Today was the second day of preparations for the Summer sunset celebration. I was sitting in my room, in my studio, reading. No sleep, yet again, hours were passing by. I couldn't help It. Believing I was leaving some books on the nightstand. It was; 5:11 am. I decided to give a bit of a shut-eye—from 5 to 8:30 am. The exact text from last night was next to me on the left. Next to me, on my right, I had a cup of coffee–heated up. As I began to remember the text from the theory, my father read to me—and a line that sounded familiar to me, the youngest princess, changed. And turning herself into a wicked enchantress. Nightmare Moon." I was so intrigued back then. That's the reason...
What happened next? I wanted to know! "Back then, I was so excited. Each time I went to bed, my heart; pulsated with excitement. "And then the elder sister wielded the most substantial utility her mind could think of. The elements of harmony! So by utilizing the power of the elements, she defeated her. In the process, she banished her sister and vanished inside the Moon for a thousand years of slumber." I knew that I had a book that dealt with this. But I couldn't recall which one. Then, I'd remembered, "prophecies and predictions. It would have the answer to this question." I ran to find out the facts about this Fantasy and prevent a tyranny that had to cease. I pushed myself to fetch Spike, but I was stopped by three young ladies, Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine. Don't get any ideas. Twinkleshine is not part of my family. Just be because she and I have shine in our name. Yes, my full name is Dusk amethyst shine. But people just call me Dusk Shine. And for her Twinkleshine is her full first name. Each of them we're part of the Unicorn clan. Meaning they could use magic. If you forgot, those who use magic have a gem on their forehead. Minuette and the others asked me if I was going to Moon Dancer's party. I had to decline. I told them that I was busy. That I didn't have time to go to the party. Minuette was wearing a long dress blue color with frills around it. Her hair was a bit lanky but long enough to see. Her eye pigment was a sapphire blue with a strand of gray. And her cutie mark was an hourglass. Lemon Hearts was wearing a white top and short jeans. Her hair color is pink, and for the cutie mark three pieces of candy with the rapper. And in a triangle formation. Lastly, Twinkleshine. She had wavy hair and always putting on makeup. She was with garb, a sleeveless lengthy shirt, and a skirt. And three blue stars.
I could hear them. " Does he have a life away from studying and reading books? All the time he's face first in his studies. Will, he ever get out of his home?" Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine agreed with each other. I didn't care. That wasn't important for the moment, sprinting to get home was more important than the duration I was wasting. I blasted the doors open. I shouted, "Spike!" Spike was stepping on some ladders and organizing some books and scrolls. Then he wobbled back and forth. "Wow, aahh! Crash- Spike fell and he was hit by items from home. "What's wrong with you I could have died!?" He was furious. I ignored it and looked at him standing around. "Quick, get me predictions and prophecies," I requested.
"What for?" He asked.
"No time to explain, It will take all day to illustrate. It's urgent, just get it."
Spike went to every single cover to cover trying to find one sole book. "Is this what you're looking for?" Spike implied.
I said yes, and gave my gratitude. "Thank you, good job." I levitated it. I did a rapid scan. "Elements of Harmony, see... mare in the moon." Contemplating the importance of working. In the meantime, my little assistant smites me with a gaze of mockery. " did you interrupt me from cleaning your mess for just a bedtime story?"
"I think you've been reading the equestrian inquirer too much." Yet another way to tell me how I was over my head.
For a twelve-year-old, Spike was something. "First of all, as I said before, I've told you those papers are merely for hacks. Second, my research is based on tangible events that happened a thousand years ago. Three, the results of this study might determine the fate of all Equestria, so I'm not taking any chances!" Sounding as if this was an event that could be as important as we know it.
"You said that last week. You said, that we could live in a world where talking magical ponies could exist."
"... as I said, the fate of Equestria..." My face; all blushing with embarrassment.
"And besides, it was Heartstrings idea, and she talked to me about know how she is."Straining myself at that moment and I won't forget it.
Spike asks if I wanted to write a letter to the princess. "Excellent idea spike! Always thinking ahead. That's why you're my number one assistant." Having gratitude towards him.
"Dear Princess Celestia, it comes to my attention that Nightmare Moon's escape will happen in the thousand days of the thousand-year. This is tomorrow, and I'll start during the summer sun celebration. Considering common knowledge of Nightmare Moon's cannibalistic habits, it's imperative that we have to act now! Merely, your student, Dusk Shine." Me sounding refined will spike trying to write cannibalistic habits. "Cann...Ibal...Ha...bits."
As that was done I told Spike to send the letter. "Alright, Spike, send the letter. "He started to inhale then exhale and proceed to admit his fire breath. This was a way I could send information quickly to individuals.
