Chereads / The Hero Who Answer The Call Of Duty / Chapter 78 - Beginning of The End

Chapter 78 - Beginning of The End

22nd January, 2221, 10:00 a.m.

The Japanese government officially declare that the Liberation War is over

But for Task Force 141, the fight is still on. Those responsible for the war, the lost of many infrastructures, and 50 million lives are still on the loose

"Where are they?" Izuku ask irritated

"They're on Mt. Kohide, Nakatsugawa, Gifu Prefecture" Shogun reply

"Is all of them there?" Izuku ask

"According to ISR, no. Only a few Liberation Army terrorists and all the League of Villains are there" Shogun reply

"Wait, Sir. When you said all of the League, did you also mean that big guy from back then?" Sandman ask

"Unfortunately" Shogun reply

"Bloody hell" Price said annoyed

"Any ideas?" Ghost ask

"I got one. Send the Alicorn to Ise Bay, and prepare the "Bow" for launching" Izuku said surprising everyone

"Delta, we are not using nuclear weapons. Even if they are the League or in the middle of nowhere" Sandman said

"We're not using the nuke warhead. Shogun, I heard from RnD that the APR, Adamantium Penetrator Rod, has completed it's manufacture?" Izuku ask

"The APR is still untested, Delta" Shogun claim

"Then we'll test it now" Izuku stated

"Understood. Teams, you all have your orders. The war maybe over, but as long these people still on the loose, peace will not be fully achieved. Good hunting" Shogun said seriously

"Ooh rah!" Task Force 141 comply

A cottage on Mt. Kohide

"The war is lost, and they are coming" Compress said as all the League of Villains, except Shigaraki, are having a meeting on the cottage

"No fun! I don't get to do anything great in the war!" Toga complain

"I agree with Toga! I disagree!" Twice yell

"If they surround us we have no way out. Kurogiri has been capture even before the war. We're stuck here" Spinner claim

"I never though when we planned this war that we will fought against soldiers. That's why we lost" Magne claim a little depressed

"We should've expected this in the first place" Dabi said as he look outside the window

"What do you mean? I get it" Twice ask

"Back at Kamino, heroes fought us for the first half. And who fought us on the second half?" Dabi ask

"The military..." Spinner realize

"We already have experience dealing with the military, we should've known that if the military are involved with a small fight like Kamino, then they will obviously involved in a country wide fight" Compress said

"Not to mention that Izuku Midoriya brat is somehow controlling the military as well" Spinner added

"Don't badmouth Izuku! He's like to play it rough, I like it!" Toga squeal

"You crazy bitch" Spinner said annoyed

"I'd say we better get moving, before they found us" Compress said as eh get up

"You guys go ahead, I'll say for a little longer" Dabi said

"You will be killed if you stay here" Magne said

"We still need a leader after Shigaraki and Kurogiri is nowhere to be seen" Toga claim

"And you're the next best thing to a leader" Spinner claim

"Then my first order as your leader is go away from here. I have a very important announcement to all of Japan" Dabi claim smirking

U.A. High School/U.A. Refugee Center

1-A Alliance

Class 1-A are taking a day off from their refugee center relief effort. They all gather around the common area watching the news on the tv

"At long last! The war is over!" Mineta scream happily

"But we barely in the war" Sato said

"Then what do you call we being held hostage on the gym are?!" Mineta yell

"Bad luck?" Sato shrug

"Uravity, I miss dad" Eri told Uraraka

Uraraka smile sadly "I also miss him, Eri" She said as the two walk to the common area

Kaminari, Asui, and Sero are checking the common area tv

"What are you doing?" Uraraka ask

"The tv's acting up" Kaminari said

"Does the antenna broke?" Asui wonder

"This tv use land fiber-optics cable, not antenna" Sero claim

"So it's either the cable or the broadcast itself" Sato said when the image began to come back

"Its working again" Kaminari said but the broadcast is not those of a news channel, but someone who sit down on a chair, top naked, and with visible burn marks al over the body

"What the? What's this?" Kirishima said confuse

"I don't know" Kaminari reply as he change channels but all channels are broadcasting the same thing "E-Every channel is broadcasting this" Kaminari said

"Wait, that guy..." Iida realize the person

"He's from the summer camp attack" Todoroki realize

"Wait, really?" Kirishima look closer "Oh man, you're right. He's that fire guy from back then!" Kirishima realize

