Chereads / I've never / Chapter 166 - Wisdom versus Strength part 7

Chapter 166 - Wisdom versus Strength part 7


I am waiting for the queen and the General to joined me, Micheal in training they are still not here?

Michael: Satphire Said she wasn't coming.

Johny: Go get the queen, I'll get Satphire

I flew to knowledge house

Knowledge: Hey

Johny: Where is Satphire?

Knowledge: Sleeping

I walked upstairs to find her sleeping?

Johny: Satphire let's go

I dropt cold water on her I know that was going to get her pist.

Satphire: What is your problem royal?

Johny: Am I still your king?

She calmed herself Then she answered.

Satphire: Yes

Johny: Go down to train its a order.

She was aggrevated but she wouldn't defy me She's a warrior.

I waited for her to get dress. I got a telepathic call

GC: My king please hury

I flew out with Satphire and Knowledge folowing me what could be the problem I wonder? I went to the room I heard GC voice arguing with Carla

Carla: You can just use your light why are you making it seem like I'll never heal?

She said smilling, Anyone who knows Carla knows She was in chock. Forgetting Satphire was right behind us, She didn't seem please or unpleasant she just stared not saying a word.

Micheal came in

Micheal: The leaves she needs is in vegetation planet, Knowledge had agree make her a inadote

Johny: Okay.

I portalled them there for Carla to get the needed care. It was partially my fault her scars got this bad. I told knowledge "no." sigh I just hope it can be reverse.

Satphire: Let's get this training over with.

Johny: Training is canceled. Micheal is going to be focusing on my dying wife, so congrats general you got the afternoon to yourself.

I said portalling out


Got the afternoon to myself? no knowledge? I turned around to head back to knowledge castle due to some unfortunate event, I had to move back in with knowledge.

Knowledge: Wife

I hate it when he calls me that, Why was he only portalling his head where is the rest of his body?

Knowledge: I Will be back shortly in the mean time meet with Levi family for our son marriage

Satphire: Okay

I walked out to meet with Blue am sure he has alot to say. I pass Cleon who was heading to his general training. I could hear foot step behind me wonder who could it be?

Levi: Good morning

She was a petite child Same age as my son. She had Carla eyes ugh, warm skin tone. She was able to transform to a human form really early, am sure my son had something to do with that, They would often study together, he mastered that skill.

Satphire: Where is your dad?

Levi: In the dining room

Satphire: Okay

I decided to keep walking,

Levi: If you don't think I am a match for your son I won't marry him.

I turn to look at her staring back at me with all her courage. She looked as if she wasn't breathing. She would break it off?

Satphire: What?

Levi: Yes, I wont marry him without your approval, your his mother am sure you know what's best for him, If it's not me I will understand.

She said bowing down

Satphire: Your dad would be furious

Levi: I might have to move away, The rumor haven't spread, I can always trap some old geezer with a status

She made me laugh.

Satphire: You would break it off huh? Haha that's something to think about?

I kept walking leaving that young petite girl standing there, She looked like she needed to breathe. Walking to the dining room I seen Blue sitting not smilling

Satphire: Morning

Blue: General

Satphire: Satphire please

I took a seat infront of him. We said nothing for a while. Levi came and sat next to us

Blue: Do you have a date?

Levi: Actually dad

Was she really going to not marry the man she loves because his mother do not agree?

Levi: We don't need to marry me to him. Alot of people lost their virginity before marriage, to make it a epic experience. I never intended to marry him. Haha I mean come on his a Demi God and am just a bird. The thought of growing old with him, Giving him children, Living a quiet life in the country side. Our grass would be nutritious for our kids to grow up healthy and strong. Hoping I get your side where I get to be reborn so we never part.. It's just wishful thinking, He shouldn't be punish for something I ask him to do. I just wanted my wedding night to be special. Please let's just not talk about it anymore.

She just describe her entire dream with him, What she hoped for, She ask him to take her virginity? It's not because she wanted her wedding night to be special with someone else .. She wanted him to be her first. It's important for your first time to be with someone you love. Haha she loves him

Blue: Even if that was all true. What if his new wife lives next to you, Can you respect your husband at all times?

Levi: Yes, Am faithful. Got it from you pops

Blue: Look at you! The thoughts of someone else making him happy it's making you cry.

Levi: Nope,

She said wiping her eyes

Levi: This is happiness. If he don't want to be with me he shouldn't be forced

Hmm She thinks he didn't have a whole tantrum last night relating her?

Satphire: Ahem, So three weeks from now would be okay, I'll have time to reach out to the flowerist, Decorator, bakers etc

Blue: We could split the expense 50/50

Levi: Please stop!

