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Reincarnate 2

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The epic mythological stories of Gods happen again, in the bodies of teenegers.

Chapter 1 - Volume 1 Chapter 1 Accepting

Progression requires acceptance

"So now the time has come..." a man left a rusty shack located at the mountains and flies towards a golden city. The man wore a white and lightning blue Kimono, with a bamboo hat as well. Lightning appeared around him as he flew. The city that the man flew at was expansive, indistinguishable to a universe, with many trains passing by as the main mode of transportation. Soon enough, the man then got to a cannon, that was located on the edge of the city, and met up with another man wearing a golden suit, and he also had an eye patch that covered a bit of his scar.

"Guardian, I need the bridge active." says the man.

"Your destination." the Guardian asked with a deep voice.

"Midgard as you call it in your place. To be more exact, the planet Earth." Tom answered.

"Understood." the Guardian replied as he got the cannon ready and it aimed towards a circular place, which was known as Midgard. It showcased countless galaxies with infinite expansion. The cannon fired off a beam of light towards Midgard, it was faster than any normal light, it crossed almost the whole universe in the time it takes for a human heart to beat. The man walked into the beam and was flown right to Midgard.

Meanwhile on Earth:

A street way was seen, but it was shrouded in darkness as it was nighttime. You couldn't tell which way you were supposed to go and it was perfect for robberies or quick fights to happen. As of this case, a girl was pushed to the ground with tears on her eyes. The girl was pretty tall and has a petite figure and the trait that sticks out to most people is her long hair that she never cut.

"What a pathetic bitch! She is crying up a storm!" a man was there, with blood curling up on his hands, it became obvious that he assaulted her.

"How about we test her will?" a second man took out a knife, having a leeching grin on his face before he got then kicked in the face. It was with such force that he was thrown to a nearby wall. As everyone was shocked, they looked up to see a boy. This boy was tall, taller than Sofia, and had some decent muscle definition, only on the level of an athlete, his long blonde hair and some blue shadings on it that reached up to his neck, it was the feature that stuck out most to everyone when they first see him. The girl felt happy to see him, she felt a comfortable warmth around her, like all the happiness in the universe just came back to her.

"Markos!" the girl exclaimed with a tone of relief, feeling safe and secure now that this boy arrived.

"So you're that kid, huh?!" the first man shot an annoyed glare at the teenage boy "I heard a lot about you, hanging out with the Yakuza, hacking on a regular basis...!"

"Sup." the boy known as Markos put hands on his pokcets, giving a bemused grin to the thug. "So tell me, what exactly am I seeing here? If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were picking on a teenage girl with a help of a friend?" he pointed out to the girl. "Oh, if I didn't know any better, I actually know her." he gave a smile as he closed his eyes. "I don't know what's worse, the fact you actually need help to beat up a girl or the fact that it's someone I know personally. So start talking..." Markos let the smile wear off and gave off a glare. "Or else I'll use force."

"Arrogant little punk!" the man clenched his teeth in fury. ''Who do you think you are to order me around?! I'll teach you a thing or two to mess up with grownups!"

"Right back at ya." due to the short distance between them, Markos took out the man by surprise as he jumped right at him and made a swift punch to the face, landing his position in a way that made the thug get knocked down on the ground. "And stay down! Or else this is gonna be more painful for you than it will be for me!" The thug widened his eyes in shock as he held his nose in pain. His back already ached due to his landing, and his friend was unconscious so he couldn't really get bim by surprise either. Drawing a knife would take too long due to the speed the kid already demonstrated. He had no choice, he would have to retreat for now. So with that said, the thug picked up the pace and started to run. Markos sighed in relief that it was over before checking to see if the girl was alright. "Are you alright, Sofia?" he asked in concern.

"Yeah..." Sofia replied with a smile, but to Markos it was all show.

"You obviously aren't. I mean, look at you, you're all beat up. Here, let me help you." Markos managed to get Sofia on his shoulder and walked with her to his home. They arrived at the highway of Markos' house, it was nothing special, it had two floors, a garden, nothing that stuck out too much. "Is it a problem if I treat your wounds?"

"No, not really, I don't mind it." Sofia replied. As they entered, they were greeted by a song playing in the background, obviously some practice and its inspired by classical music. Beethoven and Mozart were the first to come to mind when hearing it. It stopped as Markos heard foot steps coming out of the room that the song played at. "Hey, mom." Markos greeted his mother.

