I was excited to see the look on Tony's face when we portaled, Every body was ready to go, Johny wanted to explain what his going to see once he arrive to minimize the shock, his up in Rafael room now explaining. I was the inpatient one.
This is the first actual mortal that's been adopted before, Its no instalaxia, so the rules don't apply I think, Sigh are we making a mistake bringing him along? I love my wife heart but she goes off the rails alot.
Tony: So are we going to Chicago?
Johny: Um not quite
Rafael: We are going where the Supreme beings live?
Tony: Are you guys scientist?
Carla: Babe, when he gets there he will see.
Johny: I suppose, If you get frightened, just um.. Come find me and I'll fix it, okay.
Tony: Are you like my dad or something?
Rafael: His like mine haha we would be brothers
Tony: My dad died
Rafael: Your a little dark bro!
Carla made the portal, I immediately started to worry, Everyone jump through it except Tony, he was not moving? Rafael came back and grabbed his friends arm through the portal.
Tony: Holy mother of Jesus.
This place was over flowing with people from different places, Different race, Where did they come from? There was blue and purple guys with 6 arms walking around? Octopus with 4 tentacles but had human face, Aw man how is Tony taking this? Rafael change to his bull form, Tony said nothing the whole way. Everyone was fighting for land, What happend when we left? Some brought over flying cars,
Mountain of Gold, Several soldiers to offer up as gifts to their beloved queen. I'll just stay out of her way, Running a kingdom is hard work, She will quickly learn that. Tony couldn't close his mouth, Octopus with a human faces haha that's weird. Other population with brown stripe on there face Their body was shape as a big cat, sea creatures who only lives in body of water Contain in a vase. Like I said alot of creatures I never thought existed.
Butler: My Queen?
He said bowing down infront of Carla
Tony: Your a queen?
Carla: The Queen, And you are a prince
Tony: Oh wow
Carla: Come let's meet the other hignesses
Johny: Come on
I said guiding him to the tree house, Carla called for our kids. Every where we go beings was bowing down infront of us. I forgot how good that felt. There was people setling everywhere, Thank God Carla made roads or they would of live on there too.
Carla: Babies are you in there?
One by one our kids come out, I was so excited for Tony to come back on with us.
Stefan: Haha mom your having another baby?
Carla: Blame your dad
Tony: How many is adopted?
Carla: None, Rafael mother is on a planet called instalaxia
Tony: Yeah of course, Public education is amazing.
Carla: Haha alright,
Tony: Hmm
All the kids came getting acquainted with Rafael and Tony. We were about to fly off until I heard.
Tony: Um they know Rafael, can I come with you Mr. Johny
Johny: Am going to the castle?
Tony: Yes, Some are birds?
Carla: Phoenix, There in my husband decendant.
Tony: But your mortal right?
Johny: Yes She is, Am instalaxian
I showed him my form, he was staring my stars and galaxy with admiration.
Jakal: Hi mom!
He said galloping everywhere, The over grown dragon came in God speed, Poor Tony, This was so much.
Tony: Is that? two dragons? you Gave birth to Dragons
Carla: No, Haha I created him like I did the maids, the other one is for my friend, She's actually a Dragon
Tony: Oh
Carla: Jakal, want to give him a ride?
Jaqual: Sure mom
He took the poor boy on his back, We rode to the castle Where GC was getting fed up with the very long line. When she seen Carla she rush to her, hugging her, letting out signs of relief. Satphire was smilling siting on the counselor seat.
Satphire: Welcome back my queen
Carla: Did GC left?
Satphire: She might of ran to her room.
Carla: Are you ready?
Satphire: I've been here all day, Am going to retire to my room, you have your king, You'll be fine.
She smiled passing me. Carla looks at me, I am the only one left I guess. Jakal gently landed Tony on the floor.
Tony: I'll help
Carla: Thank you my prince come on.
She sat in the middle seat, I sat by her right, Tony sat on her left. The chairs was made with wood, Really comfortable may I add
Carla: Alright, Next!
There was the octopus guy again, He offered the queen flying Cars, in order for them to take shelter here.
Tony: Are you able to make Trains that goes under water?
Frey: Am sorry?