"Dabi" Bakugou said stunned, seeing one who kidnapped him is on tv

"What do he want?" Iida said confuse when Dabi face the camera

"I know what you're thinking "What's this? What happen to the channels? Who is he?" To answer your questions. I will start with who am I. For those who already know "who" am I will immediately said "Dabi" from the League of Villains. And you are right. But "Dabi" is not my real identity" Dabi said on the broadcast

"Wait, is he trying to reveal himself?" Kaminari ask surprise

"I think so" Sero said as confuse as well

"Why? Why now of all times?" Kaminari said confuse

"Because they have lost. The Liberation war has ended and both the League of Villains and the Metal Liberation Army being hunted by Ranger Corp. So he have nothing to lose" Yaoyorozu explain

"Wouldn't that make it easier for the Ranger Corp to chase him?" Toru ask

"Usually when someone reveal something in public is because they have a life changing information that able to shook many people because of the reveal. He know he's going down, so he's taking everyone down with him" Todoroki explain

"But everyone is already down because of the Liberation War" Mineta claim

"Whatever he's trying to reveal, he tries to broke down Japan even more" Iida said

"My name, my real name is Touya Todoroki. The first born of hero Endeavor" Dabi announce making Todoroki's eyes to widen in shocked

"Todoroki?" Mina said confuse as everyone look at Todoroki who petrified by the reveal

"Your brother is a... v-villain...?" Kaminari said shocked

"I-I don't know.... Touya.... He died a long time ago..." Todoroki said shocked

"I've killed over 30 innocent people until now. I would like to let everyone know why I'd end up committing such a hideous act. Or even why I became a villain in the first place" Dabi said

Todoroki is breathing raggedly and trying to think clearly to hear what Dabi has to said

"Endeavor has a long history of being power-hungry. And in his despair of being unable to surpass All Might. He forcibly took on a wife in order to give birth to a child who possess an even more powerful quirk. I was created for my father's selfish dream. However I was deemed a failure and quickly abandoned... tossed aside and forgotten" Dabi explain

"No... you are not forgotten..." Todoroki said silently

"My fire that burned other's is indeed Endeavor's fire. After bearing me, my father would force my mother to give more offspring and by the fourth, it worked! Some of you may know him as Shoto" Dabi said

Class 1-A glance at Todoroki who still petrified by what Dabi just revealed. They wanted to ask him something but decide to listen to whatever Dabi have to say first

"But even with his trophy son, my father would still get physical with him. I've seen firsthand. Endeavor doesn't have any consideration or respect for others. He has a narrow, self-righteous mentality mired in his self-image. Do you think that kind of human should be allowed to assume the role of a hero?" Dabi said

''Narrow, self-righteous mentality'' Bakugou froze when he heard that. Whether he accept it or not, he is exactly like Endeavor

"But I guess this kind of trait runs rampant in the industry. They're package and sold to you under the name of justice when they don't even have an ounce of empathy! And on top of that, they dare call themselves 'heroes'! They are deceiving all of you! Please think more critically! They only ones they protect are themselves! Everyone, you are just being used as tools to protect and enable these ugly people!" Dabi yell

Everyone, not just Class 1-A, but also anyone who is watching the live feed are either shocked, petrified, or refusing to accept the "Truth" revealed by Dabi just now

"Thank you for listening till the end! You decide what to do with this truth!" Dabi yell, then suddenly a loud explosion noise was heard and the whole cottage shake, but Dabi remain calm and look at the camera. He then look back and smile wickedly

"Ah, finally. The helljumpers are here" Dabi said as he stand up and look behind him "Let's dance in hell!" Dabi yell as he burn the cottage's wall in front of him

When the cottage's wall burned out, it reveal Gigantomachia is swinging his arms around trying to block missiles from fighter jets that's buzzing in the sky and the rest of the League of Villains and some Meta Liberation Army terrorists are fighting against Ranger Corp soldiers on the ground

"The war maybe over, but we are still fighting" Dabi claim

"Just not heroes that fight you! League of Villains, Dabi! Surrender now!" Someone outside the screen yell at Dabi

"Wait..." Kirishima realize the voice

"That voice..." Iida realize the voice

The person then walk in front of the camera, revealed to be Izuku Midoriya, showing his face for all of Japan to see

"Midoriya...?" Uraraka gasped as she tear up

"Dad...?" Eri said surprised

Iida put his hand on Uraraka's shoulder "I told you he's fine" Iida told her smiling

