Chereads / Twelve Olympians High:The Book Of Hades / Chapter 11 - CHAPTER XI:The Broken Vault.

Chapter 11 - CHAPTER XI:The Broken Vault.

I sat in the principals office waiting to be called on. Next to me was Adam, son of Apollo. His dirty blonde hair covered his eyes, but they still peeked out. His eyes were a bright blue. A trait from his mother. He wore a light yellow uniform with a bow patch pointing to the left.

I was given a list of students to pick from for my quest. I looked through the small list and waited to be called into the office. I flipped through pages of students and was called in with Adam.

We walked into the office, and Zeus sat there reading a mortal newspaper. The air felt staticky, and put me on edge.

"Adam and Mary. You have both been chosen for an important quest. We had a raid on a vault.....we lost several artifacts important to the gods: Athenas books, Ares' dagger, my Lightning bolt, Poseidon's trident, and many many more." Zeus said.

The gods vault was important. So important that they built the school over it. It held their artifacts and weapons. Mainly so they wouldn't carry them around the school, but they were close Incase of an attack. If someone raided the vault that's a dozen powerful artifacts gone.

"Any idea who?" Adam asked.

Zeus shook his head "I have no idea. They were quick and efficient. I suspect another god, or maybe a powerful enough demigod. Please pick your companions carefully, and we'll prepare your equipment and supplies." Zeus said.

"Any idea where the artifacts are?" I asked.

Zeus looked down "I sense that some are together in groups. The where though is difficult. I'd have to assume that one group is being stockpiled in the Bermuda Triangle." He said.

Adam went pale. To put it simply the Bermuda Triangle was not a fun place to be. The new location of sirens, monsters, and Charybdis with her sister Scylla. I shivered at the thought of entering that place.

I began to mark off names on my list. Seth my brother, Olivia a powerful daughter of Poseidon, Penny an intelligent daughter of Athena, and Mino a son of Zeus who had a spirit that would never die. I'd need the extra power for this quest. Adam started listing off what we'd need for the quest, and I sat back. This quest was suicide. I highly doubted we would come back alive.