Chereads / Her Rejection / Chapter 30 - Chapter 30

Chapter 30 - Chapter 30


We are having a great time dancing and having fun. I'm so happy that Alessia suggested this even though I put my own spin on it.

There was a deep growl and I looked over and saw my brother. Shit he looks pissed. I have to get him out of here before he hurts someone. His wolf is out and that's bad.

I run to him, tugging on his arm. I'm pretty much the only one that has ever been able to get close to him while he's like this. Anyone else would get hurt. Our bond carries over to our wolf's as well.

I love his wolf, but his wolf is ready to kill. I'm telling him to come with me but it's like I'm not even talking. He's not listening. He's fully focused on Alessia.

I know he can't be that mad that she is dancing with a male. He's young and it's harmless. Something else has to be wrong.

Jaxson told me that he's been struggling with his wolf since Alessia got here. The thought of not speaking to your wolf is horrible.  I could never imagine. We have had our wolves since anywhere between 10-13 years old. You become dependent on them.

Being without, I would think that one would be lonely and lost. If your wolf leaves permanent, your good as human if you even survive it.

I just hope Jaxson gets his shit together so that doesn't happen. I love my brother but in this case, he is dead wrong from the beginning.

I just hate that I know and Alessia doesn't. I just have a feeling she is going to find out soon if his wolf keeps losing it.  She has been asking more and more questions and will eventually out the pieces together.

There are only so many excuses we can come up with as to why he's behaving this way towards her without him looking completely psycho.

Alessia realized I'm not going to be able to help him so she came running over. As soon as she touched him, he focused. We went inside and he immediately picked up a bowl and threw it. She touched him and he calmed down.

I demanded we go to his office, away from prying eyes. She has her hand on his arm the whole time. As soon as we walk in the door, he mind links me.

'Get out! I want to speak to my mate alone. Now!' That was his wolf talking.

'Max, please don't scare her. You will only push her further away.' I said before looking at Alessia and left.

I closed the door and took a couple steps away. I needed to be there if she needed me. I'm not afraid of him physically hurting her but emotionally, my idiot brother is failing miserably. I already feel like a horrible friend for not tell her she is his mate but I'm not sure what it will do to her if she found out that he rejected his mate, someone who is destined for that other person. That it's not her fault, it's his dumbass fault for being so stupid.

Shit, now she screaming at him. What the hell did he do now?

She came running out and into my arms.  I've only seen her cry this hard  once and that was when Jonathan died. Fuck!  I'm gonna kill him.

We walked over to Emily who was waiting. She told us that he tried to bite her and then she asked all those questions,  I didn't know what to say. I'm glad Emily was there. I don't think I would have gotten through that without her.

We left her so she could take a bath.

I stormed down to his office. I was ready to rip him apart.  When I came flying through the door, my brother was sitting on the floor, his hands covering his face, he was crying. Like actually crying. His chest was heaving up and down.

I've never seen him like that. It broke my heart. I froze. I didn't know what to do. That scared me. My brother has always been my hero, someone I looked up to. What I'm looking at was not him.

"Jax, what happened?" I asked but he didn't answer me. I slowly walked over and got on the floor beside him and wrapped my arms around his shoulders.  He laid his head on my chest and cried. "Jess, I fucked up. I lost her. She hates me, my mate hates me. What do I do?" He cried out.

Dammit, what the hell do I say? I don't know. I'm searching my brain for the right words, desperately hoping I don't say the wrong thing.

"Jax you just gotta give it some time.  You gotta stop pushing so hard. First you gotta figure out what your going to do with Becca. If you choose Becca, you have to let Alessia go completely. You can't keep pulling her in.  You lost control tonight and you almost marked her. She knows nothing about that and you scared the shit out of her." I said and he nodded.

He laid there for a while longer before he got up and cleaned his face. Coming out of the bathroom, I hugged him again.

We went outside and sat down with everyone. I watched Jaxson staring at Alena. He has a small smile on his face. He mind linked me telling me that Alena looked just like Alessia. I smiled. God I love that little girl.

Alessia came out and sat between my legs. I played in her hair until Becca walked out.

When Jaxson announced that Becca rejected her mate and her mate was Micah, I almost choked on my drink. Holy shit.  I didn't see that coming.

She insisted she was a Luna, she just never said to what pack. Wow.  I can see why my brother is so pissed, that is messed up.

Now it's time to party. Shots! I wanted to let loose. I'm confused why Alessia didn't drink. She never turns down shots, well not with me anyway.  Then she threw that jab at Jaxson. It's was a good one, I'll give her that, he deserved it.

Everyone left and Alessia took Alena inside. Now it's time to talk.

"So what are you going to do about Becca now that you know about Micah? I asked him. Before he could answer Emily added. "You don't have to be with her to be a good father."  He sat there, head faced down. "I'm still processing all this, I dont know what to do because I can't believe this is all real. How did it get this bad?" He growled out in frustration.

Shortly after we all got up and headed to bed. When I came up the stairs, Becca was standing outside Alessia's room. She didn't even notice me walk up. "What are you doing?" I asked. Now I'm irritated. Her eyes widened while looking at me. "I wanted to talk to her." She said. I'm just looking at her, trying to figure out what she could be up to. "About what?"  She huffed in frustration. "I don't know where I stand with Jaxson, I just needed to know if she was going to go after him. Regardless of what you think of me, i do love him and not knowing whats going to happen is killing me. We both know if she wants him, she will get him. I'm just trying to prepare myself for what's to come." She said. She almost sounded defeated and I almost felt sorry for her but she created all of this.

Jaxson would have let her go when she found her mate, the bond would have pulled her to her mate and her feelings for Jaxson would have gone away.

"You need to discuss that with Jaxson and stay away from Alessia. You know by going to her would only make it worst for you and him."