Chereads / The New Gaia / Chapter 31 - Awakening III

Chapter 31 - Awakening III

John got discharged from the hospital after approximately one hundred and twenty hours, meaning he was there for full five Earth days, or two and half days on New Gaia. Days here were nearly twice as long as on Earth, lasting for about fourty seven hours.

In the region where their camp was located, with the current position of the planet in relation to suns, the day and night had nearly the same length. Since Marlow's group landed during the night, it meant that he left the hospital in the afternoon.

The very moment he left the "hospital" - as medical used to say this sarcastically - sunlight nearly blinded him. It was actually the very first time major could feel the suns' warmth on this new planet. It was quite hot, but slight wind made the temperature lighter on one's body.

John was still only getting used to his new cyber limbs, relying mainly on his PEC to help coordinate his movement. This also meant his implant had to be turned on all the time, at least until he learns to make a proper use of these new body parts. Then, once he adjusts, using PEC on passive will be the main mode for living with these prosthetics - turning off implant completely was not an option since advanced structure of the cyber limbs put too much strain on the brain itself, and support of PEC was required.

Of course, with no network on the planet, implant had no signal for wide range, but he could see some of the contacts being active. This meant: firstly, within the camp there were people he knew, and secondly, built-in signal amplifier was fully operational, meaning he could get in touch with people located within five kilometer radius, which was a reassuring thing to know.

However, contacting acquaintances was not something on his mind right now since many already visited him back when he was hospitalized. At this point, Marlow wanted to take a look around and do a small reckon.

Field hospital was located in the centre of the camp, mainly for security reasons, and other buildings and facilities were placed around it, encompassing the place were wounded were gathered.

Two suns where high in the sky, bathing the whole valley in light. The exact spot where the camp was set was encompassed by natural walls on three sides: north, west and east, with the biggest one being a giant rock wall of the base of the mountain located in the north, and others blocked by rock formations.

There was no doubt such location would make it safe anywhere on Earth, as steep rock walls like the ones here could not be breached by any living being from humanity's home planet. However, the problem John immediately noticed was that they still knew only a small portion about this planet's fauna. In other words, they could not determine whether creatures living here were capable of breaching such obstacles. How many species here can fly? Or how many are able to climb such steep walls? Nevertheless, Marlow was sure such surroundings were making people feel more at ease.

Aside from the security advantage, major appreciated the charm this area had. Lowland or plains with such height difference were something unusual for people who could not see such geological formations back on Earth, but produced amazing views.

With abundance of water and good soil, vegetation here was rich and varied. Shapes and colors of trees, shrubs and grasses were totally different from what humans new. Of course, green color known from Earth was also here, but not so numerous as much brighter colors close to orange and red.

Back on board of Future, John learned quite a bit about the reasons for such variety of colors. While there were two suns in the sky people were able to see with their naked eyes, another one, emitting light human eye could not see, was hiding between the two. Due to being used to Sun, Earthlings have eyes adjusted to seeing specific light spectrum, but it did not mean there could not be entities functioning outside this spectrum humans knew. This kind of thing happened in the system where the New Gaia was found. The third sun, labeled as Wraith, could be only seen by using special instruments.

Walking over the soft grass and feeling a pleasant wind, one might have easily forget about fighting for their life not so long ago.

Marlow did not walk that far from hospital yet, but he was already captivated by the beauty of pure nature, even though sight was greatly obstructed by various buildings people erected in the area.

By the northern wall, sturdiest one, all key buildings were located. While walking from hospital's location, John passed a greenhouse growing edible plants and these required for producing medicine, and the laboratory creating synthetic drugs next to it. So far, meds and drugs were not necessary as they could still rely on reserves brought in pods, but already prepared infrastructure meant Ryan was seriously thinking about establishing a long-term base in this area.

Speaking of pods and transporter ships in general, these which landed close to the camp were dragged here to be used as temporary quarters. Even colonel McRae's office was located in one of these.

Still, the number of pods and tranporter units was not high enough to properly handle the number of people staying in the camp, hence the addition of small housing blocks. They were referred to as buildings, though Marlow preferred to call them containers, mainly due to their shape and simple construction. Single module was really easy to put together - frames were designed to use the minimum space when stored, so they could be freely folded and unfolded when needed. A single panel had the size of a standard suitcase when folded, and was three meters high and six meters wide when unfolded. All pieces were prefabricated, which could be easily turned into shelter, though their endurance was questionable - materials were rather thin and protecting mainly against weather conditions. It was obvious this kind of "building" would not withstand a blow from Gaian Tiger or a landslide.

