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The Masked Uzamaki

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Hes been beaten, cursed, and threatened, until one day, he decided to leave. While leaving he takes something very important to The Hidden Leaf Village. Years later he returned, what happens? Find out.

Chapter 1 - The Beginning

It was a dark and windy night in Konoha, but that didn't stop the town from continue there everyday lives. Some are going to sleep, while others are getting ready to switch places with tired patrol units. Everyone is enjoying life except for one boy right now. That boy is Naruto Uzamaki. Why is he not enjoying life right now? Well to answer that question. We will enter his life and follow him through his journey of becoming something great.

There in a dirty ransacked apartment sat a six year old boy named Naruto. He sat there with tears in his eyes as he looked at his broken apart apartment as a tear escaped down his cheek. "They do this every year. Why now? Why on a day like this?" Naruto thought standing up and walking to a piece of shattered glass.

"What did I do wrong. Why do the other villagers have to destroy my home. My happiness. I'm already lonely." Naruto thought now looking that all his food was gone. That was ok. He was use to not eating.

Naruto walked into his or what's left of his bathroom. He looked into a broken mirror where a cut on his forehead and scrapes on his knees and elbows where present. Naruto prepared to clean his wounds, something he learned how to do over the years. "Ever since I got kicked out that orphanage my life has sucked. My birthday the most." Naruto thought wiping his wound.

Naruto heard a crunch of glass from outside of the bathroom. He stayed quiet as the footsteps got closer to the bathroom. Fearing it was a villager back for more he tried to hide, but could find no where. A figure walked, but to Narutos suprise. It's just oldman Hokage.

"Jiji!" Naruto yelled jumping onto the already suprised oldman.

"Naruto? Are you ok? What happened here?" Hiruzen asked. Naruto sat quiet before he spoke again.

"Some villagers broke in here for some reason and wrecked the place." Naruto said feeling his stomach growl. Hiruzen grew a worried look that soon turned into anger.

"Who did this to you Naruto?" Hiruzen asked.

"I don't know. I didn't look at there faces as I was to busy hiding." Naruto said only telling half the truth. He did try to hide, but they found him. He didn't tell the oldman because he knew they would get hurt and Naruto didn't want to cause more trouble.

"Well are you hungry. I got your allowance for the month." Hiruzen said handing Naruto some money. "Oh and the academy is starting in a couple months so I hope you're ready." Hiruzen said smiling.

"Jiji. I don't know if I want to be a shinobi." Naruto said.

"Well. Why is that?" Hiruzen asked concerned.

"Well I don't see the point. Didn't you say my parents died during the Kyuubi attack fighting it off. I don't see the purpose in dying for no reason." Naruto said looking down saddened about the fact he has no parents. Hiruzen smiled.

"Naruto. What I'm about to tell you has been passed down by every shinobi in the village and that is 'The Will Of Fire." Hiruzen said smiling.

"The Will Of Fire?" Naruto questioned.

"Yes. That is what's inside of you, me, and everyone in this village. Especially your parents. It's the will to fight for your village and your comrades. It's the will to protect what's close to you, and important to you." Hiruzen said smiling. Naruto returned the smile.

"Did the Fourth Hokage have a lot of will?" Naruto asked.

"Well of course he did." Hiruzen replied. Naruto smiled wider.

"Then I'll make sure to keep this 'Will Of Fire' for as long as I can. I'll never stop believing in it or stop protecting people precious to and this village." Naruto stated loudly.

"Good. Now what to do about this apartment?" Hiruzen asked himself. "Oh. How about you come and stay with me for the night?" Hiruzen asked.

"Of course I will!" Naruto said.

-Sarutobi Compound-

"Asuma! We have guests!" Hiruzen shouted surprisingly. Naruto walked in amazed at how big the place was.

"So I can really sleep here?" Naruto asked.

"Yes. I've hired shinobi to repair your apartment. So you can stay here until then." As Hiruzwn finished a man with a cigarette in his mouth walked in.

"Yes granfather?" Asuma asked.

"This is Naruto. He will be staying with us until his apartment is fixed. Please do treat him good." Hiruzen asked or more like commanded. You could tell by his eyes.

"Naruto huh. What's your last name?" Asuma asked.

