"The young business man Park Ki Tan's body has just been found in a river at the Jang Bridge close to the east coast, that's not all, more bodies were discovered in that location of persons recorded missing, amongst them is a woman who works with the Mayfield hotel, she has been missing for some days now her dead body has just been found, this is shocking to us all, it is difficult to comprehend how such mysterious things could happen on our not so huge city"
She quickly turned off the television as her heart rate increased, she was literally panting.
She could feel a sharp pain on her chest wall as she strive to gasps for air.
Soon she heard a slight knock on the door
"Who is it?!" She screamed at the top of her lungs
"Just go away, I don't want to talk to anyone" she added in anguish.
"It's me Hyung, I really need you to open this door, we need to talk"