Chereads / Her Rejection / Chapter 7 - Chapter 7

Chapter 7 - Chapter 7


Walking through the woods, we came to a clearing. Looking out, seeing the waterfall and the mountain, you can't help but be in awe. I have so many memories here. It started with my parents bringing us but then it became Jaxson's and my spot. We would come to have fun together or to think and be alone.

I'm hoping that after today, we can come here when it gets warmer with Alessia and Alena to have fun. I could picture Alena right now getting in the water, squealing and laughing.

I think I would chicken out if Jaxson wasn't here. I want to just walk around and have fun. I don't want to do this.  I'm not ashamed of what I am, I love being a wolf. I love being able to talk to my wolf anytime. I'm afraid that she will freak out and leave before giving us a chance to understand.  I know our bond is strong but is it strong enough? There is also the thought that she would understand but be mad at me for keeping this from her for the last 4 years.

I looked over at Jaxson for some mental strength and he just nodded at me to go on. I took a long deep breath and turned towards her. She was still caught up in this place, in her own world.

I walked up to her and held her hand.  "Hey babe, I brought you here because I wanted to share something important with you about my family and I." I said. "OK, just tell me." I think she could see how nervous I was.  She turned to me, holding both my hands. "Oh come on, you know you can tell me anything, I'll always love you." Alessia said and let out a little giggle.

"Please don't be mad at me for keeping this from you, nobody besides my family knows and we have always had a strict rule that nobody is suppose to know. It's forbidden bit you are my family now." I said. She nodded waiting for me to continue.

"Oh God I don't know how to put this in words. Ok ok. All my life I've been different, we've been different from everyone else. Alessia I'm a werewolve." I said. Her eyes got wild and then she looked tense and  confused. "I don't understand, what are you saying?" Alessia asked.

"Ok so I'm just like you most of the time but every once in a while I can close my eyes and turn into a gorgeous wolf."   I said trying to sound like it's no big deal and not scary.

Alessia just stood there starring at me. She turned to Jaxson to get confirmation and he nodded his head looking dead serious. She looked back at me still staying quiet. After a few moments she walked towards the water turning her back to me.  This has got to be one of the most scariest moments ever. I don't know what she is going to do.

Turning around she looked at Jaxson then at me. "Can I see your wolf?" She said.  Shaking my head up and down really fast, I walked up to her. "I'm gonna go behind the tree and get undressed, I really don't want to have to strip in from of my brother. Your going to hear my body shifting. It kinda sounds bad at first but I promise it doesn't hurt. It happens pretty fast. My brother is here for you while I do this.  If I need to say anything to you while in my wolf form, he can relay it to you. Also babe, you are in no danger at all. My wolf absolutely loves you." I said smiling at her.

Jaxson walked up next to Alessia and held his hand out to grab which she took. I think he sensed how nervous and scared she was. I walked behind the tree and took my clothes off. Peaking my head out I asked "ready?" She responded with a yeah.

I clothed my eyes and imagined I was a wolf. My bones began to crack while I dropped down to all fours. My gray fur came in while my snout grew. Walking out, I saw that Alessia had her head on Jaxson's chest. Her hands were squeezing his shirt tight while his hands were wrapped around her shoulders.

Letting out a little yip, Alessia turned her head towards me but didn't let him go.

'Jax, Alessia is holding on to you for dear life but your the same thing as me of not scarier.' My wolf said to Jax laughing in our heads. 'Would you just shut up, at least she's not freaking screaming or running away.' Jax said.

My wolf walked up to her slowly. I took my snout and gently nudged her. She loosened her grip on Jaxson's shirt, turning around to face me. She stood there before Jax came up behind her, whispering in her ear that it was ok. He grabbed her right wrist holding it out towards me. I dipped my head till her hand was resting between my ears. Slowly her fingers went through my fur and I can see she is beginning to relax. She smiled at me. Oh thank God!

All of a sudden, Alessia turned to Jaxson and looked at him. "Can I see your wolf too? Is it possible I can see you shift without you seeing you naked?"  She said while her cheeks got red.  I bust out laughing through our mind link and he just glared at me.

"Ok, I can keep my boxers on but when I shift, they will rip off. It happens very fast." Jaxson said. He began taking his clothes off. They looked at each other the whole time never breaking eye contact except for a couple of glances she made looking at his body. He just smirked at her because he was able to smell her arousal .  She wiped her face with her hand and clinching her thighs together. "Stop that." She said and he laughed noticing what she did.

Just watching Alessia and Jaxson together, something is weird about how they interact with each other. They just met but they act like they have this secret between the two of them that nobody else knows about. they like each other? I've seen many females try to get my brother's attention over the years and he pays them no mind. It's always been about Becca. Nobody ever stood a chance but watching them now, I don't know.

As Jaxson shifted, Alessia watched the whole process almost in awe.  Once he fully shifted into his black wolf, he quickly walked up to her putting his snout in her chest. She wrapped her hands around him rubbing her fingers through his fur and he slowly put his snout in her neck taking a couple  deep breaths.  Then he quickly backed away when he noticed I was watching him.

"What the hell was that?" I said to Jaxson. "I don't know, my Wolf did it." He replied back.

"Hey Jax, why don't you let Alessia on your back and we can go for a run. It's been a long time since I've been able to let my wolf out ." I said. "Are you crazy? Becca will flip out when I come home smelling that strong of Alessia's scent on me!" He yelled into my head.   "Oh who cares, her scent is already on you." I argued back.

He shook is head I defeat and lowered his body while I nudged her towards him. "Are you telling me to get on?" Alessia asked. I shook my head yes. She hesitated but got on. She grabbed his fur to hold on and we ran through the woods.

Running for hours, we all had fun. My wolf was so happy to finally be able to do this and I'm able to share it with my best friend. 

When the sun started to set, we went back to where our clothes were. Alessia got off his back. I walked behind the tree to shift back while Jaxson shifted right in front of her. He was standing there completely naked. I was done and they were still staring st each other like they were in a trance or something.  I cleared my throat, Alessia turned around, her fece instantly turned red while Jax put his clothes on.

Ok that was really awkward. There is something definitely up and I'm going to find out.

We walked back to the car in silence to head home.