In the lab the elian is laid on a lab table as the scientists gather around him in astonishment. They took its blood as he laid there on moved. His blood was placed under the microscope, what they saw was mouth opening.
PROF THOMAS:- the activities in his blood cell's are extraordinary. This is my first time seeing an
elian blood
PROF CLINTON:- there blood cell's are different from ours. This activities in his blood shows that it
electric energy can kill them
PROF IFUNANYA:- there is a Thrace of small electron's in his blood. Bring the ships power core. I think They sustain with this ships energy
They brought out the ship's energy core. As they touch him with it, his wound's started healing gradually. He woke up and started struggling and broke what was used in tiying him on the lab table. Then alarm was blown and soldiers came and shot it, but heals his gun wounds. Agent Jude came with an electric tiser gun, he shot the elian and it died.
PROF VICTOR:- This is a medical break through. He can heal himself, its like a robotic AI after bein
being charged it automatically repairs any damage code's in the software
PROF CLINTON:- we must take more blood sample