Markos was organizing his bag pack, as he was about to head to school right now.
"Hey, big brother! I'm ready!" Markos looked towards his doorway and saw his little sister standing there, with her bag pack ready and making a large grin.
"Nice, now go downstairs and I'll meet you there, and don't forget to say bye to mom." Markos made sure to remind his sister of her manners.
"Ok!" the sister exclaimed with full of energy and passion before heading downstairs. Markos couldn't help but smile at the youthful energy his little sister had. It was quite frankly amusing to him. He put his bagpack on and put on a necklace around his neck, which had a skull shaped mask on it. Markos went downstairs and saw his mother organizing the kitchen. It was almost time for her to leave to compose a soundtrack.
"Alright mom, me and Himari are going to school right now." he announced to her.
"Great, and please come back safely." Markos' mom told them.
"We will, don't worry." Markos reassured her as he put on his shoes and went outside, with Himari walking next to him. "Alright, Himari, lets go to your school first."
"Alright!" Himari replied as they both went to her school. Markos noticed that the door that was broken has been fixed, it was more than likely Tom as Markos assumed. Markos got to drop his sister close by, just so he could have enough time on his own to get his school. He managed to arrive to his school anyway, and while he was walking around the halls, he couldn't help but think back about what happened yesterday with his dad and Tom.
'Honestly, I see him again after all this time, and he's making me do stuff that isn't even my business? Sorry old man, but that won't do. That just ain't my thing, and having me work for you wouldn't work out for either of us anyways, so you're just wasting both of our time.' Markos thought to himself as he went to his classroom and sat down on his desk by himself . And of course most people were either just avoiding or ignoring him. Not that he cared either way.
"Markos!" someone called out to to him. He looked at the direction of where it came from and spotted Sofia arriving at the classroom.
"Hey, Sofia. Are you feeling better?" Markos asked.
"Yeah, somewhat..." Sofia twitched her face, still feeling the pain.
"Don't worry, I will always be there for you." Markos said in an attempt to reassure her, which made Sofia happy.
"Thanks, Markos..." Sofia replied.
"Do I hear flirting? That sounds a lot like flirting if ya ask me." Sofia blushed almost immediately and jumped because the person who spoke this came out of nowhere. Markos also blushed at the comment, though he himself couldn't help but get annoyed by it as well. The person who said this was a girl around their age, she was about as tall as Markos, with long blue hair that complemented her unusual orange eyes, and the way she was dressed showed a little bit of skin, mainly at the thigh. She was also skinny, but had rather large breasts for her age. Most of the girls in the school were jealous at how good she looks, though she gets really gets tired of people only noticing this basic trait of her.
"Akira! Please stop! We were just talking!" Sofia told Akira, but the girl merely shook her head in amusement. "And will you please stop doing that?!"
"Will you two please stop! You can cause a scene like this." another girl appeared, she is so recognizable that practically everyone knew her last name. She wore a very expensive ring signaling already that she was already rich, unlike most of the other students, she wore the most formal clothes.
"Hello to you as well, Chris." Markos greeted Chris while rolling his eyes.
"Speaking of which, where are Jin and Endo?" Sofia asked.
"Jin is in here sleeping." a large man appeared behind Markos and pointed at a direction of another student sleeping, who appeared to be Jin.
"Jesus, Endo, another scare?! How are you this quiet?" Markos nearly jumped from where he stood at. Endo was the tallest out of everyone in the group, and the most muscular, he had long black hair and has black skin.
"Sorry, I suppose." Endo said.
"Nah, its alright." Markos dismissed this with a wave. "But seriously, stop doing that."
"Jin wake up, school is about to start." Chris got to Jin and shook his shoulder, which caused Jin to wake up. Jin was thin and athletic, he had short black hair, and his most significant trait were the multiple scars he had on his face that never got healed.
"Alright, alright... I just didn't get much sleep last night." Jin mumbled in annoyance.
"Hey, someone had to wake you up." Akira replied. After sometime, its recess and the group was hanging out at the rooftop of the school. Markos was staring out in the distance, his thoughts wondering off to somewhere else. This was something that his friends noticed.
"Markos, are you alright?" Sofia asked in concern.
"I'm alright, nothing happened." Markos replied nonchalantly, although it was clear that none of them were buying what he said.
"Dude, you don't have to lie, obviously something is bothering you." Jin spoke out. Markos sighed in response to this. Figures he wouldn't be able to hide it that easily.
"My dad came by just recently. Says he wants me to do family business... Though of course I didn't really take up on his offer and rejected it instead, mainly because he wanted me to do something I wasn't interested in, especially since he was never there for us..." Markos made up the story, although it wasn't completely inaccurate. What he said had been more or less of what went down, but obviously he wouldn't tell them any of the details about being some God. After all, he didn't wanna be perceived as a crazy person.
