Chereads / The New Gaia / Chapter 63 - Gaian Pyramids XIV

Chapter 63 - Gaian Pyramids XIV

Following the agreement, John and Keira joined scientists working in the cave, focusing on areas easiest to excavate in order to gather as much data as possible before sunrise.

Based on the scans their group made until now, including time before and after portions of original cave structure collapsing, they seemed to be actually within a bigger complex comprising not only a pyramid they first noticed, but a number of different structures, including buildings and devices.

So far, using the equipment at their disposal, they identified several dozens of such elements. Unfortunately, the amount of time they had allowed to uncover from ten to twenty percent of the area at most, and the target depended on which structures they decide to work on.

Pyramid, or rather the area they deemed to be a pyramid - as the shape sensors were picking was pointing towards a cube rather than pyramid - was considered too dangerous due to recent events, therefore removed from the list. However, even with that decision and the fact this was the biggest structure, it still meant they had to choose from total of about three quarters of the whole area.

- The biggest structure is the most interesting one and here we cannot work on it.

Marlow heard this kind of comments every now and then. At first, he actually attempted to start the explanation, but it turned out to bo pointless - the team understood really well the reason behind the decision, and still complained, because of innate curiosity typical for people of science and research.

- Don't worry, John - miss Evergate pat him on the back - I'm sure they are doing this to deal with stress. Though, if I'm to be honest with you, I also feel it's a waste to just let it be.

Major was in the middle of clearing rocks covering part that seemed to be an entrance to one of the smaller buildings as they were speaking. He stood up and started stretching out, while talking:

- I cannot disagree. If it was in any other circumstances, I would be the one of people supporting the idea of going inside yet again. The problem is, we already lost one of our companions, and those who went inside managed to survive by sheer luck. I still wonder how in the hell we actually did it.

Keira just shrugged, so he continued:

- The more I think about it, the bigger the feeling that someone or something led us that way...

This time miss Evergate laughed lightly before saying:

- C'mon, John, it's not the time to be joking. Our PECs and F-suits' sensors didn't pick any signs of life on the way...

- I know what you are trying to say - he interrupted her - You are right about it and, of course, we weren't able to find any activity down there - he resumed clearing the wall - I'm not surprised this was the case, given all the interference. However, think about all these events we went through. Don't you think it's unusual that this structure's system led us directly to the exit? I'd actually expect the safety system to shut us inside.

- Isn't this idea a bit stretched though? Maybe it was some kind of emergency escape route?

John smiled.

- This is exactly an explanation I thought of first, but the more I'm thinking about it, the less likely it seems. I even reviewed the footage my PEC captured, and it looked like the walls were growing in our way as if reacting to our movement rather than setting a predefined route.

- Doesn't it mean we were just straying off the route?

- Possibly, yes. And that's the thing. If the system was reacting to our movement, it means it has really good data processing capabilities, maybe some kind of AI? Of course, there is a possibility of some alien operating the system, but I'd rather bet on AI.

Keira was only standing, while talking to him so far, but now she started helping with clearing the way as open space appeared from below the rocks.

- If any of the scenarios you mentioned is the case, I honestly hope it is and AI and not some alien - she said with a really serious face - If it was actually some intelligent being there, it would mean they let Jackie die. Obviously, we don't know about circumstances, but just thinking about it seems disturbing.

- Yes, it is worrying indeed, though I'd prefer thinking it was just an accident in such situation. Then again, we won't be able to verify this anytime soon, unless there is some hideout in other parts of this area.

- Based on my experience in archeology, there is never a place unworthy of investigation, even though I share the thought that main structure is the most interesting here.

They continued chatting about the stories miss Evergate had to tell, doing that when clearing the way leading into a smaller building being a part of the bigger installation.

It took them about ten minutes to clear enough rocks for big enough hole to open for an adult human to fit through, but they took additional time to make more room to place a light source and first send a bot inside.

When they were about to let the drone inside, sarge Krawczak joined them.

- Already done, sarge? - Marlow asked the very moment he noticed him - Any problems?

- All's fine, major - Krawczak replied - We have the area secured, so I can help here now.

- Don't you prefer to take a moment of rest, Andy? - miss Evergate talked to sarge too - We are actually managing here, so maybe it's a good chance for you and some other people to take some rest? We have quite a distance to travel starting tomorrow after all.

- How can I go and rest if there's so many people still working here? - he looked at John - Besides, I cannot leave the officer without help.

Major Marlow smiled slightly, finalizing drone's setup.

