Chereads / Don't Drag Me Down / Chapter 4 - Come with me

Chapter 4 - Come with me

Demon King Darase and his elite's demon knights worked night and day on all the information they received. Over a million of women information to go through. They decided on the age of the women first. Between eighteen to twenty-five, that cut half of the women, then the health of the women. Ruling out a thousand of them in the processes. They use one big boardroom to sort through the files. They were surrounded by boxes of files of women information goes through. 


"My Lord, can you tell us what you are looking for in a bride? We might be able to bring this down a bit more." He sat there thinking more about the subject.


"I never thought about this. This is more than we can handle. No one with a criminal background for one."


"All right that take out fifty thousand women. Let's keep working to see more into it." All of them looked through their files. Every ten files there was one they missed. Through the night hundreds of thousands of women were rule out. Luckily, demons do not need a lot of sleep. They can go for ten days at the most. Some for less. But for the elite demons twenty days. The Demon King can go without sleep for one hundred days.


"Now we have four hundred thousand women left. Can we bring it down more?"


"What more can we do?"


"What are we missing?"


"Yes. What are we missing?"


"How about the way they look?"


"You're asking for the impossible. To me humans all look the same."


"You just think that they are not demons, that they look the look like animals. I am corrected."


"I never said that."


"That is just the same as you said it."


"You're making things sound worse than what they are."


"Just give it up, Gus Luk. We all know you don't like humans."


"Gos Huk, I never said I don't like humans. I just see them all alike." All of them look at Gus Luk. Even the Demon King looked at him.


"Let's move on to the next few women we can take out."


"Right. My Lord. Your next move."


"Mmmm. Let me think." He looked at one of the files. Reading into the documents on this woman. There was something on her having a child by her ex-husband. "How about woman who have children. We can rule them out. I can say that a woman who has a child already will only think on their children. Never having time for a new relationship or a beginning of having a relationship. I seem to recall one of the business partners just got out of a bad marriage. Not wanting to get into a relationship due to having a child." Taking out another two thousand more women.


The morning came and they stopped eating. It's lucky there was a restaurant next door to the company. Jus Luk order food to be delivered to them for the next ten days. Not all work stops in the company. Early that morning seven of the elite demons left to check on the external companies. Another five stayed to continue working on the files. Half of the day it took them to look through the files. Demon King looked at one file after another.


Learning more about the young ladies before him. The one files he was looking at had a college degree. He put it down and picked another. Between the two, one was in college and the other was out of college. There were many things to go through. He put down the latest he had in his hand. He rubbed his hand over his face, this was never going to end. 


"Let's go with the ones that finished college and that are working in the field already."


"What about the ones that never went to college?"


"Let's put them in a separate pile. And let me see them. If I think they are good enough I will consider them." That cut more than half of them. You would think that they would want a higher education. But not all can afford it. One hundred fifty thousand files left to go. More shifting through the files.


"My Lord, how far are you cutting numbers too?"


"I tried to cut it down to less than two thousand. Give or take."


"What about magic my lord?"


"No. Not right now." He picks the next file. Looking through it. He found one thing that he did not see the first time around. This woman can't leave for she was in the military. "Are there some that are in the military if so please remove them."


"Yes, my lord."


Another two thousand are removed. Once again, he looked at another file. This one had a family member that was seriously ill and could not leave their side. Once again, he removes those who had the same issue. Thousands of them were removed. Another file was in front of him. Looking through this file. Learning a few things about humans was that they like to lie. She put on her application she was not married. Only to find out she was married a few days ago. She had a fiancé at the time she filled out the application.


"Did you found ones that were married days up to now?"


"Well, I found about five of them that were. But I remove them."


"I found one."


"Nothing as now my lord."


"No, nothing."


"Not here."


"I found one so if you see any just remove them. I cannot see why they are here to begin with."


"Well, went we started this process all of them are single. Went we did a background check all of these came through clean."


"All right. Let see want else we can get rid of." Looking back, He found more to the women. He just hates going through this but kept going. Finally, the rest of the elite demons came back and reported to him of the problem was going on. He put aside the files. Went to his desk and turned on his computer. He worked for two hours. The rest of the elite went to the restaurant to eat. They lock the door and post a guard at the door. No one was going in or out. They were not taking any chances with this selection. Two more days of this and they will have the numbers they need.


The Demon King finishes his work. He got up to see his right-hand man. Jus Luk came with food for his Lord. He sat back down.


"My lord, what do you think of this whole selection on the women? I am just wondering why all of sudden you want a wife. And does it have been a human woman?" The king of all kings. I knew this question would come up. He had many answers to that question.


"I wouldn't think you of all people know the answer to this question. But I figured you wouldn't ask this question, to my knowledge you have me be with a demon instead."


"That's not it, My Lord. Do not feel that we push you in to marry just because we presser you too it. I have one wish for you and that is for your happiness, My Lord."


"You are wrong. I changed the human world by bringing magic to them. I feel responsible for them because of this. The more they interact with us, their body changes because of us. I found this out went their birth count went down. Only ten percent of the humans had kids. This went on for twenty years. I tried to find out why. It's the magic we introduced to them. Some of their bodies can't handle magic to excessive." He signed. He finishes his food, then turns to the window.


"My lord if this is true, then the human race will come to an end. Then we, the demons, will be left with this world. Would that be wonderful? Humans did not treat this world right." Jus Luk was so enticed by the news. He could see humans all gone by one hundred years in the future. 


"We do not belong here. We only came here to live. In due time we will go back to our world. You must remember this." The Demon King remand his right-hand man.


"But my lord, then why change this world. We could just live on an island away from the world."


"We could, but how long would it take for me to destroy everything. The human would turn on us and tried to kill us. The best way was to coincide with humans. It's magic that I gave them to destroy them to extinction. It was my choice to help them, to live side by side with us. That was only one of the side effects to magic. I found out there were more of them. Magic sickness was also here. Over two million humans died this year alone. Last year was more than that. In total thirty years 1.5 billion were sick with this disease. That cut one third of the humans. If this keeps up, they will go extinct. Even if we leave, it will continue to be this way. I cannot destroy magic once it is given. I thought that giving humans magic would change their way of thinking on us. I kept this hidden so do not tell a soul."


"Yes, My lord." Jus Luk stood there quietly. Waiting. The Demon King turned back around to the window. The silence took over the rest of the hour. Until they have to get back the selections.


The outcome of selection took a whole week more. The result out came. One thousand two hundred and fifty women were selected. Each woman was notified and contact by a matchmaker. Each matchmaker must make sure that the selectee has the necessary documents.


Jennie didn't have time for this. Her work came first than everything came after. She became a work alcoholic. No time for romances. She worked her way up. Some would say she slept on her way to the top. Only to find out that was not true. In this day in aged people will say anything just to get rid of the people that do the real work. She was fine until the matchmaker showed up at her job.


"My dear it is time. Come with me."