Micheal: Nothing is working Johny
Johny: The herbs are not taking?.
Gc: Because she's decaying my grace won't allow me to get inside her and heal her.
Here we are in the vegetation field where I built a mini cazebo for my wife to lay and receive treatment. The water of life is the only thing keeping her life force in tact.
Carla: Johny?
Johny: Yes
Am trying to be strong but her flesh was decaying I was able to see her pelvic bones. Her organs were failing, Her heart was on the verge of stopping, Knowledge was constantly reviving her body. Man this is my fault why did I stop Knowledge from helping her? I thought the other doctors got it?
Carla: Hey
GC: Yes
Carla: I would like to ask Satphire Somethings get her for me?
GC: You want me to bring Satphire here?
Carla: Yes
GC: She's pretty pist I doubt she will come
Carla: She's always pist.
GC: If that's your last wish?
Carla: Yup
It's not the first time she ask for her best friend to be by her side. She would often wonder what her friend was doing. Getting Satphire here won't be a easy task She's stubborn. I portalled over to instalaxia infront of Knowledge house
Knowledge: Hey
GC: Hey where is Satphire?
Knowledge: Not sure
GC: Okay
I flew to Cleons house.
Knock, Knock
Cleon: Hey
GC: Where is Satphire?
Cleon: Most likely in the snowy mountains
GC: Thank you
Cleon: Yeah
He said closing the door back. Hmm he seems sad wonder what's wrong? I flew to the snowy mountain to find a dragon wraping themselves like a snake. I greeted her parents who was sitting in front of the mountains. Guess they are worried about their little girl.
GC: Satphire the queen have requested your presence
Satphire: Am not in the mood.
GC: She's dying
Satphire: Hmm
Satphire dad: Satphire!
Satphire: Dad stay out of it.
Satphire mom: Baby she's dying go hear her out. That's bad luck on a dragon to not hear a woman's last wish.
Satphire: Nope
GC: I don't have time for this.
I put her stubborn ass in a water bubble she couldn't break. Giving how weak she is now I wonder can she even fight? I portalled over to Vegetation marble planet.
Johny: Hi pure heart
Satphire: This is very disrespectful
Johny: Right. See you later.
Knowledge: Hi beautiful
Johny: Haha okay guy
I bought her over to the place Carla was in. She kept her wraping form, So disrespectful.
GC: Carla she's rather rude!
Carla: Haha yeah she is
It was time to put the medicine on her. Satphire haven't moved nor have she said anything she just sat there in her rebellious state.
Knowledge: Sister come look at this
GC: Interesting
Knowledge: Everywhere have decayed but this specific spot.
GC: Carla
Carla: Yeah?
GC: Who healed you?
Carla: Noone, That spot Cleon help me bandage.
Knowledge: Come to think of it, His a "Just" He would be able to reverse it.
Johny came to re-bandages
Johny: His a what?
Knowledge: You ever heard of people who could make a land that's baren give fruit. They are able to reverse certain tragity because they heart have no envy for others possession.
Johny: Come to think of it before Carla help the land produce He was able to grow things infront of his house,
Knowledge: Is their lack of thirst for violence.
Johny: I have no idea what you mean, If he can help Carla please GC get him.
GC: of course.
Satphire: Wait, can you let me out. I don't have the strength to go anywhere
Knowledge: Yes
Knowledge let her out.
Why am I here? Am not speaking to her. I have to make me a place here until she passes because they are not going to let me go home before.
I heard foot step behind me These grass should be cut.
Knowledge: Babe I got a place up the hill if you need to rest.
Satphire: No thanks, I got it
Knowledge: You barely can stand correctly how will you..
He always manage to insult me with no effort. I just kept making my way through the thick grass. I found this tree it looked relaxing. I climbed it. Ugh I had to pee. I had to pee in the wilderness like a animal because of Carla! I hate her.
When I finally woke up it was night time. Cleon was by my tree What is these guys problem? He had a three some last night and what his going to run over here make me forget what I saw? F*ck out of here!
Cleon: Your mad?
