chapter 1.5 missing part yuminas in counter
But let us hide this among to ourselves. Is it clear?"
"Y-yes.. As you wish my lord."
I smiled and then looked around. Hmm.. Where will I go?
I suddenly remembered I had the eco-sensation skill!
Quickly I deepened my mind and I saw the whole palace in a static image and there! I saw Yumina, my wife. She is in at that room.
"Guards! Can you follow behind me?" I commanded and pointed to the 2 guards near me.
They both nodded and we started walking towards the room where Yumina is.
"Here we are my lord." One of the guard said and I saw the door and knocked.
*Tok* *tok*
"Yumi?" I stated and opened the door.
My eyes widened as I saw her still changing her dress but then a kick had stopped me to stare more.
"OW!!!" I yelled in pain.
"You pervert!!!" She screamed and sent me kicks all over my body! "Who are you?!" She continued.
"Waaait! Hold on! Relax!" I quickly stood up. "You don't remember me? It's me... Taso Kun!"
Her eyes widened. "T-Tasu Kun?"
"Yes it's mee!" I nodded.
She immediately went back to her senses and hitted me again. "Pervert! Can't you se I'm changing?!" Her hands quickly was surrounded with red light.
'Oh no.'
'Ah.. My hand!' I covered myself with my hands and now they're sore.
"Yumina I am really sorry! Please forgive me! I didn't mean to do it!" I squinched in pain.
Yumina sets her back at me and said, "I cannot and will not forgive you, pervert." And now she had her dress.
She scoffed. "Hmp! Alright! I will forgive you..."
A smile formed in my lips.
"...only if you lick my shoes."
"Whaaaaat? Noooo! I'm the god of creation! You are my wifeee! No I will not do that!" I declined and covered my mouth.
She flipped her hair and said, "You're hopeless Tasokun!" And burst out a laugh.
"I just wanna talk about us please! I love you, Yumina!"
She looked at me, surprised. "What? What are you saying?"
I walked near her and held her hand. "Yumi..." And looked straightly into her beautiful eyes. "Will you be my wife again?"
She gasped. And answered what I was expecting.
"Yes! Yes yes yes I wiill!" And she hugged me happily. I hugged back tightly. "I love youuu!"
"OW!! What was that again?!" I yelled. Why did she slapped me?!
Yumi touched my nose. "Still a pervert!"
"What? Agaaain? Oh c'mooon!"
I was gonna hug her again and carress her face when I suddenly felt a dark aura.
'It is black and pure destruction.'
"Wait Yumina, step back, someone is coming." I gently pushed her behind my back for protection of what's coming.
I feel the black aura again and this time, it became familiar.
"Brother." I stuttered.
"Your brother? Who's your brother?" Yumina with questioned eyes.
"Heroshi Yang. The god of destruction."
"You mean Yang?" She asked again.
"Yes. He's almost here... About 1 week." I faced Yumina.
"Huh? How do you know?" She asked again.
"Of course I know, Yumina. I'm the one who made the time so I know the future." I cleared her, again.
She rolled her eyes and mocked. "Yeah yeah, You're Yin the god of creation. You made time and without time you wouldn't save us all."
I patted her hair and laughed. "Stop joking, I am not great." Sadness ruled my emotions after I remembered what happened. "Because of me, you all died 500000 years ago." I continued.
Yumina quickly carressed my face. "No. You did the right thing. We saved the world and we didn't die for nothing." And then she smiled at me, bringing me joy.
I held her hand and said, "Thank you."
'I will wait for you Herosan.
"Tasosan... I am coming. Wait for me."