The obsidian black crow silently flew above the grey misted landscape. He knew his next task was going to be a bit challenging without a tad bit of assistance. So he flew East, towards the enormous castle the witch set her eyes on to overthrow. He fluttered up to a half open window after hearing voices chatter.
"possible royalty and a issue..or maybe a ...opportunity for Mistress.."
The crow thought to himself as he settled on the stone ledge to listen in.
"...we have to make sure mother is safe. After sister's mysterious death, we can't take risks...especially now since she's with child with the king's twins."
The prince known as Cozack spoke in a determined yet fearful tone on his Mother Lekeria. The guard nearby watched as Cozack spoke towards him.
"yes your majesty. As your head guard , I'll be sure to get our ranks in order to keep the Queen safe." The knight spoke towards Cozack with a confidence that resembled that of a half hearted creature. Pox could sense the fear in them. Their minds flooded with the images of the massacred his Mistress left In the kingdoms wake just a few days ago. He fluttered his black wings and hopped closer as Cozack spoke again.
"Mother needs to find the best Doctor or medicine maker to keep her well til she gives birth...find them and bring them here...SAFELY."
The guard nods and sets off out of the great hall the pair was conversing in. Pox caws put in delight as he hopped off the ledge to seek out his mistress to tell him what he learned...but first he still needed aid from an old friend...Lucifer.
After a day's flight, Pox came upon an old saw mill that was left unused for a millenia it seemed. He landed inside through a broken window and looked about the semi dark quarters. Light shuffling was heard on and off among the fallen roof thatches and rafters. Pox caws out a warning and walked about looking. Out of nowhere, a large black mass pounces on Pox and hisses. Pox fluttered his black wings and pushed the creature off.
"Damn you Lucifer! Must you do this EVERYTIME?!"
The creature stood and sat, his glaring amethyst eyes on the crow. His silky long coal black tail slithered side to side like a serpent. Lucifwr was a large coal clack cat with a silver pentagram on his black leather collar, a sign he was the witches ally.
"'re no fun. Can't always be serious."
Lucifers laugh purred into a deep alluring rumble as he spoke. He pads up to Pox and licked his ivory fangs. Pox flutters back a bit before speaking.
"Anyways..I require your assistance. Mistress needs a worthy vessel and I may have found one she can get. The Queen in a nearby kingdom is pregnant. They seek a Doctor for her..."
"..and you want be the doctor. Very clever my avian friend. but I'll require a favor from you when the time comes. I'll take up this task. I'll need to gather a few things for my new ruse. help me gather up what I need then fly off to alert the Mistress."
Pox nods and the deal was struck. He flew off and called upon his crow army. He instructed them to watch and follow Lucifer as his assistants. The each cared out in agreement and flew off to begin the task at hand.