Satphire: No
Cleon: Am not your husband..
His so stupid. Obviously he wouldn't be qualified to be my husband.
Satphire: Find another tree
Cleon: You don't want me here?
Satphire: No.
Cleon: Wow okay..
He got up and left finally. His not my husband am not stupid I know your not my husband. You made that clear! Days pass he didn't come back. I didn't care "he isn't my husband?" Am just a stupid Dragon,
What was this stupid magnet that kept pulling me to him?
Cleon: The Queen is dying and she says she wants to talk to you.
Satphire: No
Cleon: Sat!
Satphire: My husband use to call me that please don't call me that.
Everyone kept flying down looking sad. I felt like I wanted to breath fire due to sadness, But she isn't my best friend, No friend would say those things, I won't grieve her, She attack me verbally
Knowledge: Satphire you should come
GC: Come please?
Ugh I hate them too. I flew to where she was laying. Her skin was completely gone, The only organ she had left was her beating heart!
Carla: You came, I told them not to force you, Did they force you?
I didn't say anything.
Carla: Okay so I need you to look after Johny for me. His stupid and his mistakes will be even more redundant. The gift for the wedding is under my bed. Give it to your son and my granddaughter when they get their own place. (Cough ) It's a picture we took when we were in high school. The four of us after the beach. I want them to remember the people (Cough) Who was responsible for them being here. Don't let them forget Satphire promise me?
I hate her so much.. Why couldn't I stop crying, She was mean to me, Embarrassed me, even called me a coward, Why would I care that she's dying she didn't matter to me.. My entire body was glowing again but it wasn't because of pleasure. My body was reacting over loosing a dear friend.
Carla: You still here?
Satphire: I won
I manage to say clearly, trying to act like I wasn't loosing my nerve over loosing her. I can't believe she was making me cry.
Carla: You been won
Satphire: What?
Carla: You killed my heart so you been won.
Satphire: I did no such thing
Carla: You talked as if you could of replace me so easily?
Satphire: That's stupid
Carla: Haha okay well let me finish telling you my wishes. I want you to carry it out. Call johny for me.
Johny came running inside.
Carla: Satphire your alliance with knowledge was over since you bless him with Purity. Will you marry my husband? I don't trust him to run the kingdom by himself. Your the only equal I could think of, I was going through some potential maiden but they are not fit.
Johny: Carla?
Carla: Promise me?
She said getting up on the bed, leaving her flesh covering her back on the bed, Why did it just fall off like a coat? she was fully skeleton now.
Satphire: I don't think we would be a good match
Carla: Promise me you will try. I have written what he likes in bed so you could ensure his satisfaction. His a good listener.
Satphire: Carla?
Carla: I know love have been cruel to you. His a good man Satphire, I don't want to leave this world knowing you have no one to care for you while am gone.
Satphire: Carla?
Carla: Shut up, So I am finally going to see where death lives man I gotta admit am a little nervous.. haha we escape soo many time.
Satphire: Litsen I am so sorry
Carla: None sense, Its my fault I look at you as a sister so when you said what you said I reacted thinking if you fight it out we will laugh about it later, I forgot you are loyal to your word. Anyways for Squirelet?
Satphire: Carla
Death: Oh! I left for not even 1 day and she almost dies?
Johny: Announce when you come please
Death: What you want music stupid boy?
Johny: Sure
Death: I was being sarcastic, Satphire you need to stop purifying her
Satphire: What?
Deaths: When you guys fought you use your purity. She didn't have GC inside of her she only have darkness, Your purity is killing the darkness inside of her, so you need to call it back.
Satphire: How do I do that?
Death: Dam it!
He froze time
Death: Carla is the only person who will hear what I have to say. If she dies her powers will be reanimated in someone else. Almighty is going to use them to bring back darkness his wife. She cannot die, call it off dam it!
Satphire: Ok.. Ummm.. come back?
He got up using her bones, made me do a stance with my arm out wide.
