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Edward Dating Tanya

HIS last first date: falling for her innocence

How does it feel to leave your peaceful lake and move into a troubled ocean?". Annabelle, a young lady with a striking beauty, loses her little comfortable life after her  mother is diagnosed with leukemia and her father loses his job. Their once peacefully life became toxic for her and the rest of her family. Having two other siblings to look after, Annabelle decided it's best to leave college as she had no sponsor and being the eldest sibling, to support her family. In her desperation to get a job, she receives an offer to become a nanny to a grown young man.  Becoming Sinclair's personal servant  is  decision that left her soft, innocent self broken. Annabel who had always lived in the a family where she was treated as a princess, surrounded by her brothers  and a father who cared about her emotions now moves in with a harsh talker, Sinclair who takes pleasure in seeing her cry. He's not used to speaking nicely to people, it is not in his genes. "Are you just gonna stand there,  looking like a toothless bunny" Sinclair husky voice snaps Annabel out of her trans as he puffs out smoke from his nostrils approaching Anabel with a dangerous smirk. What will happen when this opposing world crashes, will Annabel be able to change Sinclair or will the good girl turn bad. Blurb: he had a non dating policy, he doesn't believe in love, he just want to use any girl that comes his way like a paper and toss into the trash can. But she believes in the world of love and her naiveness about the things of the world was a turn off for him. But will they ever get to accept each other's differences?. Climax: when things begins to get smooth between Sinclair and Anabel, a family crisis raise and Sinclair mom, had to persuade Anabel to leave Sinclair Resolution: Sinclair finds a way to resolve the family problem and decides to look for his love and they were able to continue their love. Plot Exposition: Anabel who once had a comfortable life had to sort for work when her mother became diagnosed with leukemia and her father loses his job at the same time. The devastating news broke her family financial stability and she had to drop out of college to help support her family. At the same period of her life, one bad boy in college from a wealth background and with an  expensive inheritance was troubling his mother a lot, requesting for new maid after firing a lot within a week. With a job offer available, Anabel jumps at the opportunity since she would be paid a huge amount of money. However Anabel was not expecting her new boss to be a complete asshole who takes joy in seeing her cry. "Get your fucking miserable self out" his favorite word became like the air she breaths in every moment. Having to watch his intimacy with countless girls was the least she had to endure in his hell. But she has no choice, even when she has to be his personal servant at his school, enduring the ridicule from him like an honorable award. Progressively, Sinclair begins to get drawn to Annabel's innocence. He became so possessive over her, to the point of sending his step brother whom  he had sworn not have anything to do with to the hospital. Plot twist: After Sinclair had sworn to make Annabel his first last date, his father who had divorced his mother and was married to a wealthy daughter of a politician, propose a contract marriage for him. Sinclair being his  stubborn self refuses the offer, then his father threatens to withdraw his only inheritance including withdrawing his support to his mother.  In other to save the future, Sinclair's mother goes and met Annabel and  persuade her to break up with Sinclair and run away from the country which she agreeded to, leaving Sinclair in a position to go after Annabel or break his first last date principle.
Maryann_Chinelo · 357 Views

A Bland but Resplendent New Life

Tanya was a high schooler when she had her first official criminal charge, for misdemeanor. The ones before then didn’t matter as they were all ’small’ cases that could end with several hits, a detention or general punishment – grounding. But none of them held an official punishment, not like a criminal record and for someone like Tanya, who adored and reveled in the glory of being a nuisance to her family and society at large,this meant an upgrade and a new start in life from a nuisance to a miscreant. Soon, she will realize that there was so much a life like that could offer her; capital punishment, death. She had to lose a life and her loving family to make her realize that she was nothing but a useless stain and burden on her family, emotional, financial and physical wise. Swearing to take care of her family if given a second chance in an emotional outburst, Tanya wakes up fifteen years prior to her death at the apex of her first mistake. With the advantage of a previous life, Tanya does everything to become a better person to her family and siblings, all the while guiding her heart and mind from the handsome temptations that stood to offer nothing but heartbreak and toxicity in a bid to remain disciplined and prevent past errors and mistakes. Will she be successful or will history repeat itself and render her efforts hopeless to her dismay? Join Tanya on her quest to learn how to live a resplendent new life in a bland but fashionable manner.
Willfulsoul_07 · 10.5K Views

