Chapter 3 "the incounter of the god of war"
"Taso speaking" Hero can we speak outside.
"Hero speaking" Ye sure?. (Meanwhile) what is it taso.
"Taso speaking" Can i have i request for you can you protect hanandi and yumi
Iam gonna leave a bit i got unfinish busness to clear. can you do it please brother.
"Hero speaking" (Hero is thinking) ok! I well protect them while you leave but
Promise me something.
"Taso speaking" What is it.
"Hero speaking" Kill all of them kill all the traitors.
"Taso speaking" Not now be patient hero do not forgot right now we have limitid power
So we dont need to rush. right iam going to find our creation soul and destruction soul
So we can get our powers back dont worry i know your angry iam angry to. just wait
Well get revenge soon' (taso smileling with killing intent) hero i well go tommorow
I well leave a message' so dont worry.
"Hero speaking" Ok taso i trust you we well always be together because we are.
"Both of them speaking."Yin and Yang The god of creation and The god of destruction
(Both of them smiling and luaghing)... next day!.
"Hero speaking" i guess taso well become the strongest i say stronger than me . farewell taso!.
(Taso smiling) "taso speaking" Bye brother and say them goodbye to.
"Taso speaking" were to go iam going but were do i start. to hmm! Lets go north west to the castle of astania i guess.(meanwhile taso is heading to astania to get hes soul back he saw a girl gitting harrased by bandits and he quickly help her)
"Taso speaking" Hey bastards get these (summoning magic) (estonakilrofatosshotenisokryoso)Magic of the sun summon beast magic sun on ra
"Sunonra speaking" Wrrrragh! Ho dare to summon me here.
"Taso speaking" Me the god of creation.
Sunonra speaking. What! (Sunonra is shock) what!.. iam sorry i thought i got summon
By a weakling iam sorry it is you my lord my creator i well have you punish me
Taso speaking. Ok your punishment well be to save that girl' Save her fast or you well
Have more of punishment i well give you more than death.
(Sunonra is trimbling with fear)
Sunonra speaking. As you wish my lord hey bandits you 4 you dare to harm that girl
Bandits speaking. You just a little cat you thinks you can hurt us (the bandits are laughting) hahahahaha!.
"Sunonra speaking" are you underistemating a god iam a god iam
The god of the sun.
(Sunonra is super mad please viewres please suppourt so he well be come and regain hes self)
"Sunonra speaking" shini bandits (magic of the sun) (vosticolaryoufordiablososundivaportorisatomagicoroso) sun burst!.
"Bandits speaking" help us ahh! it hurts! Ah help pleass! Ahh! Ahhgh.
(The bandits die due to super heat ther turned into dust)
"Taso speaking" lowly ants.. thats what you get for challengeng me. Little girl are you ok
"Woman speking" yes iam ok thank you for saving me how can i repay you.
"Taso speaking" Hmm? How about you can show me the inn. How about that.
"Woman speaking" what? are you sure thats only it Ahhhh. Ok i guess (with a beautiful smile) (then taso blushes)
"Taso speaking" no i have i wife.
"Woman speaking" what are talking about.
(Taso's memories flashback [what are talking about] he heard these line before with a similar voice then he suspect the woman
"Taso speaking" ho are you? (Taso face apset and hes right eye turned red)
I said ho are you? Speak! (With a shouting voice) are you perhaps. god of war.. cindralia...
"Woamn speaking" what are talking about ho is that?(with trimbling voice)hahaha!.. what are talking about.
"Taso speaking" don't play dumm. How do you think you are to fool me. God of war cindralia. Die you traitor. God of creation (creation magic smish smash smosh)
(Creat sword. God sword enhance level 1quadrillion)
"Taso speaking" take these cinda (god slash call upon. Judgement) boom!...
(Taso slashes he sword and cinda dodges it but taso almost the whole destroyed the town but 3
Mountain explode)
"Cinda speaking" wow! I thought i was going to die that was close.
Taso speaking" how did you dodge that. That was divine power no human can dodge it
So you are realy cinda. Hahaha!....
"Cinda speaking" what are you doing yes iam cinda. But ho are you?
"Taso speaking" cant you tell base from the weak explosion you can tell ho amm i.
"Cinda speaking what!.. (while trimbling) are you purhaps. the the the.. god of creation.
"Taso speaking" so you can tell haha.... now (with a angry voice) why.. did you betray me.
"Cinda speaking" i thought you were dead so we thought no one can get the throne of creation but you still alive. Lord taso i din't betray you but i sufferd a lot
because i bealive you were a live i never bealive you were dead then the other gods bealive you were dead then they started killing each other because they want your throne
But i escaped from the war i hide in these village for 400,000 years but you were i live and rivied i thought you were dead (cinda is crying).
"Taso speaking" iam sorry for atackking you cinda i thought you betrayed me to.
Iam very sorry i well bow for you if you want.
"Cinda speaking" no my lord its ok i forgive you but. can please stop these war i beg
You please.
"Taso speaking" yes as you bealive i well stop these fuckin!.. war so bealive me (taso smileling) i have to tell you spme thing. cinda i order you to come and adventure me to get our powers back.
Cinda speaking" what do you mean by our my lord?
"Taso speaking"heroshi yang is a live to the god of destruction my brother. And don't be to
Formal right now iam just a adventurer you can call me taso.
"Cinda speaking" why my lord i want to call you my lord because you are my creator my king the one that i want to die for. and my nly purpose for living is you my lord.
"Taso speaking" just call me taso i think it well be wierd for others if you call my lord in public.
So call me taso ok.
"Cinda speaking" ash you wish.
"Taso speaking" i said don't be formal but i guess thank you for stil bealiving me thank you very much cindalia god of war (with a smile)
(Cinda blushish)
"Taso speaking" cinda lets go to astania.
"Cinda speaking" ok taso lets go...
See you in chapter 4
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