Carla: I have several realms, I want trains that can get to each one plus I will need it to reach earth, And other planet for trading purposes
Johny: Beneficial for tourist.
Carla: I'll take the cars, But if you ask me what I need? means to transport is what I really need.
Frey: I will need metal and jewls strong enough to hold..
Carla: I can give you the car you were going to give me to use as metal for the train. I have jewls that are unbreakable, Can that work?
Frey: My Queen your getting me excited legalizing research!
Carla: As long as it doest not hurt my kingdom or citizen, Because if it does I'll rebuke your entire race out Without a second thought!
Frey: Allright.
Carla: Yes, Make me the train and you can call this place your home, Up until you threatened my kingdom.
Johny: Your dismiss
Carla: Next!
There was this blue guy that cut in line.
Chi: Hi
Carla: Hi
Chi: I came for a marriage alliance
Carla: Am already married.
Chi: Oh
Carla: Yes, his my king.
Chi: Who says you only get one king, Your a powerful queen make it two or three husband, Noone dare judge you
He said walking up the steps to Carla.
Tony: What happend in your homeland?
Chi: Who is this?
Johny: Our son
Tony: Prince Tony, Again why did you leave?
Chi: Ahem, My father was murdered by my greedy uncle, Me and my siblings fled, They all gave up but not Me. I am here to rule beside you, Pursuade you to go to war with my hometown, Than betray you to take both kingdom. Oh Why am I saying all these things?
Looking at Carla eyes; The truth lies in her purple eyes.
Johny: So
Chi: Guess is true Noone can lie to you.
Carla: What were you back in your homeland?
Chi: I led my own man
Carla: 50 of them
Chi: Yes
Carla: Hmm
Tony: What do you want to do mom?
Carla: I would like you to be one of my generals,
Chi: I have to go save my people
Carla: Than I can't shelter you, am sorry.
Chi: Alright! 2 years than you have to help me get my kingdom back.
Carla: I won't engage in war, But if you happen to be strolling by, And they come at you first, You have my full support to protect yourself. You won't be a citizen in my country, We will part one day.
Chi: How many soldiers
Carla: You can take in your stroll?
Chi: "Sure"
Carla: As much as you need my prince.
Chi: Haha alright, Here is to new friendship
He gave Carla beautiful stones, Jewls, Gold that was in the 50 chest, wow it was alot. Carla put them all in her water bubble putting them to the side.
Everyone brought her gold jewls, Animals male and female in the hopes they can reproduce. Now we were on the less fortunate.
There was family of seals who approached her throne.
Woman: Um, My quee..Queen I have nothing to offer, Um see we were conquered and I lost everything, We only have our knowledge, so um yeah..
Her feet was trembling as she stand infront of the Carla, who she thinks will turn her away just because she has nothing.
Carla: How much people do you have with you?
Woman: 30 Kids included. We can work and pay our taxes, We just need to start over.
Carla: Have you established residency?
Woman: Yes, we just need you to approve the citizenship
Carla: Yes, approve! next!
Looking around there was so much rich in the audience, Haha they're so confuse.
Carla: Alright we need teachers, professors, doctors, Everything. in two days if your interested, No one is forcing you, if you want a job see me tomorow.
They all nodded and left. Everyone that was here today, Got their answers, She denied some that had bad intentions, she detected with her purple eyes, It freed some space but we were still crowded. We retired for the night I was so proud of her. GC had things to run by her. We all was having diner, When She came.
GC: Alright am glad you settled that,
Am thinking of giving everyone 10 acres to farm or occupy their animals, They have to live with the same last name, in order to keep everything in order
Carla: Alright.
Satphire came with her babies. One leopard two dragon but all purely white.
Satphire: Good evening.
Chi: Good evening
Carla: You should hury up and find land
Chi: Wait, your not giving me one?
Carla: No
He quickly got up from the table running out to claim land. Carla just smiled, She's amazing.
Louise: Johny, surprise to see you here?
Johny: surprise to see your husband alive mother in law
Louise: Hahaha touche! truse?
Johny: Truse!
We nodded in agreement. Gregory my father in law was so happy to see his daughter.
Grogery: Honey you got so big
Carla: Dad, Haha am not that big am pregnant
Gregory: Wait after 60+ kids your still making more?