Blue: You should think about that before you had him take your virginity!? I mean why would you ask that? Now you are sitting here crying like a little girl not wanting to take responsibility for your actions. You ask him Levi? A princess Should never ask such a thing from someone who is not their husband..

Levi: I..

Blue: You thought what?

Levi: He doesn't want me..

Blue: His a Demi God what makes you think..

Satphire: Why do you think he doesn't want you?

Levi: He always bring me flowers in the morning but he didn't come today. Maybe because people find out about us, We been dating since we were 14 you see, Maybe I was practice, it's okay if I am, I..

Tears started to glide again yet she seems cheerful.

Blue: Well of course! your giving the milk for free, now it's time to pick up the cow he refuses. I can't blame him.

Blue should really relax

Blue: But he will, Do you know if you are pregnant?

Levi: What?

Blue: When he... ummm..

did it get.. Oh God this shouldn't be that hard to talk about with my daughter

Satphire: His failing satisfactory class.. He might of climax in you, Did he?

Levi: Am not sure why his failing Satisfactory class his amazing.

She said blushing. She must of forgot where she was at.

Levi: There is this thing he does with his light..

Blue: Ahem!

Levi: Um He shouldn't fail that class. No, I don't believe am pregnant, We used protection.

Now it makes sense his failing on purpose. Using his light? ugh just like his father. His refusing to participate in school, Sigh he don't want anyone but her it seems

Knowledge: Sorry for the delay

Levi: Morning

Blue: Your wife is thinking about 3 weeks from now

Knowledge: Why not sooner the kids love each other?

Levi: He didn't show up this morning

Knowledge: Well, that's because his mom promise to bring the wrath of heaven on him if his skin touches the sun light. But I called him his on his way.

Blue: If your son chooses not to marry my daughter it's fine, From newly discovery she pressured him to perform the act with her.

Knowledge: Pressured?

Satphire: She didn't pressure him.

Jr: Morning

He portalled in. He looked like he bathe, Making sure he shower was like pulling teeth but to a simple meeting where he sees his beloved he bathe?

Levi: Hi

She said in a Relieve tone scooting over for him to sit next to her.

Blue: If you wish to not Mary my daughter it's fine

JR: Wait, why wouldn't I want to marry levi?

Blue: She pressured you to have sexual intercourse with her..

Jr: Force me?

Blue: Yes, But I get it she was handing the milk for free your off the hook

Blue said getting up Ending the meeting.

Jr: From the first time we played together I knew she was going to be someone special to me. As time pass my feelings only grown and mature, When she was 14 years old she was starting to get notice in school from other capable boys From big families. I fought so hard to move out from the friend zone, My heart skipped a beat when she agreed to go on a date with me.

Knowledge: Awes

Jr: I joined the satisfactory class to make sure I never lost her to anyone, even though I was too scare to say it out loud; I never seen myself with anybody else but her. Can I please marry your daughter?

The light from her eyes twinkled, She couldn't stop turning red. I've never seen such determination from him before, His eyes were focused he wasn't even blanking staring at Blue.

Satphire: Son?

I interrupted his focus as Blue sit back down.

Jr: Yes mom

Satphire: Can you guarantee her satisfaction? Because it's not a marriage unless your able to perform in bed. That matters in order to renew your covenant over time?

With that statement knowledge wrap his hands around me like I was referring to him.

Jr: Um Levi?

Levi: Yes?

Jr: Do I satisfy you? Is there something else you would like me to do?

Levi: Um your fine, But I think you can learn alot from your satisfactory class my love, Your mom says your failing?

She was so shy around him, both looked like some dam tomatoes. Dam it!

Jr: They want me to practice the things I learn in the class

Levi: It's your partner ugly?

Jr: No, Well raised.

Levi: so?

Jr: It's not penatration, its just kissing, Touching, reading how the body language response to seduction. When I get home I kissed you and practiced on you.

Blue: Ahem

Levi: You can't get a grade if your not in the classroom.

Jr: That's what they say

Levi: So, you just refused?

Blue: Ahem

Jr: I have a perfect GPA, One bad grade shouldn't affect me as much

Levi: You shouldn't make your education suffer because you don't want to kiss some girl.

Jr: So you want me to kiss her and do all the requirements with her?

Levi: No

She said turning away, Looking jealous

Jr: Am so confuse?

Levi: When is that class?

Jr: 4th period

Levi: I'll talk to the principal to see if I can pop in to be your lab partner. He knows my dad he might do it, Plus am your fiance so..

Why was her voice getting so timorously low?

Levi: But no funny stuff am still a princess you know.

Jr: Haha fine But you should keep your hands to yourself at lunch time, if we're protecting our images.