Satphire: I am not at full strength
Death: That's her darkness in you. You will be weak for the rest of your life it won't matter how many time you train that's her consequence for you, You will grow weaker you wouldn't live long anyways
Satphire: That B*tch
Death: How do you guys engage In a fight knowing you guys are natural enemies?
Johny: Stupidity
Death: Summoned your Goddess here is some of my strength
I felt a boost like from carla gems getting inside of me. Everything went black
GS: Yes?
Death: Take your light out of her
GS: Why?
Death: Because if she dies you die, what don't you get? The world wont need you to rebalance because you won't have a opposite. It will kill you off that's what balance is. Dinosaurs don't live anymore why do you think?
Johny: What?
Death: Am surrounded by morrons. The world that you live in, balanced itself every minute of everyday. One will always have one stronger than them, Yet They will always have equals and natural enemies. The natural enemies like Satphire and Carla will normally fight. Somehow Carla changed that by being friends with you. That don't happend often. Satphire grows strong as Carla go strong, if carla would go crazy and johny; her equal, refuse to stop her this world would have her natural opposite stop her.
Johny: Oh so when Carla gets weak so does Satphire. If Carla dies it's only a matter of time before
Death: If Satphire stays weak she might gain another opposite but she will hate her life. And You Goddess won't survive this migration.
GS: Fine.
She stand opening her arms. Little lights came from Carla body into her own. Carla was healing simultaneously. It took a minute but Carla was back to normal GS was glowing like the sun.
GS: Bye
Haha I still have so much to teach her.
My head hurt soo much. My stomach hurts.
Cleon: Hey you okay?
Satphire: Why are you here?
Cleon: You collapse
Satphire: Did Carla?
Cleon: No
Satphire: She live?
Cleon: Yeah
I was so happy I flew to her right away. She sitting on some rocking chair made out of stones.
Satphire: Hey
Carla: Hey sis
Satphire: Hi sis.
She made a chair for me too. We sat in silence.
Knowledge: So now that she knows do you think she will want to be with me..
GC: No
He kept folowing me no mater where I flew
Knowledge: I'll just ask. Come with me.
We flew to where Satphire and Carla was taking a truse moment.
Knowledge: Satphire?
Satphire: Yes
Knowledge: You called us off. I don't want that, can we try again.
Carla and I said nothing awaiting her response
Satphire: What is my favorite color?
Knowledge: You said it's pink
Cleon: Wrong its black but she will never admit it.
Cleon said walking up to where we are. Hmm This might get weird.
Cleon: Plus she can't be your wife
Knowledge: Why not?
Cleon: Because I marked her
Knowledge: What?
Cleon: Yup on the side of her stomach.
Knowledge: No way.
Satphire said nothing but kept rocking her chair back and forth.
Carla: She can make one of you guys her status if you guys want.
Satphire: Don't choose for me.
Carla: Anyways yeah, choose among yourself.
Cleon: I was here first
Knowledge: But she is...
Carla: She was your wife until you never put purity in her place.
Knowledge: Sigh but I love her
Cleon: No I love her, I know her enough to love her.
Carla: As the queen
Satphire: Shut up
Carla: Haha I claim you as her husband Cleon and Knowledge her status. She had children for both of you
Cleon: I dont want him touching her.
Carla: Sigh, Cleon when you mess up she will run back to Knowledge because that's the second person she knows
Cleon: Why would I get her mad? Carla: Why would you have a three some, I don't know?
Cleon: Last night was a pajama party nothing happend
Carla: Oh, I was talking about the school
Cleon: Oh haha nevermind
Carla: Yeah... It's settle go now I like some more quiet moment with my sister.
Satphire: I don't like you getting into my business
Carla: Yeah, yeah that won't change death or not. Let me see the mark
Satphire: No, Its healed now so no
Carla: Hmm I will see it.
Satphire: You can try
Carla: I will achieve my goal princess
Satphire: You wish me a slow death?
Carla: Yes it's only fitting for a woman your status
Satphire: Haha Your a b*tch
Carla: You wish me a quick death
Satphire: Haha
Carla: In a way we both lost and we both win.
What is wrong with them!