"Uzamaki." Naruti replied.

"Thought they all where gone. Well it's nice to meet Naruto Uzamaki." Asuma said.

"Nice to meet you to. Who's that baby your holding?" Naruto asked pointing to a baby.

"Oh this little guy. His name is Konohamaru. He's my nephew, but I'm taking care of him because of an accident on a mission that led to his parents death." Asuma said sadly.

"Hmmm. Does he have a brother?" Naruto asked.

"No. Why?" Asuma asked.

"I Naruto Uzamaki here from now on swear to treat Konohamaru like my own little brother and when I get older and stronger swear to train him, and become his master." Naruto said giving Asuma a thumbs up.

"I like you. I'll show you to your room." Asuma said leading Naruto up to his room. Naruto soon found himself drifting off to sleep. Wondering what the next day would be like. hopefully not as bad.

-A few weeks later-

Naruto is walking through the snow when he hears a grunt and some laughing from the near by woods. He looked to see three big kids standing around something or someone laughing. Naruti was gonna continue when he thought back on what he said about protecting people and soon went to check it out.

"Ewww. Look at her eyes. They so weird and disgusting." One boy said.

"I think she's an alien." Another said.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" Naruto yelled at the three boys. They stop laughing only to look up at Naruto.

"What if we don't?" One boys asked.

"The I'll make you!" Naruto yelled back.

"I'd like to see you try." One boy said. Then the girl on the ground spoke.

"It's ok. You don't have to help me." She said in a quiet hushed voice. One of the boys kicks her in the shoulder.

"Did anyone day you could talk milk eyes?" One of the boys asked laughing. Naruto got furious at the action and charged. He went for a punch only for it to be caught. Naruto instead got punched warning him a broken bleeding nose.

"Leave her alone." Naruto said slowly leaning up. The three bullies then begin to kick him over and over repeatedly giving him bruises and potentially cracking a rib.

"I've had enough of this. Let's go. I don't even feel like this is fun anymore." The bullies walked away leaving a bruised and rattled Naruto. The girl was now standing and walking towards the blonde.

"A-are you o-ok?" The girl asked. Naruto didn't respond, but slowly got up. He walked over to the girl and held out his hand.

"Naruto Uzamaki!" Naruto said. The girl hesitated, but soon responded.

"H-hinata Hyuga." She replied blushing.

"A Hyuga. That should be obvious by your eyes. Oh um. I got to go so I'll see you later." Naruto said getting ready to walk away.

"I-im really sorry a-about this." Hinata said.

"It's ok. For the record. I think your eyes are beatiful." Naruto said smiling. Hinata blushed and lost consciousness.

"Beautiful?" She said falling into the snow.

"Hinata! Are you ok?" Naruto asked grabbing her by the shoulders. He soon heard someone walking behind him.

"You! What did you do to lady Hinata?" He yelled.

"I-I didn't do anything. I swear!" Naruto said, but the man didn't believe him. The man blitzed Naruto and kicked him away from Hinata and crashed into a tree. The proceeded to throw a kunai into Narutos arm going through and into the tree, trapping him as he yelled in pain.

"I'd finish you right now, but I must tend to lady Hinata. Your lucky demon." The man said jumping away with Hinata. Naruto was crying because of the pain he felt. Naruto knew he couldn't stay there so he pulled the kunai out of his are. Naruto succeeds, but passed out do to the amount of pain he felt.

Naruto wakes up to a wet feeling on his back and head. He leans up no longer feeling pain. "Were am I?" Naruto asked. He was in a pitch black room. "Am I dead?" Naruto asked.

"No. You are merely unconscious." A deep and threatening voice said from the dark. Naruto was quickly frightened.

"W-whos there?" Naruto asked backing up.

"No need to be afraid. I can't hurt you." The voice once again said.

"Where are you." Naruto asked.

"Behind you." The voice said. Naruto turned to see a large red gate. It went to his left and right and looked like it went on forever. Behind the gate is what frightened him the most. There where red eyes with black slits as pupils. The eyes belonged to a large fox with nine tails.

"Y-your the Kyuubi." Naruto said backing up. "The orphanage caretakers told stories about you and how much of a demon you are. You also killed Lord Fourth!" Naruto yelled. The beast chuckles.

