The dean ignored being called by his first name, more interested in wanting to pass the basic training exam immediately.
The initial assessment did not sound too serious, but only for the unenlightened. Mere mortals did not encounter the art of the masters. The students were faced with the task of learning the basics of a completely unfamiliar science, learning, and most importantly to understand its laws, paradoxes, and some nuances. A month was given to get acquainted with the basic concepts, but the young man did not have this month, and he could not learn the basics elsewhere, because the Halls of Issa is the only institution for training masters. They, in turn, took an oath about the non-proliferation of knowledge.
— If you're joking, be prepared for severe punishment."…
Instead of answering, Ragne smiled pleasantly, as if inviting the dean to a dialogue, or rather to conduct a survey.
"I won't give him any hints. Let him be responsible for his words"
"All right, if you say you're ready, go ahead." Tell me everything you know about Aura…
Fixing his gaze on the blond, Ragne approached the glass border and confidently began:
"The aura is a binding force that unites not only worlds but all dimensions, including the oldest, dating back to the Selfless era. The original aura has no characteristics other than energy potential. For her, there is no distance, no time, the aura is everywhere and always, simultaneously in all planes of existence. From a functional point of view, there is a theory that the primordial aura is a kind of magnet that keeps the universe from spreading out in the chaotic ocean of infinity. No confirmation of this theory has been found since the masters who live on the borders of the universe are not too willing to make contact. Those who live on the margins, near the ocean of chaos – the most aggressive and dangerous creatures in the universe…
Mais was interested in what Ragne had started with, but after a few seconds he realized that he had never heard of such a theory, so he took the young man's words for fiction.
"The kid is trying to fill in the gaps of knowledge with fantasy… I'll have to punish you for making fun of your knowledge of the aura…"
Meanwhile, Ragne continued:
— There are still many theories about the primordial aura, but no one has been able to confirm any of them yet. As for the auras used by the masters, things are much better here. It is much easier to study ourselves by having direct contact with the object of knowledge.
Ignoring the look of anticipation from Mais, who was ready to stop the bullshit at any second, the young man began with the knowledge that is known even in such a low-grade world as Falenar.
- The aura of the masters is characterized by four properties: the first is intensity, the aura is not a static bundle of energy, but radiation, the refresh rate of which affects the rate of release and replenishment. The higher it is, the faster the creatures can use various abilities and the faster the lost energy is replenished. Next are the adjacent volume and density factors. The volume is measured in cubic meters and is calculated from the location of the well in the body. It affects the scale of aura release. Density is responsible for the strength of the impact, or skill, this indicator is divided into multiplicities. A doubly compacted ten-meter aura is twice as powerful as a twenty-meter non-compacted one, but its radius of destruction is correspondingly twice as small. Both concepts are a parameter for measuring the amount of energy.
The young man's speech sounded somewhat distant as if he was reading something from his memory, but even with the complete lack of interest on the part of the student, the blonde looked shocked.
"Impossible… How did he know that? Even if the boy listed only the basic concepts, they are not available to ordinary mortals!"
Ragne was not distracted. He gave out consistently the information that the long-suffering ass had firmly learned after countless blows from the meticulous grandfather, who with all his love said: "Learn, or die..."
— The last, and most abstract, characteristic is the color and hue of the aura. Even though the aura can be associated with anything, to have sufficient power, there are innate predispositions that allow you to reach much higher heights when merging with a certain object or phenomenon than in a different scenario. This feature manifests itself in the form of the color of the aura: red – the body, as well as all its components, including individual organs, or processes. Purple – soul and astral planes, green-mind, blue-weapons, and tools. white-the aura of purity, the weakest, but at the same time the most common and universal. The latter is a black, secret aura, it is as universal as white, but, on the contrary, it is extremely rare and is considered the strongest of all predispositions. As for the shade, it is responsible for the strength of the predisposition. The darker and richer the color, the higher the predisposition.
After finishing the story on the subject of aura characteristics, the young man sighed heavily.
"My original aura of the Varogar well is dark blue and is considered one of the rarest. So did all my kin, but even that wasn't enough… One way or another, I must remove the seal and find those who attacked our world… Find and punish!"
The angry gleam in the student's eyes brought the blond man out of his reverie.
— Next, we have a gradation of the skills of the masters…
Despite the return of a friendly, neutral expression, Mais already understood at this stage:
"The damn kid passed…"