I sat on an island with blackened sand, with armor and weapons scattered about. I didn't know exactly where it was but I knew what it was. It was the gorgons island. I watched the two immortal sisters swirling around Medusa, who smiled wickedly, her black mouth showing.
"That demigod brought usssss the giftssssss. It'll lure the Athena girl here. It'sssss then we'll kill her." Medusa said or more like hissed. Her gorgon form affecting her speech more.
"Sssoon sssisster. Don't forget the Hadesss twinssss. The demigod told usssss to kill them asssss well." One of Medusa's sisters said.
"Ssstheno....ssshe'sss here." The other sister said.
They laughed wickedly. It sounded awkward with the snakes flailing about, and their tongues flicking out.
I woke up with a start to see Penny above me. My heart pounded against my chest. I guess my look gave it it away, or my heart was literally thumping out of my chest, but Penny looked at me like she was worried as well.
"I think I know where the artifacts are....." I said.
"That's great! Where?!" Penny asked.
"Medusa's lair..." I answered.
Penny went white. She looked like a marble statue in my mom's palace. I stood up and walked to the top deck. Since Penny would be no help as of right now.
"Seth!" I called out.
"Yeah sis? Whatcha need?" Seth called back, he and Olivia were still guiding the ship.
"We have our first course." I said walking up to them.
"And where are we going sis?" Seth Asked ready to steer the ship with Olivia.
"Medusa's lair." I said.
The ship stopped abruptly, and I lost my balance. I was barely able to catch myself on the railing. Seth gripped the railing till his knuckles went marble white, kids of Hades didn't have a good reputation with Medusa.
"Are you kidding me?! How do you even know?!" Olivia asked.
"I saw it in my dream....that and I know that a demigod stole the artifacts." I said.
Seth nodded and willed the dead to row the ship. Olivia nodded hesitantly and started giving directions to the island. I walked back down to Penny, and sat down in an empty spot. Penny sat next to me, and sighed.
"You have the gift of Delphi?" Penny asked.
I nodded hesitantly. If you ever wondered what it's like to not trust family or anyone you're in a secluded space with. It sucks, a lot. J felt the ship surge forward, and saw the Athenian soldiers row faster. The ship continued to move. I suddenly felt a wave of power come over me. It felt like the presence of the gods. The ship came to a halt, and I ran out.
I saw the gorgon sisters not to far, and I got a real glimpse of them. Stheno wore red clothes and her snakes, like her, had a reddish tint. She also had, from the waist down, a long serpent tale. Stheno's counterpart Eurayle had a bluish grey tint to her skin and snakes with the bottom half the same serpent style as Stheno. They seemed to stand up, and look over. Medusa looked over as well, and I immediately covered my eyes and ducked down. Seth, Olivia, and Penny sat next to me.
"Any ideas on how we deal with two immortal gorgons and Medusa?" Olivia asked.
"We just need to take Medusa out....if we do that then we can fend the other two off until one of us grabs the artifacts." Penny suggested.
"Good plan. Now how do we deal with her?" Seth asked.
"Wait till she sleeps like Perseus did?" Mino asked walking over, he was crouched down walking towards us.
"Can't....the gorgons sleep in shifts because of that." Penny answered.
Just then I heard an arrow whistle through the air, then another, then another, and another. I heard a screaming, or hissing sound, coming from the island. I peeked above the side of the ship to see Medusa's body reacting to the four new burning holes in it. I could see a glint behind her. Four celestial bronze arrows were stuck in the ground behind her. Medusa's body burned up and disintegrated into ash and snakes. The two gorgon sisters looked displeased with the new development.
Above on the mast of the ship I could see Adam holding his bow with golden decorations etched into the beautifully carved wood. He was still in his school uniform and his facial expression was set in stone. With the death of Medusa we needed a new plan for how to deal with the immortal gorgons.