Levi: I will never!

Jr: Never what?

Levi: Promise such a thing.

Satphire: Levi?

Levi: Yes?

Satphire: Did you know of my son affections for you?

Levi: Before 14 no, Its hard to read him, His face was always in some game.

Satphire: So when you started puberty and your womanly part grown.

Levi: It gave me more courage to try and tell him how I felt. Boys kept asking me out, Giving me invitations to see their kingdom

Blue: I never got such invitations?

Levi: I burned them

Jr: You did what?

Levi: I only told you about them to see if you liked me too, I never... um..

Satphire: To give him the courage to ask you out instead, Because boys hate the feeling of loosing?

Levi: No,

Jr: Than why?

Levi: The other Princesses drooled over him, They would spend their whole time in the female locker room talking about him. They were saying how they would be better at mating with him giving their clan.

Knowledge: Hmm

Levi: You are the only God that ever came to our school, You were excellent in everything. That day Jenny the most popular girl in our school told me to Go beak somewhere else because she wanted to have lunch with you

Jr: Ugh She still annoys me

Levi: The way you stood up for me. The look on her face when you ask me to go to the school dance with you infront of the entire cafeteria. I felt like you finally seen me. I thought that maybe you liked me too. Than I second guess myself thinking you were being a good friend

Jr: Hmm I never did anything for others gain. If I did something Levi is because I wanted to.

Levi: Yeah? All these girls kept you occupy all night, I couldn't even get one dance in.

Jr: You disappeared

Levi: I was crying in the locker room. I was in love with my best friend, am Such a coward I couldn't even tell him.

Jr: I would of chase all these girls off if that's what you wanted.

Levi: Any ways when you portal me home that night. I was confuse to why haven't you left, I wasn't sure if you wanted to sleep over like last time.

Knowledge: Then what happend?

Levi: He left.

Knowledge: No?

Knowledge is way too into this.

Jr: I wanted to get a kiss good night, Thats how you properly ended an date.

Levi: I was done taking a shower, I had my pajamas on ready for bed. Than I seen his head floating on top of me. Before I could ask what happend to his body he kissed me.

Knowledge: Oh the suspense

Levi: Haha right? Then I took charm classes I never wanted a girl to out charm me.

Jr: When I got to school the next day.

Levi: I told him since he was my first kiss he was automatically my boyfriend

Knowledge: Haha

Jr: Of course I had planned to ask her but she have a way of knowing.

Levi: We been together ever since.

Blue: I would of never let him sleep over pass 14 if I had known

Levi: We didn't do anything when he slept over, Sure he slept on the bed with me But we never cross the line. Well until

Jr: Well she was cramping

Blue: At 15?

Jr: Haha I made her brown sugar water for it. It calmed it down but we didn't do that relax

Blue: So the other night was your first time?

Levi: Um

Jr: We should focus on the wedding.

Knowledge: When did you?

Levi: On my 18 birthday, Since we're 17 he started to avoid me more I wasn't sure why? He kept going home early interrupting our study date, Coming up with weird excuses why he should go home.

Knowledge: Why you kept coming home early?

Levi: He kept um..

Jr: Can we stop talking about this, My mom is right there

Levi: He kept wanting..

Knowledge: Haha boy you couldn't keep it together?

Jr: I have self control, She would wear these shorts, Tank top with no brah I mean I was becoming an man

Knowledge: I started to notice girls like that around the same age too

knowledge was a different person when it comes to his son, Open and ready to talk about anything.

Levi: On my 18th birthday, He came late and he wanted to leave early?

Jr: I promised I was going to take her to the mountain were the bears throws party for the whole night

Levi: He was trying to bail on that promise.

knowledge: Hmm

Levi: So I went to his house to give him a piece of my mind. The door was open so I let myself in. I went to his room and he was..

Jr: I was relieving myself. Do you know how weird it is to see her staring at me by the door.

Levi: I ask him "was relieving himself more important than keeping his promise to me?"

Jr: Of course not but being around her just Makes me..

Levi: He decided to take me to the party after he finish in the bathroom.

Jr: It was a pretty good night after that, I tried not to stand to close or kiss her to long.

Levi: It was driving me crazy. Because I wanted him to be normal

Jr: After we spend the whole night watching the bears make a fool of themselves I flew her home.

Levi: Than I ask him if he wanted to sleep over?

Jr: Haha with my condition no way

Levi: He went home, I didn't want to sleep alone. I went to his house in the morning. He was in the bathroom.

Jr: I couldn't sleep

Levi: I said "Have you been in the bathroom all night relieving yourself?"

Jr: I finally came clean.