Nevertheless, pods, transporters and housing were all gathered in potentially safest part of the camp, so theoretically they did not require high endurance. Defensive functions were supposed to be provided by different structures, currently being built. By the eastern wall, major noticed much more powerful constructions, based on programable framework, one of the most functional technologies they had at their disposal. If properly set, these could be used as mobile excavators and assembly lines. It was possible thanks to maneuvering engines allowing even multi-layered frameworks to elevate and move to different spots.

From the short observation, John concluded that constructions by the eastern wall are supposed to be used for mining, meaning the area here had to be especially rich in resources, but also thick enough to withstand extraction. At least, it was what Marlow hoped for - if McRae decided to proceed with mining without checking how sturdy are these rock formations, it would mean deliberately forfeiting natural fortification.

Still the most important things were that they had a place to sleep, food to eat and hospital to handle the wounded. Canteen and bathrooms were placed along the western wall, by which John also noticed another programmable framework, but this one was much bigger and sturdier than the ones by the eastern wall. No wonder, since it was supposed to be a mini-factory aimed to produce variety of small and medium-sized equipment, including replacement for any parts of devices and machines they currently had. The first thing John thought will be produced there were parts need to fix the damaged mecha.

Marlow made this assumption based on Ryan's occupation. As a militaryman, McRae was planning a lot of things army-style, so it was likely the reason behind the shape of the factory.

Following this line of thought, John deduced possible function of other two constructions in progress by the western walls - these were likely a foundry and a workshop.

Having taken a look at the parts of the camp secured by natural formations, major headed towards south - the least fortified border, serving as an entrance to the base. Since going along the walls from east to west took him about ten minutes, he was expecting similar time to be needed, but it turned out the distance was bigger.

On the way, Marlow passed by something that appeared to be a relay tower's base, being currently constructed about one hundred meters south from the spot where hospital was located. The tower had about one-third of the minimum height such devices required to operate properly, but it was already noticeable, sticking up above the surrounding buildings. Next to the construction, he spotted another building, obviously used as a research facility, which could be easily deduced based on the group of scientists examining Gaian Tiger's corpse - a sight John decided to skip the very moment he noticed it.

From the sights of it, builders were not removing boulders or trees, integrating constructions into the surroundings. It was obviously possible owing to a lot of available space, but major expected colonel recognized this as a good idea to create a natural camouflage.

Everything seemed to proceed smoothly, and without any big problems, but further south situation appeared different. Here and there, footprints of animals could be seen along traces of fighting. In the central part of oval clearing, a building was erected to act as a stronghold against potential dangers. Marlow was quickly able to notice what kind of structure it was not only due to its shape, but also the sturdiest materials they had available being used for its construction. It was definitely the biggest one among completed buildings he saw within the camp until now, though least uniform in terms of its structure - many different parts could be noticed in terms of materials used, including local rocks, pieces of armor coming from mecha, brawlers, though outer layer was reinforced with something high grade and the sturdiest of all, known as a reflective titanium. One such plate was worth a lot, and could be easily used as a replacement part for various heavy vehicles or mecha, and yet someone - John knew who the person likely was - decided to place it here. On the one hand, Marlow felt big respect for this fortress being made sturdy in such a short amount of time, though - on the other - it seemed like a mass of metal making him remember old scrapyards back on Earth.

The way camp was put together made it obvious Ryan did not want to play an architect, and focused on the stuff that was important to him - defensive capability, and not aesthetics. Nevertheless, the fortress was the last proper building in this area, and since this very point there was only a military equipment and the land.

So far, John kept avoiding longer talks with the people he was passing by when walking around the camp, limiting himself to only greeting them or saying just a couple of words. He was not really bothered to begin with since there were not that many people he knew staying in this camp, maybe a dozen or so. However, as he reached the fortress building, a pair of familiar soldiers spotted him. Both men recognized major immediately, and likewise, though the relation they had could not be called anything more than acquaintance - for colleagues or friends, they would have to spend more time together as they have met only a couple of times since joining the project. Still, from the moment they landed on this planet, living through the night was possible only thanks to their cooperation - those two men were sergeant Szarak and corporal Wilkowski, both from one of the brawlers accompanying John on the very first night on this planet. Since Marlow was higher in rank, both men saluted him, and major did the same, though it was not easy considering he still felt some pain here and there.

- I'm glad you are alright, major - Wilkowski was first to speak - When it hit you, I thought it's all over.

