Chereads / Her Rejection / Chapter 31 - Chapter 31

Chapter 31 - Chapter 31


My alarm is going off. It's time to get up and go to work. I'm going in early because I have to call and make a doctor's appointment to see about my pregnancy. If I can get an appointment, I'll leave early.

I picked up my phone and scrolled through to Micah contact.

A- good morning, when I get off work today, do you want to meet me and get something to eat?

I put my phone down and jumped in the shower. Whike getting my clothes on, my phone beeped.

M- Sure, just let me know what time. Look forward to seeing you sweetheart.

A- ok, I'll text you later when I have an idea when

Putting the last of my things in my bag, I grabbed my keys and headed out the door. Emily was sitting on the couch drinking coffee. Does she ever sleep? We said our goodbyes and I left.

Driving down the long isolated roads to get to town, I rubbed my belly. Even though the situation is a mess, I'm excited to meet my precious little one.

Unlocking the building, I go inside and head to my office. There is a stack of files on it that need to be done. I better get to it then.

At 9am, I called the number I found to schedule an appointment. They had an opening at 1 which will be great because I can just take a late lunch and go.

I've gone through these files, organized them and began putting the numbers into the computer program. My job is go to through a company's finances, see where they can grow and also save money. I give ideas of how to expand. I have to make a proposal on exactly the best way to do that.

I sent my boss the emails of each one with the files attached that I completed. Several times a day he would respond by telling me how great I am, he's never letting me go, I'm one of his best employees already or ask me how I figured it out so fast. All I can do is laugh. It comes so easy for me. It always has even in school.

Jessica would always yell at me for as she quote "making her feel dumb". I just couldn't help I'm that good. I laughed to myself.

I wanted Jessica to get a job with me but she is going to be working with her brother. She tried to get me to do it too before we moved but I didn't feel comfortable. God forbid something went wrong, I didn't want to put a strain on my friendship due to business. Nope I'm good.

Well it's almost time for my appointment so I got my things and left. I looked up the directions and realized it was not even 10 minutes away.

I got there a little early but I have to fill out all these forms so it all works out.

I'm sitting in the waiting room for my name to be called. I'm really nervous. I really hope it wasn't a bad idea to come here knowing my baby's father isn't exactly normal. I'm trying to relax. Stop over reacting.

The nurse comes out and calls my name. What's the worst could happen? Everyone running out the building screaming for their lives. What the hell is wrong with me? Why would I even think that? I need help, I'm so dramatic.

They did blood work. I got to pee in a cup and then was sent to my room where I had to undress into those lovely gowns.

Waiting for the doctor to come in, my imagination was all over the place. She finally came in. I answered questions and then my favorite part, she examined me. Note the sarcasm.

Afterwards they brought a machine in and did an ultrasound. I got to hear my baby's heartbeat. Tears filled my eyes. That's the greatest sound ever.

She is hitting buttons and moving the conductor around on my stomach, not saying anything. I'm so nervous, what is taking so long to tell me I have a healthy baby.

"It looks like your further along then you thought you were." The doctor said. I'm confused. That's not possible. I wasn't with anyone before Jaxson. I just nodded. I didn't know what to say. "Your also having twins, congratulations Mom." I snapped my head in her direction, my jaw dropped. "What did you just say?" I asked and she repeated it. Holy hell, what the fuck! Oh this is a sick joke. I don't know if I should cry or laugh.

We finished up and i got dressed. The doctor came in and handed my pictures of the ultrasound. I looked down at my babies. Those are my babies.

Sitting in the car, trying to process this all. One thing I know is I have to talk to Jessica. I have to find out why my babies are bigger then they are suppose to be.

I went back to my office. I grabbed the rest of my work, told my boss I was leaving and I would have everything finished today.

Back in my car, I picked up my phone and called Micah. He answered. "Can you meet me in 30?" I asked. "Yeah I'm on my way." He said.

I went to the diner we previously discussed. Not long after, he showed up. Giving me a hug before sitting across from me. There is a lot I wanted to talk to him about but where do I start.

"Hey I just wanted to apologize again for what happened, I was out of line." He said. "Yeah you were but why did you do that?" Before he could say anything. "Last night, I found out that Becca is your mate and she rejected you." I said. He tensed up, his jaw tightened and his fists balled up on top of the table. I thought he was going to explode. "How did you find out?" He asked. "Apparently she told Jaxson yesterday. We had a BBQ and she tried talking to him about it and he went off on her in front of everyone." I said. "Wait, Jaxson didn't know she was my mate?" He looked surprised. "No, she kept it from him. I don't know why she decided to tell him now but she did." I said. "Wow, for the last 2 years I've hated him because of it and this whole time, he knew nothing. That was part of the reason I acted like that when him and I got into that fight." He said. He looked away in deep thought. I felt bad for him. "Did Jaxson tell you anything else?" He asked. "No, what would there be to tell me?" He shrugged his shoulders and gulped his drink. Why do I always feel like people are keeping something from me.

We ordered our food and sat in silence while waiting. When the waitress brought our food, I thanked her. After taking a bite, I cleared my throat.

"About my training lessons, I have to cancel them. I went to the doctor because my back is bothering me. I hurt it years ago and I must have done something to aggravate it so the doc wants me to take it easy for a while." I said. I felt guilty for lying to him but I can't tell him the truth, not right now. He asked me if I was going to be ok and I nodded.

We talked for a while longer, finishing up our food. I told him I had lots of work to do and I'd see him soon, saying our goodbyes. We left.

Pulling up in the driveway, I turned the car off. Went inside to find Jessica. I saw Emily in the kitchen and asked her where Jessica was. She told me that she was in the office with Jaxson. Great.

I went down the hall and knocked on the door. "Come in." I heard his voice.

Opening the door, my eyes landed on him. He looked at me, waiting for me to speak. Jessica was sitting on the couch on the other side. She has her laptop on her lap and papers in front of her.

"Hey Jess do you have a minute, I need to speak to you?" I asked. "Yeah, I'm coming, is everything ok? She replied and I nodded my head. We left his office and went to my room.

Sitting on the bed, she is looking at me. "What's going on? She asked. "I need to tell you something but what I'm about to say, I need you to keep a secret for a while until I figure out what to do." I said and she agreed.

"I'm pregnant."