"Done. It's on its way. But I wouldn't count on it."
"Princess Celestia is getting ready for the preparations. I don't know to think she'll suspend the festivities."
I wasn't worried, I knew that the princess would understand that this is way more important than the party. I am confident that she would want us to be safe from Nightmare Moon's destruction.
"The princess trusts me, from all this time as my mentor, not once, ever doubted me!" That was what I believed until.
"But...?" Stopped for a second.
"B-Bgrrr" Spike burped the response from the princess.
He looked more as if he was going to puke all over the floor.
"See! She would want us to take action! Well? What does it say? Scramble the troops? evacuate Canterlot? Contact my brother so he could lead us to a final battle of good versus evil...?"
"It says, gets a life," Spike calmly phrased the letter.
... "What?!!" I was stunned by the sudden response she gave.
"My dear student, get a life. You're a Grown young man, and therefore too old to be reading an old fairy tale. There is more to life than studying. And staying up late, umm, reading, explicit catalogs."
"She found my private collection!" I was embarrassed, my life is over. "To expand on your social life, I have scheduled you and Spike to oversee the preparations for this year's Summer Sun celebration."
"Your concerned teacher, Princess Celestia."
"Ps. There is an ulterior motive for your visit: make some friends." The letter was finished by Spike.
I couldn't listen to Spike because I was thinking. The princess hated me? And if she didn't need me anymore? My heart was broken. "She just wants to get rid of me." I guessed, "every day, I do my best. But even still, everyone sees me as a conspiracy nut job. With a big imagination."
"Maybe it is when you thought you saw strange figures inside your closet."
"I was a six-year-old back then! Now I'm seventeen, and everyone should give me some respect. And take me more seriously. Especially the princess." I acted like a child in a tantrum. We were in a carriage for our lengthy voyage. I was tired. We left yesterday morning, and Shining gave us his farewell. He was concerned.
"Are you going to be fine, Dusk?"
"Don't forget, if the princess gave you this task, it means something important." Shining, sounding overprotective, I explained to him that it would be a quick trip. That I was only to be overseeing the festival. And know if everything is going smoothly. Yet, he wasn't letting go and continued to let the waterworks commence. I shrug him off and continue to get on the carriage with Spike. And went to our destination.
"We're almost there!" Spike exclaimed. "Sigh."
"Hey, look at the bright side, at least the princess has arranged for both of us to live in the old library."
I was a bit delighted knowing that I was staying in a familiar place to live, and it was a pleasant occasion.
Thankfully, we arrived at the place. The small town; PonyVille, West of Canterlot.
I gave my gratitude to Spike. "You're right! Thank you, Spike you're great."
" Yeah, I've heard that before." He sounds a little bit arrogant but in a good way.
"I can't get down...
... it's just a minor problem." I was a speck gung-ho on this turn-around. The only thing that was helping me was proving that I was right. And somehow, avoiding the awakening of Nightmare Moon.
"If we do this, I'll finally, get the recognition that I deserve!" Standing proudly.
"But...? What happened to make friends?" Spike Reminds me.
"She asked me to oversee the preparations and I was in charge.
The fate of all Equestria doesn't depend on me making friends."
We began to walk to the entrance and Spike started to announce to me. "WELCOME TO PONY VILLE!!" He announced. I wasn't that amused. It was a regular town with a lot of regular things. Nothing to be particularly interesting. We start to walk around and see the area around us: Small houses, some businesses. It was ok. Everyone was working on the preparations for the festival. In which it was going smoothly as it looked.
" there's no time for us to be wasting on having fun," I told Spike.
"Dusk." Spike sounded over-excited. I realize that for him this is the first time we ever left our home since living in Canterlot.
"I think we should join in the fun. Come on Dusk!"
" No way Spike." I turn my head. "humph!"
"Ok, I'll just drag you." He urged me.
He requested to introduce himself to the people from PonyVille. Suddenly, a unique individual was skipping around. A girl. With pink long waved hair, a shirt with overalls, and small short pants Jeans. Her cutie- mark was three balloons. She was singing, with her eyes closed. Spike raises his hand waving back to get the girl's attention.
" Hey! Over here!"
"Spike, what are you..." I couldn't finish my sentence. She glared in our direction with an odd expression too.
Hi, I'm Spike. And this is my big brother, Dusk."
I didn't know what to say to her so I was nervous so the only thing I could say was this. "H-Hi!" I sounded nervous. Then the surprising thing occurred. She opened her eyes wide, inhaled, and dust away. We were both unsettled by what just happened.