- You sure are conscientious, sarge, but being in the top shape is also part of your duty - John said to Andy - Use the time we have now to rest, and that applies not only to you, but other military personnel too. Plan things so everyone gets couple of hours of sleep.

Sarge Krawczak did not discuss the matter further, agreed on the order and went away.

Others, who stayed, focused on sending the drone inside.

Already before they did that, everyone could see a portion of the interior owing to the light they put by the entrance. However, the room they were seeing looked rather empty with only a few blocks sticking out from the floor and walls, and some appliance of unknown purpose.

- Ok, going in - Marlow notified others, using remote controls to walk the drone inside - These blocks are quite big, I wonder what they were used for - he started scanning the object, and the had the bot pick samples of the material - Hm, no reaction to our bot. Now, for this appliance...

Sound of gunshots reached them from the outside. Everyone immediately stopped their work.

- Science team, go to the main chamber and hide there - John started giving orders - Military team, come with me.

They proceeded in the direction of the cave's main entrance, meeting sarge Krawczak on the way.

- Guards spotted someone outside - he reported as they kept moving - They shouted warnings but to no avail and had to shoot.

- You say someone, so was that human? - Marlow asked - Everyone from Future has their personal signature, so they should easily identify them.

- The thing is, there was no reply and they couldn't verify, and then they were attacked.

- So someone started shooting at them?

- No, they had to shoot in self-defense.

John's group reached the entrance.

- What a disaster - Marlow noticed a body on the ground, blood around it - Couldn't you avoid it?

- Sir, we have a footage recorded - replied one of the soldiers - We had to defend.

- This person was behaving like crazy - said the other - He attacked us with his hands, but look at this - he showed an ugly-looking wound in his side, already being treated by F-suit's recovery system - I didn't expect human could do something like that...

Looking at it, John felt uneasy. He instructed others to look around and secure area, while approaching the body himself.

When he was at the hand's reach from it, his PEC received a call request. It was unusual situation as everyone in his current group had a separate channel, so it meant there was someone else trying to reach him.

- What the...? - Marlow thought to himself, but accepted - Major Marlow, identify yourself.

- John, don't touch the body! - it was a voice he knew well - Keep everyone away!

- Martin, what are you talking about?

- Just listen to me, and keep everyone away. We are already nearby, so please wait until we get to your location. I will explain when we arrive.

- Was that guy from your group?

- It's a complicated topic, and requires time to explain. The most important thing is for no one to touch the body. We have someone who will take care of it.

Marlow was honestly confused by the whole situation, but knowing Johnson - he was not the type of guy to throw warnings without a reason.

- Okay, everyone go back to the entrace - he communicated with others - No one is to touch the body. I was contacted by another group just now, and they will get here in a matter of minutes.

Despite the shooting and one person getting killed a moment ago, he could see relief on faces of most of the soldiers around him.

As instructed, everyone gathered by the entrance to the cave. Some pointed up above, noticing a wasp unit circling around the area, and a moment later a brawler guarded by two savages appeared in vicinity.

Upon their arrival, brawler parked just by the entrance, while two SVG remained farther away, monitoring the area. The first person emerging from the vehicle was none other than Martin Johnson.

The man rushed to major Marlow, giving him a strong hug.

- John, you don't even know how glad I am seeing you are safe! - he looked as if he was about to cry - Everyone will be happy when they finally see you!

John was also glad seeing one of the people he knew was alright after the crash landing, but...

- Likewise, but we have a more pressing matter here, so let's keep chitchat for later - he pointed at the body on the ground - We already let the poor guy stay like this long enough, so do you mind telling me what's this all about? Our guards told me he attacked them...

- That's quite likely - another voice joined in the conversation. Doctor Kate Warner walked from inside the brawler, following Martin - And your people shouldn't worry about killing one of their own. The guy was long dead before attacking them.

Marlow looked at her as if he was crazy.

- What do you mean he was long dead? How can a dead person attack someone?

- Well, to be more precise, it was no longer him who attacked - Kate continued - Rather than that, something else was controlling the body.

- Like what? Some kind of parasyte? - major was imagining some kind of organism getting into the body - Was that the reason you told us to stay away? - he turned to Martin while asking - So it can move to other people?

- You are quite close with parasyte's functions to some extent, but it is a longer story - said doctor Warner as he turned towards the body - But I will leave the rest to Martin. I need to take care of this one before it manages to go rampant.

She walked to the spot where the body was located, crouched and started working, while both Marlow and Johnson stayed where they were.

- Okay then, can you finally tell me what's this all about? - John honestly wanted answers.

- Do you have a place where we can sit down for a calm talk?

Major nodded and led his friend into their camp inside the cave.

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