"Markos, you arrived! And Sofia is here too! Wait, what happened to her?!" Markos' mom was worried as she the injuries that held on the girl.

"Just a couple of idiots ganging up on her, although thankfully her injuries aren't anything serious." Markos replies.

"Okay, I'll grab the First Aid." Markos' mom said before she went to grab the medical tool. "Put her on the couch." Markos nodded in response and quickly placed Sofia on the couch immediately. Once Markos' mom arrived, they took care of all of Sofia's scars.

"You make a great doctor, you both do." Sofia complimented them.

"Not sure what that compliment is for. All of these are just basic." Markos remarked.

"Thank you for that." Markos' mom replied with a smile. After some time, all of Sofia's wounds got covered and placed bandages on them, though Sofia did her best not to look directly at Markos.

"Welp, I gotta head back to the orphanage!" Sofia waved her hand as she made a smile. "See you two, be safe!"

"The hell are you talking about? You're the one who should stay safe. Are you sure you don't want me to walk you to the orphanage?" Markos asked, which caused Sofia to heat up and looked as red as a tomato.

"No! Y-You don't have to!" Sofia replied quickly.

"Alright I suppose." Markos shrugged his shoulders. "But do make sure to pick up the pace." Sofia left the house and got to cover her face with her hands.

"I am so stupid! I should have said yes, it would have been amazing to walk with him!" Sofia was talking to herself out-loud, blushing the whole time as she thought to herself how nice it would be to have Markos around her, having that security and affection the whole time. With Markos, he made sure Sofia was safe and when she is out of sight, he goes back inside.

"Markos, I have to say this...Tomorrow I have to go to compose another movie." the mother informed her son. When Markos heard that, he felt sad again, it felt like a day has just passed by and now his mom has to go work again. But nevertheless he nodded his head in understanding. "I'm sorry, this kind of job requires me to travel a lot. But hey, tell you what, my next contract is to compose the soundtrack for Studio Ghibli, so if you want, we can meet up at the studio."

"Thanks mom, that works." Markos replies and both give a hug.

"Just to let you know by the way, your sister is sleeping and she has exams whilst I am gone."

"Of course she has it. I'll do my best to help her. I'll now just go upstairs and sleep, get ready for school tomorrow." Markos then goes upstairs to his room. When Markos got in, he changed outfits to his pajamas, a basic shirt that showed his muscles and some pants. His room is well organized, with a desk dedicated to drawings and studying, and he has a poster of AC DC hanging on his wall. Markos finished organizing his things, putting notebooks, school work and a leather book in his bag, and got on his bed to sleep. After some time passed, approximately until 10 o clock in the night, Markos heard some noises occur downstairs, at the courtyard most likely. Markos got up to check what it is, grabbed a baseball bat, thinking it was more than likely just some random guy trying to break in the house. When Markos got downstairs he saw the front door destroyed but nothing got taken. The cracks on the door looks like someone physically forced the door open and it looked like nothing of the door was there, not even molecules remained, some of the wall is also cracked, which gives him a full view of his backyard including a tree, he should be able to at least barricade it. When Markos turned around he got pushed back with a force and he thrown towards the tree that is in his backyard. Markos immediately recovered and he was able to instantly notice a growl, a blood thirsty nightmare fuel growl, and some red eyes coming out of the pitch darkness of the house.

"Just what the hell are you?!" Markos yells at it. A pig then charges towards Markos, it looked like something that came out of his worst nightmares and it looks demonic in nature, it actually looks worst than some stories would make it out to be. Markos retaliated by swinging his bat at the pig's face and some lightning was produced at the bat and hits the pig's head, knocking it sideways and crashing towards the fences. The pig was gushing out blood instantly and some lightning appeared in it. Markos got shocked but had no idea where the lightning came from "It has the ability to regenerate with lightning? Whatever it is I have to be careful." Markos got on guard and the pig got back flies towards Markos again. This time, the Pig goes airborne and goes to bite Markos, which Markos blocks with his bat. With the pig unable to defend itself as it seemed, Markos punches the hellish creature with incredible force. The pig felt excruciating pain in the skull, like one of its bones got broken and the damage is deep enough to penetrate the surface of the brain. The pig then just bit the bat completely and went to attack Markos head first. Markos tries to hold it back with its mouth open but notices a red liquid coming out of the pig's mouth. It required Markos to kick the pig's stomach and push it back with some of the liquid dripping out of its mouth. When it touched the ground, seemed like nothing happened, but its still better to take note of it "Alright, time to take you down. I don't need a baseball bat to beat you, whatever the hell you are." says Markos and both him and the pig charge towards each other then both got distracted by a beam of light that's coming between them. All the sudden, a man comes out of it, produces a lightning staff and stabs the pig completely, causing blood to drip out of it. The man then kicked the pig's head off and shoot a ball of lightning towards it, which completely reduced the pig's head to ashes "Wait what the hell are you?!" Markos says to the man, which got his attention.

