(A generation later ...)
DarkMar, the Great King of the Oceanic Kingdoms, never had children, since his lineage is genetically indecipherable ...
The same happened, like him for the providential son, that the omnipotent and omniscient would endow him.
As with Vallemar (The King of the Valley Near the Sea) in his formative origins; Vallemar's father, called: KingWhiteM (The King of the Clean Sea), arose around the Prays Kingdom, his family was settled towards the west pole, as a result of the fact that their domestic animals and the wild ones they caught used to feed in the forests whose influence Prays ended up dominating them by injecting them each spring with "nutralys acid" in appropriate doses not to extinguish them from their habitat but to conquer them through connections of Prays origin.
Hence the name Prays XHuman (can be interpreted as: The King of the Non-Human or Pro-Human Kingdom)
It happened like on that same hunting day when a Lynx Rufus eats the meat of a white-tailed deer (on the Canadian border) The white-tailed deer go in pairs, the two entered the forest of the Prays Kingdom from the west pole, They both ate the same things, however, upon sensing the presence of an enemy, the white-tailed doe fled ... the effects of the "acids from Prays forests" have the particularity that when reactivated, they produce: strength, vitality, agility and telescopic vision. The doe ran towards the human hut ... the genetic alteration had disoriented her in the sense of seeking the high places of the rocks for her safety, opting for the open fields of the prairies; she sadly got within range.
"Bang," came the first shot from a hunting rifle.
—Bang —a second shot.
The first shot had landed near the thigh, so the white-tailed doe stopped again and tried to keep running.
The second shot ended up hitting his heart and stopping him on the spot.
"Although we lost the white-tailed deer that got into that stinking forest." E, there we have the white-tailed doe. A beautiful and appetizing animal that will provide us with food for at least a month.
—The first thing I will ask my wife is to prepare a white-tailed doe stock for Charly, although he is still a baby, this food will make him agile, robust; It is the best nutrient from high in the mountains.
-Go! Firulais ...
"Make sure the prey is okay and drive away any beastly cougar that wants to snatch the prey from us."
"I'll hit you, reach out."
"Love, you think we should give it to the baby and if he bumps him."
—Well, on the contrary, you will not find a better medicine for the ills of this season, than the broth of white-tailed deer,
fed in the high mountains as in that enchanted forest, because from there we saw it enter, eat and leave in terror.
It took two shots to bring him home and there will be no greater privilege for the whole family to enjoy.
"Serve me more." I want to regain strength, for what is coming in the world because of Covid-19. And remember that for that purpose I went out to hunt it.
"Besides, I have to get back soon, the CondorGPS is watching."
"Who disregards the world order?"
—We shouldn't go out for more than one hour… (From 02/01 to 02/15, 2021)
—If you can't go to work in the city, we stay in the country ...
—The shadow of death by Covid-20 is in the air, it is like a black cloud, full of misfortunes.
—Also, I brought the herbs from the mountain, the ones we used for the first wave of Covid-19.
"You know why I want the baby to drink from this whitetail deer soup?" Why didn't I get close to the forest, its aromas make you sleep. They love it! And I didn't want to sleep like last time… we need to be awake. From what you can see, you hear about the second wave of Covid-20.
"Better get away from that place."
"But this white-tailed deer has to do with your not doing your job."
"Ah!" There the secret.
"Well, this white-tailed deer, I repeat: he came in with his partner, ate (I saw him eat) and then came out terrified." So, we eat it and we get the nutrients that he ate. Simple logic: Don't you think?
-Okay. If you think so.
"I'll give Charly a few tablespoons of broth."
--- Have baby, to have this soup with a Canadian mountain flavor.
They never imagined that each teaspoon produces a level of genetic change and levels of social adaptation, and of bonding between the kingdoms, animal and human; even later the adaptation of Charly to the interoceanic marine kingdom would be known; the strange thing is that, with the lakes and rivers he would not get along.
—The three of them liked the preparation, and they served each other until they fell asleep… for several thousand-year-old days.
—When Charly woke up, they used to call him: KingWhiteM (The King of the Clean Sea).
KingWhiteM: Led the ocean adjacent to Isla Blanca in Chimbote Bay, in the Ancash Region.
The sea of Peru is of a unique ichthyological wealth in the world. Virtually all boats pe
The world's fishermen make their journey to collect the millennial wealth of this sea.
A millennium has passed since the hunt undertaken by Charly's father, the now KingWhiteM.
And of course the story began on the Canadian border ... (that's a question to be answered in another story or for another volume: Know what happened?)
For now we need KingWhiteM in this area of Peru, due to the environmental, ecological and genetic changes that will occur because of the marine tributaries.
—KingWhiteM will succeed, win, this if he joins the Collectives that Shout: Chimbote de Pie! Go Go Berly.
In Chimbote Bay in front of Isla Blanca, the trees have stopped growing, and is it necessary to plant Alpins trees? No. But if a variable that strengthens the human kingdom without altering the marine ecosystem.