Johny: Haha that one wasn't planned
Gregory: I see haha who's that another grandson of mine
Looking at Tony who stayed next to me at all time.
Johny: Yes!
Tony: Hello sir, Are you mortal?
Gregory: Yes
Tony: Okay.
We all ate, than we went to bed. Carla was amazing. I took a shower, I didn't expect her to come to Bed, GC had a long list of family name.. Her castle was beautiful, Her guards big hugely monstrous rock soldiers, Their speed uncomparable along with their strength. She came to bed? She seem to have so much work why was she on the bed?
Johny: Your not working?
Carla: No, your in bed that's my priority, You won't be in bed without me.
I smiled at her comment she was amazing. We spoon drifting to sleep. The next day she was in her flower ware, But instead of a bikini, She made a full dress with the flowers.
Carla: Good morning
Johny: Hey
Carla: Are you ready?
Johny: For?
Carla: Ruling the kingdom, Were equals honey, We will divide the work
Johny: Haha
Carla: Babe please it's alot.
Johny: Fine.
Carla: Today we are separating land.
Johny: Alright
We got ready for the day. We went to sit on the throne, Tony was waiting on us.
Carla: I assigned you a personal butler
Tony: Yes my Queen, I like him thank you.
Carla: He will be your protector while your here, Provider.
Tony: Haha like that guy with bat powers?
Carla: Haha sure.
Tony: So today what are we doing?
Carla: Land distribution my prince.
Red came flying in, He looked worried.
Red: Mom!
Carla: Why are you shouting?
Red: It's been a few days since Blue went to instalaxia on the request of Frank and now frank protected status is here. She said Blue was capture by Carees
Tony: Who's that?
Johny: Another Queen
Carla: She's really getting on my nerves.
I had to call Lady Universe personally. Everyone is too scare to tell her she made a mistake.
Lady Universe: (Breathing heavy) hello?
Carla: Hey, your chosen Queen is pissing me off!
Lady Universe: Am there now.
Carla: Are you setting him free?
Lady Universe: You should come, it'll be like old time.
I portalled over there, beings had shackles on their hands and feet? Are they slaves? Guards was whipping the citizens forcing them to plant, built status of the new king and Queen, Some head was on spike outside the castle. There wasn't any trees or anything growing from the ground. The citizen were inarastic. This was horrible. Tony and Red was looking surprise. I made my way to the castle ignoring the guards asking us "why aren't we working, How disrespectful."
Johny: Am ex king, You dont want any trouble.
When we finally made it to the castle, There was a line of soldiers guarding the castle.
Carla: Carla from the brown kingdom, Anounce it to your Queen
Johny: King of Brown Kingdom, Ex king here
Guards: Wait here!
He went inside to tell the Queen. Carees came out full of confident, With two of the crying lady beside her, Squirelet was beside her as well, But Squirelet didn't look so good, Maybe is the woupen she took from Satpahire, That might be why she is so humble right now. She had white wings coming out her back.
Carees: If it isn't the weak Queen who attack me when I was already weak from battle.
Carla: You have my son
Carees: So?
Carla: Where is Lady Universe?
She smirked at my question
Carees: She's here
Carla: I need to speak with her, Because your pushing me to kill you.
Carees: Haha
She laughed like I said something funny
Carees: Am at full strength now, Try it! You can't use your instalaxian form, I know for a fact you can't beat me.
Carla: Satphire is correct, Your ignorance is going to kill you one day..
Why was Carla provoking her like this? In a flash She Came grabing Tony in the middle of us.
Johny: Hey give him back
She was turning to this color cream snake, wraping herself around Tony, Tony started to breathe heavy, looking at me with tears worried-some eyes. Carla jumped causing a tornado wind behind her causing the soldiers to fall down like domino's pieces. Carla grab her mouth that was opening to swallow the child whole, Ripping the bottom Jaw tossing it to the floor reaching the back of her neck, pulling this piece skin out her neck, When it hit the floor it transformed to a green snake. Her face change to a Crow keeping her human body With Orange beak black feathers. The snake that was holding Tony released him, He came running Behind me, This is insane.