"Relax, I am a friend." says the man puts his away the staff "hm... seems like the place hasn't changed one bit."

"What are you?! And what the hell was that thing?!"

"That was a Demon." says the man putting his staff away "My name is Tom. Nice to meet you Markos."

"I never said my name... how do you it?"

"Oh its complicated. Do you know where your dad is? Did you notice anything weird as well?"

"I mean, I am considered very strong, and my dad is always absent for work, so..." Markos then noticed the man showing a hammer "What is that?"

"Reach out for it."Markos is wondering what Tom means by that and once he does extend his hand to the hammer, it flies towards him, once he is about to grab it, lightning surrounded completely, changing form, it turned into a katana. Tom looked at it, curiously, some unknown phenomena to him just happened before his very eyes.

"Wow, its my own sword! Nice!" says Markos.

"Now Markos, I wanna show you something." says Tom "Grab my hand." Tom extends his hand to Markos.

"For what?"

"You'll see. Just be careful for you what you see and experience." Markos does what Tom told him to that and all the sudden the same beam of light was coming down. The light swallows both Markos and Tom, and both are flying in it. Markos sees the details of the light, he can see every planet, star and galaxy in it.

"Wait, won't I die?!" Markos asks in concern.

"Don't worry, this one is for you people only, you won't experience the effects of space." says Tom. Markos noticed that he can still breathe normally and his body isn't getting colder as well, which makes sigh in relief "Alright, we arrived to the different plain of existence." they both arrived and Markos sees an all golden city, though before he can appreciate the sight that he is seeing, he starts coughing.

"Wow, that was trippy." says Markos as he knells down and breathes heavily "I do feel like I am about to vomit."

"I mean most first timers do experience that." says Tom "Come on follow me." Tom grabs a cube and instantly teleports them to a castle, with a golden gate and several guards passing by, most likely to guard the place "I have arrived!" the golden gates open and it reveals a man with two guards next to him, they are in one long hallway, with multiple doors as well in it. Markos and Tom walk inside towards the man on the throne. He looks like he is in his 50s, and has a golden eyepatch, with no battle scars, and a Raven on his shoulder, it had red eyes.

"Dad? Is that you?" Markos asks, the soldiers guarding instantly walked towards Markos.

"How dare you talk like that to our king?!" the soldier on the right said as both took out their weapons.

"At ease men. Stand down." says Markos' dad and both soldiers put their swords back and stand where they were standing "Markos, we have to tell you something. Dark forces are coming, and we need you."

"Wait what? Dark forces? Like evil people?"

"Yes exactly, that pig you just saw, its a Demon. Thankfully as of right now, its still weak, but we are afraid of the others being released. So right now we need you."

"Wait how am I involved in all of this."

"You are a Reincarnation. A lot of these soldiers and people reincarnations of Gods and citizens in the past. You are one of them Markos. You are the Reincarnation of Thor, the God of Thunder." Markos' eyes widen with all of that.

"So wait, you're telling me I am a God? And I have to fight?..." Markos asks and both Tom and his dad nod. Markos then turns his back and leaves "No, I am not doing this."

"Wait son! Come back! This is your responsibility!"

"No its not! This has nothing to do with me! This is for you! Go around and playing God around with someone else! I am not doing this!"

"You will obey me son!"

"Yeah, like how you were there for your family? You are married to this, go do it yourself." Markos then walks out of the building, nobody is gonna stop him "I am going home. I got school tomorrow, don't bother me with this stuff again." Markos says very angry and clearly not caring for all of it.

The end