Chapter 24 - The Immortal Demon!


Chapter 24

[Tezereth] D-did he die?

I don't believe it!

[Ramasu] And now it's your turn!

come here!

Tezereth Power: Nuclear Bow!


[Ramasu] Stop it..

you're weak, accept the fact.

Ramasu caught Tezereth by the neck and began to struggling him.


You have to go after your friend..

and.. now, tell me who are you

i didn't recognize you from start.

aren't you a newbie?

[Tezereth] WhaT?

ugh.. YOu thInk I'M a.. NewBie.. gh..

What? where am i?

you're in heaven, or in hell.

you died, to be honest.

A demon - human killed you in Dimension 2

On the path of spikes.

What? really?

How? a demon? killed me?

I don't understand!!

tell me mor-

No! shut up..

I'm ichinose, a shinigami with the rank, God plus.

a god of destruction.

I'll revive you.. first of all.

i will go in your soul.

To create a place where to sit..

What? you really can do that?

please! please!

i need!

Calm down.. wait a second.