Chereads / Immortals / Chapter 9 - Immortals Book 4 Third Half

Chapter 9 - Immortals Book 4 Third Half

ST and ET got back home and found GT walking around the house in thought. ST and ET thought he was moving around in thought because of a girl.

ST: GT what the hell is going on?

ET: Yah what's going on? This is about a girl right?

ST: oh yeah, a girl! What's her name? How did you meet her?

ET: ST come on! It's obviously PK. Right GT?

GT: what!? Yes! But no!

ET: (screams in joy) I knew it. You should call PK and tell her

GT: Guys that's not it. I just have a situation. We all have a situation

ST: come on cousin, whatever your problem is, it can wait. We know you love PK why don't you tell her

ET: yeah come on. Call her and meet her somewhere. It's best said in person.

GT: you know what you're right! Let me call her and let her know.

KM was on his way home without the snacks. He didn't buy them because M called him and said he left. KM then had to go to the KM Corp to do some work so he was on his way home, late at night.

GT called PK over the phone.

GT: uh, hey, PK h-how are you

PK: Hey GT. What do you want?

GT: I was uhm, I was just thinking, ca-can we meet?

PK: you're the same person who said you don't care about us and you want us to meet?

GT: I was just.... uh stressed

PK: Fine, let's meet.

ET and ST were happy that GT was meeting with PK. On the other side, PK told the rest of the team that she was meeting GT on the roof of a building. The team was happy for her, thinking something good would happen. As PK left, PC followed her behind because PC had feelings for GT and wanted to know what would happen and how things would go down.

When they met on the roof a building, things didn't go as planned and as they were standing face to face, PC was at a distance, behind GT but was still able to hear everything.

GT: PK! I'm glad you made it.

PK: Get to the point GT

GT: Well I was thinking, wo-would you like to go out on a date with me?

PK: what? ew, No!

GT: No? B-but why

PK: are you being serious? I can't date you! You're disgusting! I-I can't date a cold and heartless murderer.

GT: How did you kn....

PK: what, you're surprised!? ST and ET told me everything that you've been doing and have you thought about PC?

GT: why should I think about her?

PK: I can't date you because PC loves you

GT: and I love you! I don't love PC. I'll never love her!

PK: and I'll never love you. I have a boyfriend so leave me alone. Even if you weren't a murderer and even if I never had a boyfriend I still wouldn't date you. I'd rather date my own brother!

PK then left, angrily and disgusted. GT didn't know that PC was behind him and she then came out of where she hid and stood right behind GT, in tears. When GT turned around, he got the shock of his life and didn't want things to go that way.

GT: P-PC! How long have you been there?

PC: I heard everything GT! I never knew you'd stoop this low

GT: well what did you want me to say? That I love you? Well I don't!

PC then slapped GT real hard and left in tears. GT also left to go back to the apartment. When PK reached at the immortals buildings, she found that everyone had packed their bags ready to go.

PK: where are you going?

ML2nd: we're all going to New York City. We are going to visit ST, ET and GT and you should pack up to

ML1st: By the way, have you seen PC!

PK: I left her here.

PC then showed up in tears and told the team everything. DN the second comforted PC while PK went inside and packed her things and also packed PC's things. GT arrived at the apartment and found ST, ET and KM there.

ST: so, how did it go!

GT: fuck y'all!

ET: jeez, why so angry? Things did not go as planned?

GT: no ET! Things did not go as planned. I should've never listened to you.

ST: well you're not going to explain?

GT: no I'm not. PK rejected me and I told her that I don't love PC because apparently PC loves me and when I said that, PC was behind me

KM: your life sounds pathetic. I have a girlfriend named PK

ST: don't make us laugh.

KM: I'm not kidding

ET: that's not funny KM.

They didn't know that KM was actually telling the truth until 4 weeks later when the immortals arrived at the apartment. They took time to arrive because they had to first find people to take care of the building. The immortals arrived a day after finding someone to take care of the building.

In those four weeks, GT continued he's missions and finished his studies. His studies were only for a month.

The immortals arrived at the apartment. PK, PC and DN the second went upstairs to the room where GT, ST and ET were. ML the first, ML the second, EK and DS were getting all the luggage. ET heard a knock at the door, walked to the door and opened it. When ET saw PK, PC, and DN the second, she screamed and the three girls also screamed. They were all shouting with Joy. GT, ST and KM walked to the living room and saw the three. When PK saw KM she was excited and the look on GT's face was priceless when he saw that KM wasn't lying.

PK: KM? KM, sweetheart is that you?

KM: PK! Babe!

PK rushed to KM and gave him a kiss and hug.

ST: what? sweetheart?

GT: Babe?

KM: yeah! This is the girl I was talking about. She's my girlfriend.

GT: so PK, you stooped this low and left me for a guy younger than you?

ST: not now GT.

GT: oh no no ST, don't worry I'm just saying the truth and on top of that KM is the...


GT: what! ST! What! You won't support me on this because you've never loved someone. So shut up! Before I murder you!

ST: this is the reason why your parents died! Because of you. You think that just because you are a deadly warrior, then you can finish me off! Then go ahead, kill me. You just fight like a deadly warrior but between me and you, I am the true deadly warrior

ET & PC: guys enough

GT: Shut up! You involved my parents in this and you think that you're stronger because you took the pill.

ST: exactly!

GT: well then, fuck you!

ST punched GT really hard and GT fought back. GT knew how to fight more than ST did because he was trained by the woman who trained DN the first and DN the first trained ST and the others. DN the first didn't teach them all he knew. GT fought with anger. ET, KM and DN the second rushed to call the rest of the team to come and stop them. PC and PK were just screaming while trying to stop them. GT used his metal arm to pierce through ST's chest and removed ST's heart. ST dropped to the ground, dead! The rest of the te arrived, but they were too late. They saw GT holding ST's heart in his hand.

ML2nd: GT, what have you done!?

GT: I killed him!

KM: I-I'm calling the police

ML1st: I wouldn't do that if I were you! So don't even try!

GT dropped the heart and went to the roof of the apartment through the window.