Levi: I didn't know my body was causing him so much stress, This was my fault

Knowledge: Well puberty fault but okay

Levi: I was greateful he didn't go find another girl, Any girl would be willing if he had only ask. Plus I was his girlfriend it's my responsibility

Jr: You really didn't have too. But she told me something surprising

Levi: I took of my clothes

Blue: Ahem

Knowledge: Oh wow

Levi: If he would just ask he would of known I wanted to take our relationship to the next level too.

Jr: She's amazing.

Blue: Ew

We all look back at him making vomit sound. Haha he always was a awkward bird.

Blue: Aunty?

Satphire: Yes

Remembering Carla introducing me to her children as Aunty, I am God mother to Johnathan since she was God mother to my children.

I still hate her.

Blue: So you think they are a good match for eachother?

Knowledge: She makes him better. Litsen we as God or Demi God's makes mistakes alot, Its hard to transition to something new. Trust me he loves her he will adjust.

He said looking at me. Ugh he was so seductive.

Blue: Sometimes it may require you to let someone go but the end game is more rewarding.

Jr: Yeah, dad I think your talking about you

Knowledge: You ruined the moment son, Shoot. But I mean Sat I would do anything for another chance again.

Levi: Haha Aunty

Satphire: Yeah

Levi: Do you love him?

Satphire: I care for him but he does the most stupidest things. Plus now things got a little complicated.

Levi: Hmm

Knowledge: I talk to purity she knows her place. When you say complicated

Satphire: I don't think you should of done that.

I got up and left. Walking out Cleon stoped me.

Cleon: Hey

He said all out of breathe

Satphire: Yes

Cleon: Hold on let me catch my breath... I agree to no girls as long as you promise no guys

Satphire: What?

Cleon: I agree.

Satphire: You said this wasn't earth?

Cleon: Dam it Phire (Catching his breath) I know what I said, No guys okay?

Why was he agreeing to something I took back?? don't get me wrong am happy just cirious, I patted his head as I walked away. That brighten up my day.. I wasn't planing on sleeping with knowledge anyways That's over, Everything that comes out of his mouth was a lie. He probably told purity "She's my wife" And that's it. I don't have time for games. For the rest of the day I handled the flower decorations. I didn't even think so much flowers exist. For the rest of the preparation they can go pick out what they want and I'll just pay. After the day was through I figured I should head home. I was mentally tired, When I got home seems like my son wasn't home, just knowledge. I went to the same room I slept In last night, The guest room.

"Knock, Knock"

Knowledge: May I come in?

Satphire: Sure

I was kicking off my shoes to get in bed.

Knowledge: I wanted to know if we can talk?

Satphire: Well picking flowers is a nightmare

Knowledge: Haha yeah they want to do all that stuff

Satphire: Oh thank God.

He just smiled, my room was freezing naturally. I got under the blanket to get more comfortable. He came and sat next to me on the bed. Before I could ask about the suit fitting, This guy leaped on me. Kissing my mouth and neck, I shouldn't want to; I want Cleon I gave him my word, Why does my husband have to be so sexy? Dude! he started to pin me on the bed. I just got my leg strength back to where I could walk, I didn't have enough Strength to push him off.

Satphire: Knowledge stop!

Knowledge: I've missed you so much.

Satphire: Knowledge!

Knowledge: Don't deny me

Satphire: Knowledge stop!

He was kissing my neck. I need to leave now. I manage to wiggle myself from under him and flew out the window. I should talk to Cleon about me staying at his place, This man can't be trusted. He knew I was weak too. I open the door to Cleon house He was in the kitchen washing plates.

Cleon: Hey

I leaped in his arms and kissed him, I wasn't going to lie my body wasn't immune to Knowledges charm he already had got me hot and heavy but cleon is the one my heart wanted. For Some reason his kiss was hesitant tonight?

Cleon: Babe

Satphire: Yeah?

Nicole come strolling downstairs looking freshen up, Did he just had his way with her, Is that why she had to freshen up? He must of, she Had Nothing on but red brah and underwear. Am so stupid! Why would I think he would of say no to nicole? His p*nis worked now, Why not test it on every girl he sees, God I was so stupid. I wish I had all my strength to burn the house we build to the ground, Why was he disrespecting the house we build together?

Nicole: Hey, Didn't know we were expecting company?

Cleon: Oh um I could explain

Satphire: Sorry, I didn't know, I should go, Um you two enjoy your evening. Good evening prince.

Walking out the door I seen Lilie seems like her baby dropped. Hmm He did mention a three some with these ladies, Guess they made him an offer he couldn't refuse? I can't be mad Am too old to be someone booty call. Hopes he enjoys himself. I flew to my happy place.