- Good morning mom!
- Good morning. Eat up!
- Sure! This is so delicious!!!!!
- Thanks sweetie! I put a secret ingredient in this food...it's love!
Itorabi ate up and went to high-school. He met up with Kuno, his best and only friend.
He told her the story he read. Kuno was fascinated. Itorabi told Kuno that the story will be reality one day. Kuno supported him, and believed this too.
- Excuse me teacher, can i go to the bathroom?
- Sure, go!
The boy went to the bathroom, and he saw a boy, he was crying. He approached the boy, and he told him:
- Hey, why are you crying? Do you want to talk about it?
-...-m..-my mother died today...IM MISSING HER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!
- I...-I..I'm so sorry to hear that...now let's calm for a second. My dad left me at 5 years old. I know how it is...
-...do you wanna be my friend...I am so lonely...
- That will be a pleasure! I'm Itorabi from 11-A, and you?
- I'm Jeno, from 9-C, nice to meet you too...
- Ok, now let's go to the class!
Itorabi ran to his class, because he was very late.
- Itorabi, where have you been?
- Sorry teacher!
Kuno said to Itorabi:
- What did you do this time?
- I'm gonna tell you later!
- Ok..
Itorabi went to Jeno, to take him home, with Kuno as well. Jeno shared his story again for Kuno.
- No way...I'm so sorry to hear that..
- Don't worry...
They went home, and Itorabi went training.