"रहस्यों का अधिपति: विदूषक"

क्लेन मोरेती, पृथ्वी का एक साधारण युवक, एक अपरिचित दुनिया में जागता है जो रहस्यों, गुप्त तथ्यों और एक ठोस भयावहता से भरी हुई है। शुरू में भटकाव में पड़ने के बाद, क्लेन को जल्द ही एहसास होता है कि वह इस नए, रहस्यमयी क्षेत्र में अपने वैकल्पिक स्वरूप के शरीर में स्थानांतरित हो गया है। लोएन साम्राज्य के नाम से जाना जाने वाला यह विश्व स्टीमपंक तकनीक और लवक्राफ्टियन भय का एक रोचक मिश्रण है, जहां कोहरे से ढकी सड़कों पर स्टीम इंजनों की भाप की आवाज गूंजती है और अलौकिक प्राणियों की छिपी उपस्थिति महसूस होती है। क्लेन का आगमन बिना परेशानी के नहीं होता। वह सामाजिक मानदंडों और तकनीकों से जूझता है जो उसे परिचित और अजीब दोनों लगते हैं। लोएन साम्राज्य एक ऐसी जगह है जहां पुरानी दुनिया की विक्टोरियन सौंदर्यता фантастических तत्वों के साथ मिलती है, जिससे यांत्रिक चमत्कारों और भयावह रहस्यों से भरा एक परिदृश्य बनता है। जैसे-जैसे क्लेन अपने नए परिवेश में ढलता है, उसे बियॉन्डर डोमेन के अस्तित्व का पता चलता है—एक रहस्यमयी और खतरनाक छिपा हुआ विश्व जो रोजमर्रा के जीवन की सतह के नीचे मौजूद है। बियॉन्डर की अवधारणा क्लेन को आकर्षित और भयभीत दोनों करती है। रहस्यमयी औषधियों को आत्मसात करके, व्यक्ति अलौकिक क्षमताएं प्राप्त कर सकते हैं और अनुक्रमों के माध्यम से ऊपर चढ़ सकते हैं, जो उनकी बढ़ती शक्ति और अलौकिकता के करीब आने को चिह्नित करते हैं। इस खुलासे के साथ, क्लेन को गुप्त संगठनों और प्राचीन संप्रदायों के बारे में पता चलता है जो छाया से संचालित होते हैं, प्रत्येक की अपनी योजना और प्रभाव का जटिल जाल होता है। ये संगठन, noble लेकिन रहस्यमयी एवरनाइट चर्च से लेकर समाज के निचले स्तर में छिपे अधिक भयावह तत्वों तक, क्लेन के जागरण में खतरे और साज़िश की परतें जोड़ते हैं। जैसे-जैसे क्लेन इस गूढ़ दुनिया में और अधिक उलझता जाता है, उसे बियॉन्डर्स की जटिल संरचना से परिचित कराया जाता है। ये प्राणी जन्म से नहीं बनते, बल्कि विशेष औषधियों के सेवन की खतरनाक प्रक्रिया के माध्यम से बनते हैं, जिसके प्रत्येक चरण को "अनुक्रम" कहा जाता है। अपनी यात्रा को अनुक्रम 9 से शुरू करते हुए—जो पदानुक्रम में सबसे निचला स्तर है—क्लेन एक ऐसी राह पर निकल पड़ता है जो खतरे और निषिद्ध व प्रबुद्ध दोनों प्रकार के ज्ञान से भरी है। हर कदम के साथ, वह इस दुनिया, इसके छिपे इतिहास और इसके भाग्य को निर्देशित करने वाली भयावह शक्तियों के बारे में और अधिक खोजता है।
Edward_Eleven · 341 Views
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