"I very much understand that." Chris replied.
"So yeah, I'm a bit annoyed right now." Markos remarked. "Although, for some reason, I feel as though I shouldn't have rejected it..."
"I mean it is your decision..." Endo said, and Akira just giving a look of hesitation and doubt.
"Don't really know what's going on between you and your old man, but if you don't really feel like doing what he wants, then don't do it. It's that simple." Jin said. Markos sighed.
"Well, I guess you're right..." After some time, school ended and everyone was ready to go home. Chris went with a private car for herself, Akira went with a motorcycle, and Endo and Jin went to go on foot to come back to their respective houses.
"Would you like me to walk you home, Sofia?" Markos asked. Sofia's face burned brightly from this.
"You don't have to! I can do it on my own!" she exclaimed.
"I mean, if you say so. Just be safe." Markos replied as both he and Sofia went on their separate paths. Markos feels alone again without his friends, it felt like only a minute has passed. Markos arrived home later on, and got inside entered his room. He didn't have lots to study, as thankfully the list was short and he could spend the rest of his day doing whatever he wanted afterwards. After some time, he heard a demonic noise coming from outside, which got Markos startled. The noise was louder and more unnatural than last time, and thankfully most people couldn't see what was hovering in the air. If they had then they would have crawled away in fear. Markos looked outside at the source, and it was a Dragon this time. The situation was something like from yesterday.
'What the hell...? Where did this come from?!' Markos thought to himself in shock as he widened his eyes. He immediately got worried. Would he have to fight that thing? Here? Near his house? Wait, he saw that it was leaving. 'Great, it might be going somewhere... but where is it specifically...?' Markos was relieved for a moment. On instinct, he secretly followed the Dragon to a highway, and he noticed that it was heading towards an airport. Markos took a closer look and it was a airplane that went to United States of America, the same one his mom was going to, she was about to get attacked by the Dragon. "NO!" Markos yelled, gaining the Dragon's attention and he charged towards the Dragon with his fists.The Dragon shot hellish fire from its mouth, which Markos had to block with his hands. It was a painful experience, but Markos was able to deflect the fire out of his way and punched the Dragon in the face, forcing it away from the airport "You're not going anywhere near her, you got that?!" Markos yelled at the Dragon whilst throwing one punch after the other punches. He then kicked it to a forest, and he landed to the ground before charging towards the Dragon. However, the Dragon retaliated by using its tail as a whip, which knocked Markos back through several trees. Markos regained his footing, and was able to react to the Dragon by appearing out of nowhere with its jaws, which made Markos jump overhead the Dragon to avoid the bite. Markos then got attacked at his side got knocked to the ground. Markos wondered where that attack came from and he sad that there was a second Dragon. 'Shit! I can't handle both on my own...! But I have to do something about it...' Markos thought to himself as both Dragons charged towards him. Markos grabs a log of a tree and swings it at the Dragon's face and knocks it to the side. The second one goes for Markos at a bite attack however Markos counters that by kicking its head which knocks it to the side. The first Dragon then appears and pushes Markos, then attempts to shoot fire however Markos punches it before it can do anything. The second Dragon uses its tail to attack, but Markos grabs it and knocks it to the first Dragon, knocking them both to the side. Markos then grabs one of the Dragon's horns and stabs both of them, killing them. Much like with the pig, both Dragons turned to smoke. Markos panting heavily, but he then looked at the direction where the airplane resided his mother in it. He couldn't help but make a small frown. After what just happened... Maybe he might wanna take up his old man's offer after all "I have to get back there."
"Wow seems like I wasn't needed. You got way stronger since the last time you fought these Demons." says a voice behind Markos. The boy looked at the direction of the voice, it was Tom.
"Wait, they are Demons?! Like the Devil?!" Markos asks.
"Come with me, I'll explain and there is also someone who you might wanna meet at the castle." says Tom. After some time, they get back at Asgard. They get back to the golden castle and enter.
"Ah yes, my son has arrived." says Markos' dad "So Markos, I guess you have something you want to say." says Markos' dad.
"After what just happened, I'm starting to think that you might have been right. I am not going to do every mission, but if it means to protect my friends, and my family, I will accept my duty as a God." he looked over at his dad as he held Sofia's hands, being determined to accompany the duty he was meant to do. This caused Tom and his dad to smile in approval.
"Alright, so I will be taking you somewhere." says Tom "Follow me. I will explain to you about Lucifer."
"Lucifer?!" Markos says shocked.