Carla: Do you really think your a match for me?
Carees: Yes!
Carla: Your lucky my son is here, I don't want him to see So much violence at such a young age.
After saying that to Carees she walked inside the castle. Everyone followed her. She went straight to the cell Where Blue was barely alive, She was turning him into ashes, his legs was completely gone.
Carla: You didn't think to call me?
Blue: Mom you always kill somebody.
Carla: She was going to kill you
Blue: Mom she has Lady Universe captive.
That's not good, Carla broke the chains that was holding his hands up Explaining to fly straight home. We went to Find Lady Universe. She was in the east wing, room full of writing I didn't understand. She's standing there in the center of blue and green fire, Ashes was in four corners of the room.
Carla: Hey friend
Her beautiful stars, Cosmo, Galaxies was fading white. Carla stand by the door with arms crossed.
Carla: Soo
Lady Universe: Mortal?
Carees: You all won't come out alive!
She kept reciting some charm, spells, incarnation, it only hurted Lady Universe, Carla said nothing.
Carla: You remove Johny from the throne for her?
Lady Universe: She and her husband killed who I originally chose
Carla: When their blood spilled on the ground, you didn't feel it?
Lady Universe: I don't need a lecture mortal
Carla: Do you think your wrong?
Lady Universe: No
Carla: Your citizen are starving, You could of stopped it but you didn't, Were you going to take everyone memory So they only think of you as perfect?
Lady Universe: Maybe
Carla: No, thats wrong. Tell them you made a mistake, They adore you..
Lady Universe: How dare you lecture me!
Carla: She imprisoned 3 to 4 of my sons, I won't help unless you admit your wrongs.
Lady Universe: You were never my friend
Carla: Am the only friend you got. How can I call you my friend if I can't tell you when your wrong about something?
Lady Universe: You could leave, I got this, Than I'll rule how I see fit
Carla: Fine.
Carla Portaled us home. Blue was just arriving with Frank and peaches on his back.
Frank: Oh your highness! Everything is off, Boarders are close, Please we need shelter
Johny: Where is your tribe
Frank: Carees ate them.
Tony: That's harsh
Frank: She tried to make me eat one of my cousin, that's when I realized she is insane.
Johny: The Bulls kingdom?
Frank: They were force to work. The Dragon, Had some peace in mind for a while, But now Carees know how to shatter the glass.
Carla: What's your last name?
Frank: Pig Why?
Carla: Alright go find a piece of land,
Frank: Am sorry
Tony: Were getting so much people, We are runing out of land.
Frank: Oh I got it. Any thing that's available?
Carla: Yes, Make sure to register it with the butlers
Frank: Alright.
Peaches was not talking? Usually I couldn't shut her up? She followed her husband out. Blue had one of the maid bringing him to a room. Carla flew to where their separating the land, Satphire was getting bullied to answer Their Questions. When Carla flew down.
Satphire: Ouh thank Goodness.
Carla: Alright, I hope you register your last name with the butlers because only the registrars will get a piece of land.
One by one people got land, The butlers already separated them with White fences. It was alot of land. prince Chi was already mad he couldn't find any land to live Haha.
It took us the whole day but we distributed the lands. We as majesty had 2000 acre land, Thats good, We gave away 3000 and we kept 2000. The soil was very good for farming, Everyone was happy even the rich. Of course the rich plan on buying as much of people out as they can. Afterwards Carla went to go get Adam in the bird house, She walked right in, "Why was she so bad mannered? " I thought. Dawn and Adam have gotten a place together, They were actually a thing. They grown, she don't know what they might be doing in there?
Adam: Mom?
Thankfully they were just enjoying a movie. Dawn had a sport brah on with shorts.
Carla: Your pregnant?
Dawn: Oh, Um yes mam, I was going to tell you I swear.
Johny: Honey mind your business
Carla: Haha fine. Adam I need you to make me Machines that print out money.
Adam: Oh Alright, I could do that
Johny: Tomorow?
Adam: Sure
I picked up my wife putting her over my shoulders; to leave these kids alone. The whole night she couldn't stop talking about Dawn pregnancy haha. The next morning, Adam came with his stuff to make the machine. People was lining up Ready for jobs..