"Yes. I am the Kyuubi. The Nine Tailed Demon. The most powerful of all tailed beasts." The Kyuubi yelled. Naruto just stared. The Kyuubi was confused.

"I'd expect you to be a lot scarier." Naruto said. The Kyuubi got annoyed, but kept his cool.

"How such harsh words to someone that's just like you." The Kyuubi said.

"We're nothing alike." Naruto said.

"No? We both suffer. We both are hated and lied to." The Kyuubi said.

"I'm not hated or lied to." Naruto said angered.

"Foolish human. You are hated and lied to. I've been in your gut for six years and no ones ever told you. Not to mention the abuse you take daily." The demon smiled.

"Lies! This village carries 'The Will Of Fire'!" Naruto yelled.

"Where did that lead you to. You tried to help that girl, but all you got was a beating. Even after you saved her you where still hated. You even got a kunai to the arm and called a demon." His red eyes stared into Narutos soul. The demon could see Narutos soul tussle as he talked.

"I helped her! I'm the reason shes all right!" Naruto yelled. The Kyuubi laughed in response.

"She doesn't care about you. No one does. Not even the Third doofus cares about you." Naruto covered his ears.

"It's not true. You're just trying to corrupt me. You're my enemy." Naruto said.

"Oh no I'm not." The Kyuubi replied. Naruto looked puzzled.

"Your not?" Naruto asked.

"Well no. If anything I'm your closest ally. See while you where being beaten by the villagers I was healing you to make sure you didn't did. In fact that broken nose was fixed moments after it was broke." The Kyuubi smiled.

"That doesn't change the point. I still got loved ones. I got Jiji and my baby bro Konohamaru. Asuma is even my friend." Naruto said. The Kyuubi once again laughed.

"Konohamru will grow up hating you. Asuma already hates you because I'm inside you. The Third Hokage hates you because I'm inside of you and because I killed the Fourth Hokage." The Kyuubis voice got louder and deeper.

"No! Lies!"Naruto yelled.

"Are they. Konohamarus parents died fighting me off. If he finds out who you are. He'll hate you forever. Asuma know what I did years ago and hates me for therefore hating you. The Third hates you cause I killed the Fourth. If he truly cared about you. Why are you in an apartment. Why aren't you always living with him. Hell he knows your father and won't tell you." The Kyuubi said spitting out the Fourths title.

"No! Jiji isn't like that, and how would you know anything about my father!" Naruto yelled.

"Simple. Because I killed him." The Kyuubi said smiling. Naruto froze at the words.

"What do you mean. You killed a lot of people." Naruto said angrily.

"Oh, but you father wasnt just anybody. It was the Fourth Hokage. He sealed me inside you. Denying you a future, or a path in life. Making you a caged animal. You know what happens when you cage an animal? It bites. It tries to get free whitch I'm doing for you. Leave this village. Never return. Why should you care about villagers that would discard or murder you at any chance they got?" The Kyuubi finished his rant.

Naruto was still processing all the information. "The Fourth was my father? He sealed this demon in me condemning me to a life of hate and pain, and the Third knew about it." Naruto began to fill tears fall from his eyes. The Kyuubi chuckled.

"So pathetic. Just gonna cry. How about you do something about it. Get revenge and murder those who hurt you. Open my seal, and I'll do just that." The Kyuubi said smiling at the thought of being set free. Naruto just stood ther. He felt pain and pain turned to sadness, whitch quickly turned to anger.

"The Kyuubis right. Why should I help those who've done nothing for me. Who hurt and beat me. Who lied to me. Here's what I'll do. I'll join the academy for a few weeks. Learn the basics and enough to survive and steal scrolls from the library then...I'm leaving." Naruto said outloud. The Kyuubi smiled.

"Good. I didn't expect it to turn out like this, but it's a start. Soon I'll be free and I'll get my revenge." The Kyuubi thought as he saw Naruto fade away meaning he was regaining conciousness. Naruto woke up on the snow.

No visible wounds, but was a little sore. "Now my plan might take a while, but I'll see through." Naruto said averting his eyes to the Hokage Monument. "Why me dad...Why?" Naruti thought walking to his apartment.