I reached my destination in a cab . At first ,I went to the university and then check in my dorm . It was such a bad luck ,that I was the first one to enter the dorm as a freshman . Because, I came two days early . I was so tensed, excited . so, I just put my luggage in my room and went out with my roller skates. that I just saw skating ground from car window . I put on a mask and dressed like no one can recognise me and I stepped out . I looked all around, its such a good place ,I love the climate and everything . I put on my roller skates and was slowly moving and enjoying every bit of it. Then suddenly a man came and dashed me . He wore an athelet dress with a helmet and mask , He was about 5.8inches . I yelled at him . He said ,do you wanna compete ? I want to show him my strength ,so I agreed .

We made rules to compete . The game has been started . we skated like there is no other chance to play again. first, I was front ,then he came front then me, then he, then me ,oh my god! it's soo stressful at last ,I won ,with a fraction of seconds , hurray ,I won, I won ,I won .

He asked ,are you a champion in roller skates ?? I said no , he asked, do you wanna compete again come early in the morning, he said and left and I left too . As I was walking back all the people who came for walking are murmuring about our battle. I was in a great confusion and went to my room, rest for a while and went to cafeteria.

I was all alone ,eating my food. suddenly, someone came and asked me, can I join you ? I said yes , he was a good looking man with a low voice , I am eating my food silently and he asked me which department are you ? I am from arts, I said . He asked me what's your name ? I was in silent for a while and said do you want my name ? My name advocates peacefulness and I went off . I kept him in a great confusion.

I went to my room there was a women standing infront of my room with luggage . She had a curly hair, wearing high heels that matches her dress ,wow! she had such a great taste . I feel relaxed for having a roommate . I rushed to her and introduced myself and she told her name as SUZEN ,Fashion department student . We chated a long night and went to sleep .

I woke up so early and went to the ground with my skates thinking of him . I want to ask his name, but, when I reached their everyone was starring at me, like they never had seen a women skate . I feel very shy ,and I started to skate slowly ,then he came and again bumped into me . Again, I yelled at him , do you don't know how to skate ? I said . He said ,then teach me ,all the crowd was awe struck. I was in a great confusion, he said, I was joking . I asked ,what's your name ? He said, compete me, and I will tell my details .

We started our race everyone was watching .I was too shy . So I started a bit slow , I was defeated by him , it's my first failure .so ,I asked him about a rematch . He said okay showing fingers .

In a rematch I won ,Everyone congratulated me. I said, thank you , and we sat on a bench , he removed his helmet and mask . It's him the man ,whom I had lunch with . I covered my face , he said ,I know it's you . I felt very awkward and I tried to run away. But he said, do you don't want to know my name? I stopped , he said ,my name was JOHN , and your's ? Don't tell me that it's adovocate peacefulness . I was terrible and told him I am Dove , and I ran as fast as I can.

I went back to my room and I shared everything with SUZEN . We went to cafeteria and he was also there . I showed him to suzen . She said that he was the champion in roller skating . He was soo famous that so many girls are trying to flirt him but he didn't respond to anyone . It's our college luck that he was a freshman in skating department. I felt very dizzy,awe struck,confused, terrible at that moment . He was waiting for someone I just grabbed some food and covered my face and but he called me and I went their . He said I was waiting for you . For me ? Yes .

I introduced suzen to him . She was the great fan of him . She was talking and talking we ate silently ,I left first without telling a word .