Itorabi went to check, and he saw a very powerful demon. Fast, he used an Icy Spike, but the demon instantly broke it. Kuno immediately created a bubble of Ice to cover all the people. They didin't know what to do. Something just didin't worked. Itorabi created Icy Platform to carry all the people and flew away.v
- Well..that was close..
- Yeah..I read about that demon, it's not that simple to defeat him, you need fire and ice to create a powerful magic to defeat him, and since we don't have a fire person in the group, we can't defeat him easily..
- Interesting...
They flew out to a high mountain. They sat there, and nothing to do left. Itorabi wanted to know if someone was controlling this powerful bubble of magic.
*Hmm...if we can defeat the person who is controlling the bubble...we can escape both teams...*
Itorabi explained this to the team. They came up with the plan. Itorabi, Kuno and Jeno will gonna go East, and the others are gonna go West. Also, they decided that they are not gonna leave until both teams are gonna survive Anako Mountains. And the plan began..