Mr. Roman looked at everyone present in the hotel restaurant.
This dinner couldn't be called a business dinner anymore. This is more accurately called the Salman family dinner.
The three Salman family women have nothing to do with the Blue Safir apartment building project on the island of Malacca.
Unlike Miss Ratna White and Soraya, they were directly appointed by Mr. Yudisthira Salman.
Soraya, for example, was appointed as the apartment marketing manager. Meanwhile, Ratna was appointed as deputy public relations manager at Salman Corporation, accompanying Mr. Roman.
The letter of appointment was made a few days ago before they left for Singapore. Of course, this letter of appointment was engineered by Mr. Yudisthira Salman, facing the domination of the family of Willie Salman's uncle's wife, Mrs. Elea Deborah.