Chereads / Crucible of Ideas / Chapter 77 - Waving Hands (Spellbinder) 6

Chapter 77 - Waving Hands (Spellbinder) 6

-Spells List-


Summoning Spells

The summoning spell cannot be cast at an elemental, and if cast at something which doesn't exist, the spell has no effect.

Summon Goblin

gestures S-F-W. This spell creates a goblin under the control of the subject upon whom the spell is cast (or if cast on a monster, the subject monster's controller, even if the monster later dies or changes loyalty). The goblin can attack immediately and its victim can be any any wizard or other monster the controller desires, stating which at the time he writes his gestures. It does one point of damage to its victim per turn and is destroyed after one point of damage is inflicted upon it.

Summon Ogre

gestures P-S-F-W. This spell is the same as summon goblin but the ogre created inflicts and is destroyed by two points of damage rather than one.

Summon Troll

gestures F-P-S-F-W. This spell is the same as summon goblin but the troll created inflicts and is destroyed by three points of damage rather than one.

Summon Giant

gestures W-F-P-S-F-W. This spell is the same as summon goblin but the giant created inflicts and is destroyed by four points of damage rather than one.

Summon Elemental

gestures C-S-W-W-S. This spell creates either a fire elemental or an ice elemental at the discretion of the person upon whom the spell is cast after he has seen all the gestures made that turn. Elementals must be cast at someone and cannot be "shot off" harmlessly at some inanimate object.

The elemental will, for that turn and until destroyed, attack everyone who is not resistant to its type (heat or cold), causing three points of damage per turn. The elemental takes three points of damage to be killed but may be destroyed by spells of the opposite type (e.g. fire storm, resist cold or fireball will kill an ice elemental), and will also neutralize the canceling spell. Elementals will not attack on the turn they are destroyed by such a spell. An elemental will also be engulfed and destroyed by a storm of its own type but, in such an event, the storm is not neutralized although the elemental still does not attack in that turn. Two elementals of the opposite type will also destroy each other before attacking, and two of the same type will join together to form a single elemental of normal strength. Note that only wizards or monsters resistant to the type of elemental, or who are casting a spell which has the effect of a shield do not get attacked by the elemental. Casting a fireball upon yourself when being attacked by an ice elemental is no defence! (Cast it at the elemental...)




gestures (p. This is not a spell and consequently cannot be cast at anyone. The wizard making these gestures, irrespective of whether they terminate spells or not, surrenders and the contest is over. The surrendering wizard is deemed to have lost unless his gestures completed spells which killed his opponent. Two simultaneous surrenders count as a draw. It is a skill for wizards to work their spells so that they never accidentally perform 2 P gestures simultaneously. Wizards can be killed as they surrender if hit with appropriate spells or attacked physically, but the "referees" will cure any diseases, poisons etc immediately after the surrender for them.


gesture stab. This is not a spell but an attack which can be directed at any individual monster or wizard. Unless protected in that turn by a shield spell or another spell with the same effect, the being stabbed suffers 1 point of damage. The wizard only has one knife so can only stab with one hand in any turn, although which hand doesn't matter. The stab cannot be reflected by a magic mirror or stopped by dispel magic (although its shield effect *could* stop the stab). Wizards are not allowed to stab themselves and must choose a target for the stab. Knives cannot be thrown.


Spell Casting Series

Players are not expected to remember all the spells and their gestures so here is a brief list in forward and reverse order:

Spells in Forward Order

C-D-P-W Dispel magic P-S-D-F Charm person

C-S-W-W-S Summon elemental P-S-F-W Summon ogre

C-(w Magic mirror P-W-P-F-S-S-S-D Finger of death

D-F-F-D-D Lightning bolt P-W-P-W-W-C Haste

D-F-P-W Cure heavy wounds S-D Missile

D-F-W Cure light wounds S-F-W Summon goblin

D-P-P Amnesia S-P-F Anti-spell

D-S-F Confusion S-P-F-P-S-D-W Permanency

D-S-F-F-F-C Disease S-P-P-C Time stop

D-W-F-F-(d Blindness S-S-F-P Resist cold

D-W-S-S-S-P Delayed effect S-W-D Fear

D-W-W-F-W-C Raise dead S-W-W-C Fire storm

D-W-W-F-W-D Poison W-D-D-C + Lightning bolt

F-F-F Paralysis W-F-P Cause light wounds

F-P-S-F-W Summon troll W-F-P-S-F-W Summon giant

F-S-S-D-D Fireball W-P-F-D Cause heavy wounds

P Shield W-P-P Counter-spell

(p ! Surrender W-S-S-C Ice storm

P-D-W-P Remove enchantment W-W-F-P Resist heat

P-P-(w-(s Invisibility W-W-P Protection from evil

P-S-D-D Charm monster W-W-S Counter-spell


! This is not a spell

+ Each wizard may use this spell once per battle, then the gestures have no



Spells in Reverse Order

(read your last few gestures backwards to see if you've made a spell)

C-D-D-W + Lightning bolt (p ! Surrender

C-F-F-F-S-D Disease P-F-S-S Resist cold

C-P-P-S Time Stop P-F-W Cause Light wounds

C-S-S-W Ice storm P-F-W-W Resist heat

C-W-F-W-W-D Raise dead P-P-D Amnesia

C-W-W-P-W-P Haste P-P-W Counter spell

C-W-W-S Fire storm P-S-S-S-W-D Delayed effect

D-D-F-F-D Lightning bolt P-W-D-P Remove enchantment

D-D-S-P Charm monster P-W-W Protection from evil

D-D-S-S-F Fireball (s-(w-P-P Invisibility

(d-F-F-W-D Blindness S-W-W Counter-spell

D-F-P-W Cause heavy wounds S-W-W-S-C Summon elemental

D-S Missile (w-C Magic mirror

D-S-S-S-F-P-W-P Finger of death W-D-S-P-F-P-S Permanency

D-W-F-W-W-D Poison W-F-D Cure light wounds

D-W-S Fear W-F-S Summon goblin

F-D-S-P Charm person W-F-S-P Summon ogre

F-F-F Paralysis W-F-S-P-F Summon troll

F-P-S Anti-spell W-F-S-P-F-W Summon giant

F-S-D Confusion W-D-D-C Dispel magic

P Shield W-P-F-D Cure heavy wounds

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