Uraraka wipe her tears "Yeah, yeah he is" Uraraka smile

"Dad! Dad is alive!" Eri cheer up happily

"That's right" Uraraka pat Eri's head "Dad is still alive and he's about to get back soon" Uraraka said smiling

"Dad!" Eri smile widely

"Give it up, Dabi. Or should I say Touya Todoroki" Izuku said as he aim his riffle at Dabi

"If I give up then what?" Dabi ask when Gigantomachia destroyed a flying Quinjet near him "You have all the weapons you want, but you have nothing that can kill him. As long we have him! You lose!" Dabi yell smirking

"APR round incoming. All units, clear out of the way" A radio transmission told the Rangers. Izuku smirk back at Dabi

Gigantomachia is roaring when suddenly something too fast for the eyes to see hit, pierce, and tear apart Gigantomachia. His right arm tear off and fall to the ground, but Gigantomachia still standing, but clearly weaken and in pain

Everyone in there, including the audience are shocked by the sudden turn of event

Dabi's smirk gone, and replace by shock "What?!" He yell shocked

Izuku grab his radio "Alicorn, Delta 9-1. Good effect on target, but target's still alive. Pound him again" Izuku ordered

Dabi look at Izuku in surprise

Izuku look at Dabi calmly "What? You think we have no countermeasure for the big ass monster?" Izuku mockingly ask

Seconds later a second projectile hit Gigantomachia right under his neck, effectively decapitate the giant monster. Gigantomachia's head land several hundred meter away, and with a loud thud, Gigantomachia's body fall to the ground

"Gigantomachia's neutralized. All units, press on with the assault" Izuku ordered before evading a flame attack

"I will not surrender!" Dabi yell as he launch flame attacks towards Izuku

Izuku dodge the flame attacks and dash forward towards Dabi with incredible speed. As Izuku about to grab Dabi, suddenly a Nomu broke out from the floor and smash Izuku away

"Dad! Izuku! Midoriya!" Class 1-A yell worried when Izuku is smashed away

Izuku landed on the other side of the cottage, while the Nomu roar in front of Dabi. Dabi get up and dust off his body calmly

"Just at the right time. Nomu, kill him" Dabi ordered the Nomu. The nomu screech then charge towards Izuku

Izuku get up and shoot the Nomu, but the Nomu is unaffected by the bullets and continue to charge at Izuku. The Nomu swing his right right arm to smash Izuku again, but Izuku swiftly dodge and shoot the Nomu's exposed brain as the Nomu crashes into a wall. The Nomu is unaffected by the bullets and charge at Izuku again. Izuku put his riffle away and wait the Nomu to get closer. As the Nomu now in arms reach, Izuku punch the Nomu right in the head and into the ground. The force of the punch is so great it mush the Nomu's brain and shockwave destroy some part of the cottage

Izuku grab his riffle and full auto the Nomu already mushed brain, just in case. Izuku then reload his riffle before deploying his shield to block a flame attack from Dabi

"I guess Shigaraki's right about you cheating" Dabi said as he increase the flame's heat

Izuku tries to move but Dabi create a flame prison, making Izuku unable to move anywhere

"What you gonna do, now? Burned alive, or suffocate due lack of oxygen?" Dabi wickedly ask

"Fuck!" Izuku curse as the heat starts to burn him and the oxygen started to depleted around him

Those who are watching the live feed are dreaded by the sight

"No... no... no! Stop it, Touya!" Todoroki yell while tearing up

Class 1-A are surprise Todoroki sudden out of character yell. But they can't blame him, his long lost and presumed dead brother is still alive, and now trying to kill his friend on live tv

Izuku is about to be burned alive when he grab the Nomu's body and throw it towards Dabi. Dabi simply burned it before the body reached him. But when the Nomu's body fell to the ground Izuku is already in front of Dabi, much to his surprise

"Why you little...!" Dabi launch a flame attack towards Izuku, but Izuku slide down before standing up behind Dabi. Dabi about to attack but Izuku grab Dabi's waist then German suplex Dabi to the floor

"Ach...!" Dabi groan in pain as he flop down on the floor

Izuku immediately grab a STIM shot and inject it at Dabi's neck. Dabi wake up then flame up his neck and punch Izuku away

"Gah! What the hell was that?!" Dabi yell as he touch his neck

Izuku stand up and look at Dabi coldly

"Heh, doesn't matter" Dabi run then shove his hand at Izuku's face "Die!" He yell as he tries to burned Izuku. But nothing happen, the fire won't come out

