Chereads / Her Rejection / Chapter 12 - Chapter 12

Chapter 12 - Chapter 12


I ran to my room getting all the things I need to get ready for tonight. I jumped in the shower and washed up. Getting out, I  put my red silk robe on, grabbing everything, I left my room to meet Emily in Jessica's room. We are all going to get ready together.

I quietly looked over the balcony and saw Alena playing with Jake and Thomas. I turned around and Jaxson and Becca were walking towards me. She is giving me the dirtiest look ever while Jaxson glanced at me, biting his bottom lip  before looking away.

As I'm walking past them, Becca grabs my arm. I looked down at her hand and slowly move my eyes to her face. "Don't be walking around my house dressed like a whore. You are a guest here and you can easily be thrown out. Stop trying to flaunt yourself around my man because he doesn't want you." Becca said. I looked at Jaxson. His jaw was clinched tightly shut. I shook my head and started laughing. I think she looked shocked that I wasn't scared by her threats.  "Get. Your. Hands. Off. Me." I said slowly and clear to get my point across. I yanked my arm away from her. "Before you come at me, know your facts bitch and from what I was told, your the guest that can be easily replaced and forgotten about."  I said and bust out laughing. Jaxson's eyes widened and his jaw dropped. I guess he didn't expect me to stand up for myself. I walked away.

As I got to Jessica's door, I glanced at them arguing at the top of the stairs. "Why did you let her say that to me?!" Beccas yelled at Jaxson and hit his chest.

I didn't wait to see anything else. I opened the door and went in. I walked to the bed and plopped down still laughing.

Emily and Jessica stopped what they were doing, looking at me confused like I lost my mind.  I told them what happened. Before I had a chance to tell them what I said, they were ready to storm out and find Becca. "WAIT!" I yelled. "You didn't even get to hear the best part." I whined. They waited for me to finish. When I did they both came running straight for the bed and jumped on me. I got two tight hugs, a kiss on the cheek  and two high fives.

" I would have loved to see her face when you said that. I'm really starting to like you. Now I know why you and Jessica are so close. Both of you are exactly alike." Emily said.

"Ok ok, no more wasting time on that leach, we have to get ready. I still can't believe you came up with that so Jaxson would let us go." Jessica said. "Well you did say that Jaxson will do anything for you so as your best friend, if anything happened to me, you would never forgive him. How could he let me go by myself. " I said. "Very true, learning how to manipulate the alpha so soon, I'm very impressed." Jessica said. "Are we not really gonna drink?" Emily whined. "Oh, of course we will, we will apologize afterwards." I said with a big smiled and we all laughed.

We turned the music on, dancing around the room doing our nails, makeup and hair. Now the final touch. Time to put our dresses on. It's been a long time since I felt this good, surrounded by my now two favorite girls.  Slipping on our heels and grabbing our purses, we headed for the door.

The three of us walked down the stairs arm in arm. Not only was Jaxson, Thomas and Jake there, but five other guys sitting in the living room.

Thomas cleared his throat and nodded his head our way, everyone turned and looked. It got so quiet and they all froze.

"OH HELL NO!" Jaxson yelled. He walked to the bottom of the stairs standing in front of us. "Go change." He said.  "Seriously Jax, you need to stop. We are three grown ass women. Our outfits are not that bad besides you are going to have your guard dogs right there to protect us the whole time" Jessica said.  He rolled his eyes and rubbed his temples.  He walked away then turned back around. This time looking at me. His stare was intense. Emily was talking to Jake who looked like he wanted to pounce on her. Jess walked over to Alena so I'm just standing there, feeling very uncomfortable. He's not looking away. His eyes are black. I didn't know what to do so I walked away. Standing in front of the other guys, I asked. "Which one of you guys will be escorting us out tonight?"

"All of them." Jaxson relied. I spun around facing him. "Is that necessary?" "Yes." He said. Well I wasn't going to argue and give him a reason to not let us go. 

I said goodbye to Alena who acted like she didn't even care that I was leaving, Thomas was too important at the moment. We walked out the door.

Getting in the car, the three of us sat on the back seat while two guys sat in the front. The other three drove behind us in another car.

Before going to the club, we stopped at a diner to get something to eat.  I mean you can't drink on an empty stomach. I wasn't trying to get too waisted.

The one thing I have definitely noticed is that werewolves can eat a lot. Emily and Jessica ate double what I ate. We talked and laughed till it was time to go.

Pulling up to the club, we got dropped off at the front door. There was a long line but we were escorted straight to the front. The bouncer nodded his head and moved to the side so we could walk in. Our escort took us to the VIP. 

The walls were red and the seats were black leather. There was a balcony that was above the dance floor. There was a bar right off to the side. First thing first, time for some shots.  I always knew it takes a lot to get Jess drunk so I ordered  them two double shots and two regular shots for me. Downing them, it burned the hell out of my throat.

Standing by the balcony dancing,  I decided we were going to get drunk as shit. I got the waitress' attention and she nodded her head. About a minute later, she brought us more. "Keep them coming till I tell you to stop." I said to her talking over the music.

We lost count on how many we had but I'm definitely feeling it. By now, we were downstairs on the dance floor having a blast. Jess is fucked up and Emily is almost there.

I'm dancing behind Emily, Jess is dancing in front of her so basically she is sandwiched in. She has a mate so she is off limits. There is a sexy as hell guy dancing behind me and another guy behind Jess.

One hand is on my hip pulling me into him and the other hand is on my throat holding my head to his chest. He is not as sexy as Jaxson but he's pretty damn close.  I can feel him poking me in my lower back.  I haven't felt this turned on in a long time.

After dancing for a while, my guy pulled me to the bar. He asked for my phone so he can put his number in it. I gladly gave it to him.  His name was Micah. He asked me if I wanted to leave with him to go somewhere quiet so we can get to know each other. My drunk ass wanted to say yes even though I probably woikd have said no but Jess and Emily came running over looking panicked before I could answer .  "Alessia, Jaxson is here, we got to go." Emily said.  Oh shit, we are in trouble.

As I went to say goodbye, Jaxson was right there. He looked furious. I'm standing in front of Micah who is sitting on the stool so I'm in between his legs. Our bodies are almost touching. Jessica leaned against Jaxson, clearly not realizing he's is mad or she doesn't care. "Hey Jax, what brings you here?" Micah said.  "These three are with me, I came to take them home. " Jaxson said looking like he wanted to punch him. They are staring each other down, neither one looking away.  I notice Jake is here,  be grabbed Emily's arm. One of our guards named Marcus grabbed Jess and Jaxson grabbed my arm. They pulled them away towards the exit. "It was good to see you Micah but we have to get going." Jaxson said. 

Micah got off the stool and stepped towards me, his hands softly grabbed the sides of my neck and he kissed my cheek. "I look forward to spending more time with you next time baby girl." Micah said and I heard Jaxson growl. His whole body tensed up and was about to explode.

Jaxson pulled me away and headed for the exit out back. Emily and Jessica are already gone.  Jaxson was holding my arm tight so I tried to snatch it away. 

I wasn't ready for what happened next.