Back then, John could not remember this soldier's name, he only recalled his rank, but following couple of words from him, immediately let Marlow connect dots.

Hearing what corporal said, major smiled slightly.

- To be honest, I thought the same - John could clearly recall this very moment - If it wasn't for your help, it wouldn't end well I'm sure. So, if anything, I owe you great deal.

- Just buy us a drink or two, sir, and we can call it even - said sergeant Szarak, grinning - Soldiers need to stick together, right?

- Though I'm more an engineer than a soldier - Marlow remarked - After all, I wasn't sent here for such a dangerous safari, but to help with technical stuff and to search this abandoned city. If I wanted memories of fighting some huge ass monsters, I would have bought some back on Earth.

- But anyone can buy something like that, and here you have a real life experience, major!

Szarak was obviously joking around, so John followed up with a retort:

- Tigers we have on Earth wouldn't swallow me whole - others laughed out loud - By the way, aren't you on duty right now? I don't want to take your time.

The men looked a bit panicked for a moment, but Marlow assured them he did not say it to point out them taking some kind of "unauthorized" break.

- We are making rounds - Stan quickly replied - The southern border is secured by mecha, including an Ursus in the centre, so we have an ideal observation point there, scanning the area all the time. We are only acting as a backup.

John nodded, easily understanding this setup. Ursi, due to their humongous size, were something akin to mobile fortresses. These models had a really big range of vision, reaching up to several kilometers with use of its sensors, and even standard observation without such support was exceptional. It was definitely a much better solution than assigning several dozens of soldiers to do the same thing, split into the groups in several spots.

- Weird I didn't notice a functional Ursus in the area - Marlow was surprised such big machine could stay hidden.

- Probably because it got here when you were hospitalized, sir - corporal Wilkowski explained - Speaking of which, that girl is something else. She managed to get here on her own after her group got scattered when they've entered the atmosphere.

This was another information major did not expect. From what he recalled, there were no women among Ursi's contracted pilots. It was easy to remember since there were maybe about thirty Ursi onboard of Future.

- That's interesting, but it seems she is not from the regular unit.

Wilkowski shrugged, but Szarak spoke this time.

- Now that I think about it, I don't recall she was one of the regulars. I would surely remember such a girl.

Marlow became even more interested.

- So you had a chance to meet her?

- Only once, when she got here. She reported to colonel, and got back to the machine. She is sitting there ever since. We don't have too many pilots here, you see, so if she were to leave her post, we would have one person less for Savages. Besides, Ursi are specific so not sure if others are able to handle it to begin with.

Soldiers took their leave, and John went into the direction where Ursus was located, wanting to check who is the person piloting it. The reason why he asked the men about more details was that he had a hunch about that person. Once he reached the feet of the giant machine, his PEC picked up a signal with call request.

- John, is that really you?

Major immediately recognized this voice, belonging to one of the two females on board of Future he knew could handle this kind of mecha.

- So, it's you, Glitter? I was wondering if it was Jeanne or you. So you are finally a pilot now?

Obviously, Glitter was a nickname directly related to her original name, Svetlana. People who knew Russian, came up with the idea, and the nick stuck to her permanently.

A nervous laughter was what he first heard, and only then the woman spoke.

- Well, I may be a pilot, for now. Several people from original crew died when we had disturbances in gravity field back on the ship, so someone had to jump in their shoes. Jeanne took one Ursus, I got the other. Jeanne was selected as a top Savage's pilot, and - as for me - you know that I have some experience with civilian model.

Marlow was aware, and still amazed that this young woman managed to work with civilian models, as they were less common than military version nowadays.

- How old are you once again?

Sveta sighed.

- This joke already got old, John - but she smiled ultimately - What are you doint here, by the way?

Major shrugged.

- Nothing much. Finally got out from the hospital so I thought it may be nice to go for a stroll.

- Must have been rough, huh? It didn't go according to plan, right?

- Definitely not. Everything's messed up.

- Yup, I can see this planet wasn't easy on you. Quite a hit you got there. Should you be walking at all?

- Manuela said I'm free to go. But should you be worried about me, sitting there for such a long time?

- Well, it would be nice to get a chance to have a walk like you do. Still, I'll manage. The cockpit is big and quite comfortable, and I'm not even sure if I can get quarters that good in this temporary camp. Besides, colonel promised me several days off, once we get all necessary buildings ready. We can always hang out when I get some free time, so go and have some rest now. I can't have you pass out around here.