"What?" Dabi said confuse, he tries to activate his quirk again, but nothing happen

Izuku just standing there, in front of Dabi, without any expression at all. Just watching the foolish attempt by Dabi to activate his quirk

"What did you do to me?!" Dabi yell angrily

"I hope you don't mind a few hours being quirkless" Izuku coldly said

"What?" Dabi said confuse when Izuku uppercut Dabi's stomach and lift him a meter above ground before retract back his arm

Dabi fall to his knees while holding his stomach and gasping for air. Izuku then handcuff Dabi

"Shogun, Delta 9-1. Dabi is secured" Izuku reported but his helmet radio didn't work "Shogun, you copy?" Izuku tries the radio again to no luck

Izuku remove his helmet and check the condition. The helmet part where the radio is stored is broken from the Nomu smash earlier "Fuck" Izuku curse annoyed

Izuku grab his universal radio "Shogun, this is Delta 9-1. Dabi is secured, over" Izuku reported

"Bzzz.... Bzzz.... Copy, 9-1. The remaining League is also been secured. Exfil will land shortly" Shogun reply

"Copy your last" Izuku reply before looking at Dabi who still on his knees. Izuku look at Dabi coldly "Where is Shigaraki and Re-Destro?" He ask

"Hahaha... hahaha..." Dabi only lightly laugh, confusing those who watch the live feed

"What's so funny? Where are those two?" Izuku ask again

"Hahahahahaha" Dabi began to laugh louder

"Do I look in a gaming mood, right now?" Izuku kneel in front of Dabi's face "Where are those two?" He ask again, dangerously mad

Dabi spit at Izuku's face. Izuku grab Dabi's collar then slam him into a wall, hard enough to crack the wall. This surprise some of the audience

Todoroki is shocked when he see that. But understand why Izuku did it. He only clench his fists, hoping he could be there and convinced his long lost brother to cooperate

"Never start with the head. The victim gets all fuzzy" Dabi mockingly advised

Izuku deploy his 20cm/8inch retractable blade and aim at Dabi's face "Where are they?!" Izuku yell angrily

"Hahahaha..." Dabi mockingly laugh

"Where are they?!" Izuku yell angrily

"The pity of you thinking that you in command. To think everything will go as you wish" Dabi said before laughing

Izuku is pissed off by Dabi's attitude and about to stab Dabi. But, Izuku retract back the blade and release Dabi and walk back

"You're not gonna kill me? Like you kill many people before?" Dabi ask mockingly

"The living still not done with you, especially your family" Izuku coldly said before walking away

"That's a good news, right?" Kaminari ask nervously

"Yeah, now he can talk with Todoroki..." Sero reply nervously

"Todoroki..." Yaoyorozu said worriedly as Todoroki only stare at the tv with a cold but shocked expression

"As long he's alive, I..." Todoroki unable to say anything else

"I don't know why, but looks like Midoriya was didn't really try to kill him" Kirishima said gaining the attention of others, who then realize that

"You're right. He restrain him instead of killing him" Sato realize

"So does that mean he never want to kill him?" Kaminari wonder

"No, you all clearly heard that the other League has been secured, not killed. So there's a possibility that he was ordered to arrest them instead of killing them" Iida theorized

"But why they want to arrest those villains?!" Mineta yell before Asui smack him

"Don't say that, not in front of Todoroki at least" Asui scold

"No, it's alright... my brother's a villain. I have to accept that" Todoroki reassure making everyone to look at Todoroki with pity

"You don't have to forced yourself, Todoroki" Yaoyorozu said softly

"I'm just glad they ordered my brother to be arrested. At least I could see him again" Todoroki tries to be positive

"Tch! Being all positive is really unlike you, half-n-half" Bakugou scoff

"Do you have no heart?! His long lost brother is alive and he's a villains that fought us several times! At least he's lucky Izuku didn't kill him!" Mina yell angrily

"Blah!" Bakugou scoff

Izuku is checking the Nomu's dead body when Yuri and Roach enter the cottage "Sitrep" Izuku told the two

"All the League has been secured and all the Liberation terrorist are neutralized" Roach reported

"We are done here and waiting for extraction" Yuri added

"Understood" Izuku reply then he grab his universal radio "Shogun, Delta 9-1. Requesting ETA on the birds" Izuku requested

