Chereads / Star Wars. The Emperor's Hand. / Chapter 15 - (Imperial Commando.)

Chapter 15 - (Imperial Commando.)

Chapter fifteen:

Venus took a long look at them and said. Have you ever seen any action before soldiers? Scorch laughed. We were seeing action before you were even thought of.

Venus smiled. Good maybe I won't have to babysit you after all. Scorch replied. Hey...

You know she's got a point Scorch. Said Sev.

Scorch: Oh so now your on her side?

That's enough bickering Deltas. Said Boss. Yes, Sir. Replied the team. Darth Vader breathed in and out for a few seconds before he said. Venus you and Delta will infiltrate the compound by sea. Vader turned his head towards a shadow in the hallway. Boba Fett you will take it by landing docks.

Venus and Fett step out. He wore a rusty looking suit with a jetpack. Venus could have mistaken Fett for Vader. The way they moved. Their talking. It was the same. Wouldn't it be wiser if I were to come in from below since I know the inside?

Vader: I need your expertise later on when Venus unlocks the front doors. We will be arriving in Kamino in ten hours. I'd advise you to get the men ready Fett. Boba walked off without saying a word. Delta squad let us get ready to. Said Boss. When Venus and Vader were alone, Venus asked a question that had been on her mind since Vader mentioned the mission, Are you not going to lead the troops in the battle of Kamino Master?

Vader: No, I am entrusting that to Fett and trusting you to keep a eye on him. Before the ship lands I want us to train a little more.

They walked into a private room where they could train and before they started Vader remembered something that his Master had taught him.

Tell me what you regard as your greatest strength, so I will know how to undermine you, tell me of your greatest fear, so I know what to take from you, and tell me what you crave, so that I may deny you.

He turned to Venus and said to her. If you are able to make me concede defeat I will tell you all you want to know about Anakin Skywalker. He could see Venus become intrigued and then immediately become serious. Good, Vader thought.

Venus jumped at Vader and began slashing at him. Vader blocked every attack but to Venus it looked like she was driving him back. When Venus realized she was just being allowed slash she jumped back. Maybe if I did the same as on Coruscant.

You shouldn't think Venus you should act on instinct. Use your anger, only your hatred can defeat me. Instead of letting Venus attack, Vader began the offense. After a while Venus became exhausted. Vader thought, Yes this is it. When all else fails she would have to use it. This is where she would have to employ the power of the dark side. Come now I expect better of my daughter. Your acting like a Jedi and not a Sith Lord. Vader paused. You hate me, don't you?

Ja-ni: No, I only hate what you've become.

Those words cut Vader deep. More than any wound. Good now use that as your power. Feel the dark side flowing through you, use it strike me down with it. Venus thrust her purple lightsaber forward. Vader quickly dodged and cut off her hand!

She began screaming in pain. It is necessary. Said Vader. Since you will not listen to me and use the dark side, this will be your punishment.

Venus's eyes turned from green to pale yellow. How could you do that to me? She yelled.

Venus fought through the pain of losing her arm to make one final strike to cut off Vader's left hand. Underneath the mask Vader smiled. She what happens when you employ the dark side. Said Vader. Take another look at your hand.

Venus looked and saw that her hand had magically reattached. That's right Venus I really never cut off your hand. But do you see now what I meant about the power of the dark side. If you can control it, you can become more powerful than the Emperor himself.

Venus nodded. Let's go. Vader said. Get ready Venus it's time for the mission.

Delta Squad and Venus were inside a Imperial sub vessel riding through the ocean to get to the cloning building. Boss then said. Listen up Delta's. Lord Venus is our field Commander, I expect you to follow orders just as if they came from Lord Vader himself.

How could a eighteen year old girl be caught up in this battle? Said Sev. I don't know. Said Fixer. But she had already killed her share of people. Venus could hear them talking about her in the background but she didn't care.

All she was worried about was her goal in her life. Trying to bring her real father back from wherever he had gone. Vader was only a part of her real father.

She would have to heal the wounds of his mind to make him come back to the light. Another thing came to her mind. Why wasn't she seduced by the dark side?

As many times as she had used it, why hadn't she totally been turned. Maybe it was because she was Anakin's daughter or that she was the Chosen One. She didn't want to use that power any more. It made her feel cold and sick.

From here on she would try not to kill anyone except when she had no other choice. Instead of becoming a Sith Lord she would train herself as a Jedi. She could access the documents that the Jedi Temple owned and could train from them. Then when she destroyed Palpatine she could save her father from what he had become.

She could turn him back to the light.

Venus snapped out of her daydream when Boss said. Alright Delta let's form up and subdue that compound.