After trudging his way down lonely corridors the width the size of modern highways, the gentle hum of the glowing gems mounted to the walls that lit up the hallways his only companion.
Struggling with the thoughts of what was soon to take place and what he was going to do about it, mulling over the fact he really couldn't do anything but play it how it came.
After all he had no idea where he would end up, would he be dropped into a war zone?
A safe and prosperous kingdom that would offer equal opportunities to its subjects… pfft yeah right!
Dearil just shook his head and came to a stop outside a very large room, the teleportation room.
Specifically made for him to get around the extremely large palace, at the end of the day he couldn't exactly be expected to just walk the distance of the palace grounds.
That would take a slow mortal days just to bridge half the total length of the palace alone, so to prevent all that, his big sister commissioned a system of teleportation nodes all around the palace for her little brother.
As he stepped into the portal room he looked around, still indebted to his big sister for making this for him.
You see, portals had to be made specially for mortals. Due to how fragile they were, in comparison to the immortal body they had to reinforce the portal's connection to its destination.
Otherwise the portal could cause serious injury or even death, After-all getting ripped apart or squeezed into the size of an atom by unstable space doesn't sound so fun.
He walked over to the portal in the middle of the room, there was no need for him to enter any coordinates as everything was pre set by his sister, while he and tanda had the only activation keys.
Stepping forward into the blue glowing and rippling mirror, he immediately arrived at his destination. Of course this is only the case with pre connected portals, if it wasn't it would would feel like getting squeezed and pulled apart at the same time.
Although If he had even a smidgen of cultivation he could use that energy as a layer of protection, this rings true for all not just immortals.
Upon reaching his room and and walking in, dearil didn't do much he never had many belongings to begin with anyway. his last 16 year of life was filled with training himself with his sisters for-knowledge, to survive on his own.
he… doesn't belong in this place amongst this family who view all mortal beings as their playthings, although his family is the strongest in all of the immortal realms due to his father.
they stand out among the best because their bloodline powers are astonishingly strong. While he himself has no connection to this family, only his big sister who practically raised him.
With all of dearil's reading, it didn't take long to find out this isn't how a family should act towards one another. Maybe he was being childish and naive but… he held hope he was right.
Even if only a little.
Maybe it's since the family have lived so long and have been at the top for ages, that it's twisted their view on the living.
Although he supposed that even other top immortal family's were like that, or maybe its a trait of being the sons and daughters of a being that controls death.
that caused them to become more crass and cold than other people, but dearil is not one of them. probably due to the lack of his bloodline power acting as a catalyst for those feelings, so as a normal mortal not stuck in the thought process; that just because of his blood everyone is beneath him he generally treats others like how he would like to be treated.
Coming out of his thoughts as his sister Tanda appeared in his room at an impossible pace, throwing a cascade of items not weighed down into the air.
I'm just one of her simple unconscious actions of rushing, shes showing the perks of an immortal cultivation powerhouse. dearil couldn't help but lament the what if?
What if he had been born with immortality could he to do that too? Just to cause wind storms to prop up with unconscious speed, how incredible would that be.
Sighing at all the things he'll have to pick back up and all the pages that had their book mark blown away, he asked
"what is it, sister"
"What do you mean, what?! dearil!.. Father can not do this he's sending you to your death!"
"You and I knew this was coming eventually tanda, isn't that what we put so much into my training for?"
"B-But brother…"
Tanda begins to sob in my arms at the thought of losing her only true friend and family, in the palace and her little brother she spends most of her time with.
"How can you be so calm, brother"
"I am angry, of course I'm angry. But I've never fit in all I've ever gotten here aside from you're kindness is permanent ridicule, so nothing ties me to this place one could even say this place is a luxury prison"
Patting her back "It's okay..."
Waiting till she calms herself down, tanda stood up opposite dearil. looking at her handsome little brother whose fate other than his life and death will be unknown to her once he leaves for the mortal realms.
"Little brother I got you a gift, I was going to give it to you later since it's your 16th birthday but it seems time is never on our side."
conscious that her brother will only have the lifespan of a normal mortal, without cultivation or life-extending treasures.
while she with her cultivation alone, not even considering the extra benefits of her awakened bloodline. will live for upto 10,000 years if she was at the peak of the immortal cultivation stage.
Not to even mention the other 3 stages of the immortal realms, Finally ending at peak immortal sovereign.
Having no idea of her thoughts he says
"Oh? What is it"
"I know how you are training every day with that practice sword I gave you, so I got you a proper one so you can't forget me in the mortal realm "
She rubs her spatial ring on her lith fingers and takes out a sheath containing a unseen pristine white-coloured sword, about 4 foot in length and 6 inches wide with ebony and red colour crossguard and handle.
Taking it in his hands he begins unsheathe in order to admire the work of art, that is this new sword.
"It's blade is made out of dragon bone it can cut almost anything, I've also put a formation on it to seal the energy undulations of the dragon bone. If you're ever strong enough you can unseal it yourself so, until that point you unseal it; the sword will appear like normal"
While dragon bone was definitely an expensive material, it wasn't something immortals could never obtain. on the other hand it would definitely be a bad thing, if a weapon as high grade as this is ever discovered unleashing the dragon undulations in the mortal realms, it wouldn't be overboard to say wars would be fought for it.
Putting the sword back in its sheath I put it down and hug and thank my sister, I ask her where she got it.
"I got it from the Treasury it was just tucked away in a corner and when I asked about it they said it was defective, as the artifact spirit refuses to allow people to use its strength but the sword itself will be good for you."
"An artifact spirit huh..."
Normally artifact spirits are only held within weapons that are at the peak of immortal grade and beyond, however being a top cultivation family their family was not lacking top-grade weapons so a defective product is probably not even thought about.
I also got you this she pulls out a very dark blue almost black pendant on a thin silver chain.
"Oh what's this". since she has already given me a birthday gift which was better than I could have ever asked for, having more seemed excessive.
"It a life-saving Treasure, it has the power to block a full power blow of anyone below the immortal stage."
She glances sideways and said in a voice as tiny as a mosquito "I made it for you"
"thank you"
'Ahhh who thought a being hundreds of year's old and my big sis could be so cute'
We continue to talk for a while till I have to begin heading towards the portal for the mortal realm
"Sister we should probably get going theirs only a few tens of minutes left until I need to leave"
We left for the portal that separates the mortal realm from the immortal realm, this time instead of taking my portal system. Tanda carried me there.
once we arrived I saw my father and 2 elder brothers Draven the firstborn and Tueur the 3rd born
Once we arrived I was met with the smug smiles of my brothers and the cold feeling dark fog covered, father I've always seen.
I bow although not because I want to, but because thats what his power demands. "Father"
"Are you ready to step on your path" he uttered in a slightly more evil tone that gave me goosebumps.
Not having any choice, not that I ever did I say.
Then dearil stepped forth just before the portal and looked back at his weeping sister, a bit of mist in his eyes at what will probably be a permanent parting
"be well big sister, maybe we'll meet again someday."
The future is always an unknown and a mortals life is short so theirs no telling if he will see any of his family members again. not that he would want to see any of them aside from his big sister given the chance, but 100 years is practically a blink of an eye to an immortal in the long run and dearil's prospects look rather bleak.
Finally no longer looking back, he stepped into the portal.