"Exfil are 10 mikes out" Shogun reply " you boys doing?" Shogun suddenly ask

"We're doing fine, sir" Izuku reply a little confuse by Shogun out of character

"Shigaraki and Re-Destro might not be here. But at least the war is over" Roach said

"One war end, another one just started" Shogun said confusing Izuku, Yuri and, Roach

"What do you mean, sir?" Izuku ask

"As you know, the Russian are busy fighting a civil war between loyalist and separatist. And things just get south for the loyalist, Moscow just fall into separatist's hand, and the Russian government has officially ask help from NATO and EU" Shogun explain surprising Izuku, Yuri, and Roach a little

"We already know thing goes south there, just not expect the Russian government would ask NATO for help" Izuku claim

"Mother Russia..." Yuri said clenching his fists

"But that's not all. Things that least known for you is that a week ago, something that All For One does 200 years ago happened in China. A terrorist lead coup has taken control the Chinese government. China is under control from a terrorist government. And just an hour ago declare war with Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and United states" Shogun explain shocking Delta 9 by the sudden turn of event

"Terrorist lead coup?" Yuri said shocked

"War? They declare war?" Roach said shocked

"What's the responses?" Izuku ask trying to calm down from the shocking news

"Taiwan, South Korea, and United states has officially declare war with China and North Korea. While NATO and EU declare war with Russian separatist in Europe. Gentlemen, World War 3 has officially started" Shogun said seriously

Izuku look at his radio with a shocked expression, Yuri is still trying to process the information receive, Roach gaped in shock, while Dabi smirk widely

Everyone who's watching the live feed with shock and also trying to process the information. A bigger war just started right after the war on their country ended

"W-W-World War..." Kirishima said shocked

"Three...?" Sero gaped shocked

"W-What...? A World War...?" Mina fell to her seat in shock

"W-Wait... w-world war as in that world war from 250 years ago...?" Yaoyorozu ask shocked

"The bloodiest conflict in human history..." Iida said shocked

"...what's our respond, sir?" Izuku ask clenching his fist

"Right now, still nothing. I just hope that nothing will be declared and we will focus on defending Japan, and try to rebuilt after the last war" Shogun reply

"If we involve in World War 3, then it's out of the frying pan and into the fire for us" Roach said

"We already lost 50 million lives here. We're gonna add that number again?" Yuri said sarcastically annoyed

"Looks like 2221 will be a shitty year" Roach said annoyed

"World War 3..." Izuku mumble silently

"Delta 9-1, this just in. A Chinese fleet is sailing towards Okinawa right now, and the government just make a decision. Japan has officially declare war with China. We are now fighting in World War 3" Shogun inform

Izuku, Yuri, and Roach look at each other with a serious look

"What's our orders?" Izuku ask

"You are to deploy to Okinawa and defend the island. Be advised, Japan may declare war with China, but only on a defensive role. We lost too many troops and assets necessary for an offensive assault" Shogun said

"But the defensive role is for the regular troops, isn't it?" Izuku ask

"...yes, only the regular troops are ordered for a defensive war. But Task Force 141 are not regular troops. After we make sure none of our islands are in danger of being invaded by Chinese fleet, we will go deep inside enemy lines and fight on their own backyard. Either it's China or Russia" Shogun reply

"The fight's not over yet" Izuku claim

"No, it's just begun" Shogun claim when the exfil transports arrive on the AO "After you done securing the LOV, head towards RCNF Alicorn. Your exact orders of defending Okinawa will be brief there" Shogun inform

"Roger..." Izuku comply before hang up the call

"Sir?" Yuri ask

"Get Dabi on the bird" Izuku ordered. Yuri then grab Dabi and drag him into the Quinjet

"You're not gonna call your friends and family?" Roach ask

"Don't need to" Izuku said as he look at the camera that still record them

"They already know" Is what Class 1-A hear from Izuku on the tv. They all looked shocked

"Oh my God... he will go to World War 3.... He will go to a World War..." Yaoyorozu said shocked

"No... no... dad! No! Don't go! Please, don't go! Dad!" Eri yell while crying badly

"I-I-I'll call him, right now!" Uraraka yell as she hastily grab her flip phone and dial Izuku's number

Izuku receive the phone call. He look at his phone and see Uraraka calling him. Class 1-A could clearly hear the sound of his phone. Izuku continue to look at his phone before refusing the call and walk towards Roach

