Since there are only three level one Prays that will endeavor to produce an Alpins H tree, two instructions are given: one for alliance and one for defense.
So they must time the use of the portal to transport a Prays from: a south, east and west pole and plant it at the point adjacent to the north pole, near the Alpins trees of the PAO (Olympic Ring Plan).
Once the Prays is seeded, it is awarded a Score: (XH + 1), and must return to the pole of origin of the seeded Prays and replace it. Failure to make the replacement will be counted Score: (XH-1).
Upon returning, add Score: (XH + 2), for exercising "the defense of the North Pole". Being the Prays closer to achieving its mission of becoming Prays XH level two.
Likewise, he must obtain "from the east pole" the Hologram of Avistrols H Alliance, in order to negotiate an Avistrols Invasion truce, giving him a Score: (XH + 2) and manage an Avistrols H Alliance, to obtain a Score: (XH + 2 ) that will allow the growth of Alpins H and maintain defense against an eminent attack from the West Pole.
The slogan: Alliance.
- Prays del Este. Score: (XH + 2), Avistrol Enemy.
The slogan: Defense.
- Prays del Oeste. Score: favorites for their training.
How do you negotiate an Avistrols Invasion truce, for a Score XH + 2?
A prays "candidate" who has managed to plant an Alpins H tree, acquires "his sphere H", which is the key to collect an H Fruit, which he will offer to an Avistrol, in an Avistrols Summoning ceremony.
If the offering is accepted, peace will be established by the present cycle of seasons, obtaining a Score: (XH + 2).
If the offering is not accepted, a duel is established, if the Prays is lost, it has a Score: (XH-2), that is, it loses the two points acquired in the slogan: HIN1-HIS2. Production, as appropriate.
When to manage an Avistrols H Alliance, to obtain an XH + 2 Score?
The Prays that manages to plant an Alpins H tree, has a Score: XH + 2, and "its sphere H"; and if he managed to get Avistrol to accept the offering by establishing peace for the present cycle of seasons, obtaining a Score: XH + 2 and raising the level to: "sphere XH", which makes it easier for him to manage an Avistrols H Alliance, to obtain a Score : XH + 2. With these three processes Prays in time of war adds a Score: XH + 6. Giving him the Prays rank of: "Repopulator" and warrior rank of: "Conqueror".
Requirements for what, "the candidate Prays possessing the XH sphere", return to the Zenith Portal and the Palace Pray H and achieve the Metamorphosis to Prays XH, delivering the Score: XH + 6, which will allow the procreation of another Prays squad to replace to the Prays eliminated at the North Pole.
Each Sower Prays Pavilion is made up of six level one Prays. Being a total of four pavilions: north, south, east and west. The conservation of the Prays Kingdom requires having this productive - defensive level.
A few hunting dogs at the top of the hill bark towards the west pole of the entrance to the Prays Kingdom, however, the irritating smell of "nutralys acid" prevents them from approaching 100 meters; reason many humans have to confuse this smell with that of skunks in the forest.
The only thing left for these dogs is to raise their left paw and point towards the forest of the Prays Kingdom.
`` Bah, Firulays. If you, and your pack of hunting dogs, do not dare to enter there. Less I will! Go! Let's go home ... For today, that's enough.
--Woof! Geer ... He gave the order to return, the most expert dog, in hunting.
A white-tailed deer, a ruminant and herbivore, sought to sneak out of the apparent human pursuit among the vegetation of the thick Prays forest, distracted and confidently began to consume leaves, shoots, and seeds, as well as Hongoys, and the fallen sweet fruits of the Alpins trees.
However, a Lynx Rufus, a feline carnivore, had seen him enter the west pole of the Prays forest and stealthily and silently followed him, expected him to feed and also to drink water ... in half an hour, the white-tailed deer He fell flat on his face, "A weird way to take a nap?" No, it was like that. Rather, by eating he had absorbed a series of acids from both the Prays and the Hongoys, Avistrols and Orugarys.
Definitely a fatal combustion occurred in the body of this white-tailed deer.
But, it was the carnivore feline, the dangerous one: Lynx Rufus, who carried the most providential part for the Prays XH level two and the Prays of the west pavilion.
As the west pole alarm begins to sound, with a distinctive sound, never heard before. But instinctively, it forced a total mobilization of the Prays defenses, and therefore of repopulation ...
When they arrived, they found both convulsing and unable to move or emit any sound, the acids were striking their hearts and melting their internal organs ...
To finish with the skin, meat and hue
sos and other tough parts of these unhappy forest animals. The Prays doused "acid nutralys"
The unique banquet in life cycles of the Prays Kingdom, would provide them with strength, agility, speed and remote sight ... but it would be cycles later than they would know that they would have really eaten, when they have to deal with the same humans ...
At the scene of the events, the three Prays XH candidates and the three Prays Sowers Pavilions gathered, totaling a Prays army: 3 + 18. These from the south, east and west. I repeat: "The preservation of the Prays Kingdom requires having this productive - defensive level."
The dilemma is: which Prays XH would repopulate the north pole?
The omnipotent and omniscient determined these kingdoms migrations and migrations; this event is often called the wise nature of the creator.
Again a unique echo was heard that is the link of the creator with the creation of him and it is understood that it is the time of the changes in the habitat of the Prays kingdom.
Dear reader, you have just started: The importance of this story?
The Prays of the west; Because of their special training and convening power, they allowed their leader to become Prays XH. And the future King Prays XHA through the metamorphosis ceremony at the Prays H.