.G.Mechanics got back from the weddings, they were entering the building but suddenly a portal opened behind them and GT, a 16 year old boy came out and said,

GT: R.G.Mechanics, you need to come with me.

Shadow: who are you and why do you look exactly like me?

GT: look there is something called a doppelganger but you need to help me destroy the most powerful villain

Tifity: alright we're in

GT: Sweet. Come with me through this portal

Tifity only agreed so that she could avoid Shadow from arguing. GT and the R.G.Mechanics jumped in through the portal and...


Next book: Immortals book 4 The End Days

Release date of book 4: 24 October, 2021

Followed by: Debo

Release date of book: 28 December, 2021







STARTED ON: 26th NOVEMBER, 2019 AT 11:10:08 AM (CAT)

FINISHED ON: 26th JULY, 2020 AT 2:20:01 PM (CAT)