Chereads / Crucible of Ideas / Chapter 76 - Waving Hands (Spellbinder) 5

Chapter 76 - Waving Hands (Spellbinder) 5

-Spells List-


Enchantment Spells II


gestures S-W-D. In the turn following the casting of this spell, the subject cannot perform a C, D, F or S gesture. This obviously has no effect on monsters. If the subject is also the subject of amnesia, confusion, charm person, charm monster or paralysis, then none of the spells work.


gestures S-P-F. On the turn following the casting of this spell, the subject cannot include any gestures made on or before this turn in a spell sequence and must restart a new spell from the beginning of that spell sequence. The spell does not affect spells which are cast on the same turn nor does it affect monsters.

Protection from Evil

gestures W-W-P. For this turn and the following 3 turns the subject of this spell is protected as if using a shield spell, thus leaving both hands free. Concurrent shield spells offer no further protection and compound protection from evil spells merely overlap offering no extra cover.

Resist Heat

gestures W-W-F-P. The subject of this spell becomes totally resistant to all forms of heat attack (fireball, fire storm and fire elementals). Only dispel magic or remove enchantment will terminate this resistance once started (although a counter-spell will prevent it from working if cast at the subject at the same time as this spell). A resist heat cast directly on a fire elemental will destroy it before it can attack that turn, but there is no effect on ice elementals.

Resist Cold

gestures S-S-F-P. The effects of this spell are identical to resist heat but resistance is to cold (ice storm and ice elementals) and it destroys ice elementals if they are the subject of the spell but doesn't affect fire elementals.


gestures D-S-F-F-F-C. The subject of this spell immediately contracts a deadly (non-contagious) disease which will kill him at the end of 6 turns counting from the one upon which the spell is cast. The malady is cured by remove enchantment or cure heavy wounds or dispel magic in the meantime.


gestures D-W-W-F-W-D. This is the same as the disease spell except that cure heavy wounds does not stop its effects.


gestures D-W-F-F-(d. For the next 3 turns not including the one in which the spell was cast, the subject is unable to see. If he is a wizard, he cannot tell what his opponent's gestures are, although he must be informed of any which affect him (e.g. summons spells, missile etc cast at him) but not counter- spells to his own attacks. Indeed he will not know if his own spells work unless they also affect him (e.g. a fire storm when he isn't resistant to fire.) He can control his monsters (e.g. "Attack whatever it was that just attacked me"). Blinded monsters are instantly destroyed and cannot attack in that turn.


gestures P-P-(w-(s. This spell is similar to blindness only the subject of the spell becomes invisible to his opponent and his monsters. All spells he creates, though not gestures, can be seen by his opponent and identified. The subject cannot be attacked by any monsters although they can be directed at him in case he becomes visible prematurely. Wizards can still stab and direct spells at him, with the same hope. Any monster made invisible is destroyed due to the unstable nature of such magically created creatures.


gestures P-W-P-W-W-C. For the next 3 turns, the subject (but not his monsters if a wizard) makes an extra set of gestures due to being speeded up. This takes effect in the following turn so that instead of giving one pair of gestures, 2 are given, the effect of both being taken simultaneously at the end of the turn. Thus a single counter-spell from his adversary could cancel 2 spells cast by the hastened wizard on 2 half-turns if the phasing is right. Non-hastened wizards and monsters can see everything the hastened individual is doing. Hastened monsters can change target in the extra turns if desired.

Time stop

gestures S-P-P-C. The subject of this spell immediately takes an extra turn, on which no-one can see or know about unless they are harmed. All non-affected beings have no resistance to any form of attack, e.g. a wizard halfway through the duration of a protection from evil spell can be harmed by a monster which has had its time stopped. Time-stopped monsters attack whoever their controller instructs, and time-stopped elementals affect everyone, resistance to heat or cold being immaterial in that turn.

Delayed effect

gestures D-W-S-S-S-P. This spell only works if cast upon a wizard. The next spell he completes, provided it is on this turn or one of the next 3 is "banked" until needed, i.e. it fails to work until its caster desires. This next spell which is to be banked does not include the actual spell doing the banking. The spell must be written down to be used by its caster at the same time that he writes his gestures. Note that spells banked are those cast by the subject not those cast at him. If he casts more than one spell at the same time he chooses which is to be banked. Remember that P is a shield spell, and surrender is not a spell. A wizard may only have one spell banked at any one time.


gestures S-P-F-P-S-D-W. This spell only works if cast upon a wizard. The next spell he completes, provided it is on this turn or one of the next 3, and which falls into the category of "Enchantments" (except anti-spell, disease, poison, or time-stop) will have its effect made permanent. This means that the effect of the extended spell on the first turn of its duration is repeated eternally. For example, a confusion spell will be the same gesture rather than re-rolling the dice, a charm person will mean repetition of the chosen gesture, etc. If the subject of the permanency casts more than one spell at the same time eligible for permanency, he chooses which has its duration extended. Note that the person who has his spell made permanent does not necessarily have to make himself the subject of the spell. A permanency spell cannot increase its own duration, nor the duration of spells saved by a delayed effect (so if both a permanency and delayed effect are eligible for the same spell to be banked or extended, a choice must be made, the losing spell being neutralized and working on the next spell instead).