Chereads / Super Max [Play] / Chapter 17 - SCENE 16

Chapter 17 - SCENE 16

In the fortress zark and victor were charting while max training in a separate room inside the fortress

VICTOR:- when am I going to get my own smart watch

ZARK:- don't worry, you will get yours soon. Am still working on the prototype.

VICTOR:- what Proto gini nna eh

ZARK:- it would have been easy if you are able to generate tark energy

VICTOR:- sorry I can't but there is another way

ZARK:- just some minutes I will be done. I just modified the ships power core like a battery

VICTOR:- this guys what are they here to do

ZARK:- possibly to find max and tark energy

VICTOR:- Max should talk to them

MAX:- I don't want to be a spare power generator for the rest of my life

ZARK:- from the data I have gathered. The dark force king have enslaved Olympus and will wage

Wage war to other planets and slave them

VICTOR:- that doesn't sound good

MAX:- so tark energy is what they need In abundance to archive their goal

ZARK:- you will be his greatest and powerful weapon of all

VICTOR:- try to dailog with them

ZARK:- not advisable

MAX:- I will talk to them and try to know what they want from me

Max brought out a smart watch and gave it to Victor

ZARK:- am picking up a signal, its signature is identical as the Olympian's.

MAX:- it's there ship

VICTOR:- show us the location

MAX:- this guys are just scouts. I think they don't have hope of finding me.

VICTOR:- there ship sent a distress signal So as to locate the ship

MAX:- someone who is not authorize to open the ship just did

ZARK:- the signal has gone silent

MAX:- send out our signal. Try to track the ship if the signal comes up agein

ZARK:- am on it

VICTOR:- I got to go. I can't fight

MAX:- I will be at our hunting ground waiting for them

Victor went out while Max suited up and fly off