"You've been missing for 6 months!" Frank counties
"I was missing for 6 months?" Rachel asked to feel like everything that had happened was only yesterday. Rachel hugged him back. Frank whipped the tears from his face.
"I brought the RV. Let's get you out of these wet clothes." Frank told her getting up and walking her to his RV. His red tank top was soft on her cheek as he carried her in his arms. His dirty blonde hair was cut in a short emo swipe. She rested her head on his chest.
"why you make your face up like that?" Frank asked as he kicked his RV door open walking in. His brown and black fur dog had left the RV.
"Pompidou! Back inside." Frank ordered. The dog came back in as Frank laid Rachel on his bed. He went back to shut the RV door. Pompidou came to her and sniffed her. He gave a little wine and then licked Rachels's face.
"Hey Pompidou," she whispered and petted his head softly. The RV was trashed with some hints of Franks personally. Rachel remembered her time here fondly. She sat up in the bed. She shivered and looked at Frank.
"Is there any clothes I could brow?" Rachel asked. Frank walked in and pulled one of his cabinets open.
"You left a few of your clothes here. you can have them back of course." Frank replied handing them to her. She put on her black fire walk t-shirt. As well as her black fingerless gloves. She pulled on her torn leggings and pulled her denim shorts over them before putting on her black combat boots. The makeup was now fixed on her face. She couldn't wipe it away. It did not bother her. It was very symbolic.
"I think it's time to go back into town," Rachel announced looking at frank. Frank sat in the driver seat his blue jeans crunched against his brown leather seats. Rachel sat softly in the passenger seat. Frank cranked up the RV. The engine clicked and turned. The RV speed down the highway. Rachel leaned out the window. She laughed in the wind. An insane and twisted laugh. The laugh had a sound of joy and power. She was alive again. With the feeling of the air stinging against her face. The feeling of the wind gently pulling at her face with the large smile of a madwoman on her face. The crow flew over the head of the RV. Using the wind to fill its wings as it glided against the air. The trees passed by driving into the town of Arcadia Bay. Pompidou sat in her lap snuggling into her chest. The RV chugging along the road.
"So where too?" Frank asked
"I think I should head to Blackwell. There are a few students or friends. I need to talk too." Rachel announced with a pause remembering Victoria and Nathan. Their faces flashed before her. Her eyes showed extreme rage and a thirst for revenge.
"Look I want you to know that you were the one good thing in my life. when you disappeared. I fell apart. Then after a while, I did some soul searching. I'm starting a clean business online and I even started going to church and talking to my dad. so if you left because of me..." frank explained before Rachel cut him off.
"I didn't leave Frank. something happened to me. something happened to me. something horrible and I know I feel the same way about you." Rachel released these words with love. The RV pulled up to the Blackwell parking lot. Rachel gently let Pompidou down off of her. She opened the RV door. Before leaving the RV. Frank stopped her.
"I want you to know that I would have never stopped you from allowing your dreams," Frank declared openly. Rachel hugged him.
"I know," Rachel replied. letting go and stepping out of the RV. The school had used to bring a sense of joy to her is now replaced with a sense of boating and melodically. The school flashed memerys that would flood her mind. everyone was still in class. So she easily made her way to the girl's dormitory. Along the way, she found many messing posters. Her missing posters. Someone cares for her a lot. The school was littered with them. She looked at the poster longingly. Her heart filled with love and sadness. Whoever left these posters was more than likely in a lot of grief and pain, missing her. She could only think of Chloe. Frank would not have gone on campus. She put the poster down. Rachel stood up. The sun was about to go down on Blackwell academy. A slight chill in the air. She could feel the cold wrap on her shoulders with a slight icey feeling. Most sunsets would calm her but not this one. This one would light a fire inside of her. It seemed like the color of the sky would reflect off her eyes as if the Golden hour had been captured within her two brown eyes. The crow had cawed to get her attention. She walked ever closer to the girl's dorms. An orange golden cat had wandered off across the schoolyard. It had a white underbelly and looked to be a stray. It's for was a mess and it looked tired. A peace of its left ear was missing with its face battled scared. the slight noises of cars passing by and the people talking around her. it didn't bother her. some reason nobody had seemed to even notice she was there. She was almost invisible to the world at this moment. She liked it that way. She pulled up her Black hood and put her hands in her pockets. Rachel focused her head down as she walked to the girl's dorms. As soon as the sun went down everyone had disappeared. The fireflies had filled the air and to open the yard as their own. The crow had flown in and perched its self on one of the wooden benches near the entrance of the dormitory. Its black shadow distorting the light that the lamps gave off. Rachel stood and gave the bird a slight nod before walking to rf the steps in the entryway of the dormatorys.