Chapter 26 - peace?


Chapter 26

after Jin killed Ramasu, he returned to Tezereth and they came home.

[Tezereth] What.. was that..-?



That's my new form!

It's complicated to say.

I'm now, kinda immortal due to the shinigami??

that stand in my soul.

And not just immortal, super powerful.

I'm better than Ramasu now.

[Tezereth] Soo, that's a powerup, but how?

how did you get back to life?

i saw, You literallly dies.

Don't ask me bro.

i have no ideea, i just woke up in a black room.

that's all.

[Tezereth] Oh, okay then..

and.. what we gonna do now?

I'm out of ideas.

we have a little more and we get home.

but i-

[Tezereth] Wait, that.. god? god Tsukasa..

Who is him? you didn't ask Ramasu about that?

Why he wear a ticket with him.

Oh yeah.. i already ask him.

well, listen.

[Tezereth] Okay!