the hound growls as the creature was getting closer...he growls low...his maw dripping a black ooze...his mangy looking fur stood bristled and his wounds that were placed on him as a cursing reminder leaked Ruby like blood endlessly but gave no copper smell...he lowers more into a pouncing position.
Casper a kind of simpleminded thing...he unintentionally keeps getting closer to it picking up the shiny rocks.
the hound jumps out in a normal wolf not to give his abilities away just yet..he wore a spiked collar his mistress gave to control his shifter abilities. Plague snarled his lips .. baring teeth at the creature.
Casper took the dogs appearence by surprise.
"oh" he picked up a want the stick want it want it, wanna play fetch" he said believing that it was a regular dog.
plague looks confused..tilting his head..he huffs n growls again as a warning.
Still oblivious to the mean demeanours of the hound..he throws the stick "D..d.. dog n not h happy.."
he rummaged through the bag pulling out an old treat and offering it to the dog.
still a bit confused and slightly annoyed at this creatures attempts to please the hellhound...Plague barks loudly..letting hellfire flow from his maw.
" they are s still probably g good" he kept his hand held out to the hellhound... wanting to befriend it.
Plague snarls and growls..the hellfire still flicked from the hounds maw...his tail alert his claws out. The hellhound lunges at the creatures leg and bites..his fangs a skin smoldering heat that starts to melt through the metal he bit.
" oh dog want b bone" he takes off the gauntlet and pulls one of the bones from his fore arm handing it to the dog
plague knew the bone was what his mistress needed he used this to his advantage.. remembering how earthly canines respond to earth he bows acting as if to play..tail slowly wagging.
he smiled waving the bone before tossing a good distance away like he was playing fetch.
just as he anticipated..he went after the bone..he grabbed it in his oozing maw and dashes into the trees away from the lumbering creature.
"w wait th that's m mine" he tried to follow after before eventually just turning into a spirit and following the hound that way.
plague could sense he was being he sent a bark out ..the hellfire shot ahead of him and firmed a floating ball..the hound jumped through it...on contact..both the hellfire and hound disappeared.
"oh c'mon it's gonna take ages for the bone to grow back" he grumbled and started searching for where the dog went. he grumbles heading back to reform in his armor missing the bone the dog stole.