"Get that camera, turn it off and carry it with us" Izuku ordered

"Roger" Roach comply as he walk towards the camera

All Class 1-A see is Izuku's back on the tv as he walk away from the camera, before Roach grab the camera and shut it down, terminating the nation wide transmission

Uraraka could only watch in despair as Izuku refuse the call and walk away from the camera. She look down in shocked while Eri cries because his dad refuses to talk to her

"Why... why would he refuse the call...?" Mina ask shocked

"He know we are watching, so why he refuses the call?" Toru ask confuse

"He don't want to make us worried" Ojiro claim

"By not accepting the call only make us even more worried!" Toru yell

"No. He knows that if he accept the call he will need to convinced us that he will be fine during World War 3, when we already know he cannot guarantee that he'll come back alive after the Liberation War" Ojiro explain

"He doesn't want to talk to us so that he won't give us false hope" Tokoyami claim

"Or to argue with us about not going to World War 3" Shoji added

"Even if we argue, we won't win anyway. He was given orders by someone who have more power than we are" Jiro claim

"At least just accept the call so we can talk to him again. Even if this will be our last time" Mina said frustrated

"Dad..." Eri cry out. Uraraka lift Eri up to her arms

"It's okay, Mina. I know Izuku must've suffers as well. He though that after a few more days finding Shigaraki, he will go back home to us. But for something like a World War 3 to happen all so suddenly. He must've been very frustrated as well" Uraraka said trying to be strong in front of Eri

"But... I want to see dad... I want him to go back home... I want dad..." Eri cries on Uraraka's shoulder

"Shhhh, calm down, Eri. Calm down" Uraraka tries to calm Eri down

"Midoriya always tries his best to protect us. Even if it cost him his live" Iida claim with most of the class nod in agreement

"Blah! He's so full of himself! Trying to sacrifice himself, trying to protect us, he's trying to do everything by himself! Who the fuck he think he is?!" Bakugou yell angrily

"Don't say that, Bakugou! Do you have no idea how much he suffers already!" Kirishima yell angrily

"Stay out of it, shitty hair! He suffers because he tries to do everything by himself!" Bakugou yell back

"He's trying to protect us!" Kirishima defended

"I don't need protection!" Bakugou yell angrily

"Then why the League manage to kidnapped you back then? And why you need All Might and Midoriya to rescue you?" Todoroki ask flatly, though it's obvious he is angry

"Why you fucking...!" Bakugou about to attack Todoroki, but stopped by Sero and Kaminari

"That's enough, people. Arguing won't solve anything. The last thing Midoriya would wanted is for us to be divided" Iida tries to calm them down

Bakugou scoff then walk away towards the elevator, presumably he's going to his room

"Sometimes I wonder what's going on inside his head" Sero said

"Sigh... I'm sorry to lose my cool there" Kirishima apologize "Just let Bakugou alone for now. We'll try to talk to him later" Kirishima said with Kaminari, Sero, and Mina nodding

"Okay, let's make lunch and Kirishima, could you bring Bakugou's food to his room if he refuses to come down" Iida said

"I will" Kirishima reply as everyone began to do whatever their doing to break the

Uraraka carry Eri to the window and they see the scenery from there with a sad expression "Izuku...' 'Dad...' The two thought sadly

All of the LOV, except Shigaraki, are boarded on the Quinjets, and all Task Force 141 on the AO boarded the Quinjets as well. Izuku is the last to get in before the Quinjets take off and fly towards their bases

Izuku sit down and open the gallery on his phone 'I'm sorry' Izuku thought guiltily as he look at the picture of Class 1-A during Christmas.

Izuku look out the window and see an image of himself, wearing his suit and exosuit, standing on a white background. Behind him, his friends, his girl, his daughter standing in front of the 1-A Alliance, all extending their hands like calling Izuku to come back to them. In front of Izuku, is a dark, brutal, cold, destructive world that tearing itself apart

Izuku glance back and see the warm peaceful atmosphere, and everyone who matters the most to him all smiling. Despite wanting to turn back and reunite back with his friends and love ones, he can't, he still have a job to do

With a heavy heart, Izuku take a step forward towards the dark world, then another step, then another, then another. He began to walk further and further away from his friends and loved ones, he have to fight what's in front of him, and those behind him cannot follow

"This is my fight, not yours. This is my war, not yours. This is my pain, not yours. This is my death, not yours" Lt Col Izuku"Delta"Midoriya