Spike giggled and scratched his cheeks at the same time.
"I think she was...kind of uncanny?"
"Many psychologists would have a different opinion..." I was perplexed.
" let's get this over with, okay? " advised Spike.
"Ok." He cried. Still, hopeful inside.
"I wonder if we'll see her again?" Spike wondered if it would happen. I was indifferent to the notion. We walked for hours and hours. Looking at the preparations for a summer sun celebration. Some of the villagers were smiling and waving hello to us. Then, we went to the first place on the list to check the food and go to the area that distributes the meals to the list, the first thing to do is check out the food."
"The One in charge was called Apple Jack."
"Apple Jack?" I asked Spike.
It's that a nickname or is it her real name? I asked myself.
Well, we're here. Spike informed me.
We went in to meet the people who had the responsibility on the farm, and then we heard someone shouting Yee-Haaw. It seemed that she finished, so I introduced myself. She was a bit older than me. She was wearing a brick hat. Which is mostly used by cattlemen. A T-shirt, blue jeans, and leather boots. Some gloves to pick up the apples from the trees.
"Good afternoon, My name is Dusk Shine, and I…" I couldn't finish. This girl Interrupted me in the middle of my sentence. "Welcome to Sweet Apple Acres. Here we like to meet new people and makin' new friends." She had a weird accent. southern if I was correct. Howdy There sugar cube! It's a pleasure to meet ya." she lifted her arm and I did what all citizens of Canterlot do to greet anyone would. might as well... 'Mmmmwhaaah!' I kissed her hand as a sign of respect. "I'm here by the order of the princess..." 'Wonk!' Again I was interrupted. I didn't see what happened. Lucky for me I was still conscious but my head was throbbing. I laid down so the pain wore out.
"Big Bro!!"
"Hey, Don't you think you kind of overdid it!?"
"Not at all bud. Had to give him something to teach him not to go overboard with me. sorry little guy, but I'm busily waiting for some Canterlot folks." Angry with me for kissing her in her hand. The Spike thy told, "That would be us," Spike told her.
She turned around and then she found out that she just hit one of the examiners. Me. Her face then turned white in shock. "we came from Canterlot to check on the festival preparations." Spike informed her. "The guy whose head you just crushed, was chosen by Princess Celestia Herself to supervise everything." A couple of minutes later I stood up. From the massive head- trauma. Then, this country girl lifted me and began to shake my hand and she apologized for the misconception. " Aah! Don't think we've been properly introduced. My name is Jacqueline Appel but around these parks, they just call me Applejack! Sorry for what happened. Good thing it didn't get ugly." She chuckled while handing my hands up and down. I looked at her, disturbed by her and furious as well.
"I have a skull fissure, and it didn't get ugly...?!" I was pissed off. Saying it passive-aggressively.
"Y'all lucky That you came here first, Purdy boy. You're just in time for the Apple family reunion!" She began to call to her fly to come to eat. Then the sound of an idiophone was hit to make everyone understand that food was ready to eat. "What's that? Where's that sound coming from?
"Where are you taking me!? Leave me... Let go, wait... Help!" I was dragged and shoved in. I was sitting at a table, outdoors. "Meet the apple family!" Apple Jack announced.
Applejack began to roll call each member of her family.
"Oh nice to meet you, but..."
"Apple cobbler"
"Yeah thanks, but..."
"Caramel Apple, Apple cupcake, Apple Pie, Apple strudel," and more Apple names nonstop until we got the last ones.
"Do they think we will be able to finish all of this food?"
"I have no problems with this." My little assistant wouldn't.
Applejack kept going and we got the last three.
" Big Macintosh, Applebloom, and finally, Granny Smith."
"Wake up Granny Smith! We have guests. Our new friends came to stick around the party." I knew that was wrong, and I wanted to clarify that I was here to check out the food, she let out something I wasn't expecting to hear. "I'd even think they are part of the family!" I almost choked on a cupcake that she nudged in my mouth. Then I explained, "Actually, I'm not that hungry. Besides, I got a lot to do, preparing for it all." They all went aw! That made me feel bad. This little girl looks at me with widely cute eyes. "Are'cha stay for brunch?"
"I'm sorry, but..."
"I have... To get ready... Nightmare Moon." I got trapped by her cuteness. Suddenly, her grandmother sauntered as she gradually got closer. "This handsome young man has some very important thing to do, Applebloom. But, a Canterlot gentleman would never disappoint a fragile youngster, right?" I was shocked, she was good, For old age, she knew how to exploit somebody and trap them with guilt. Props grandma, good show.
"Well, I... Uhm..."
"…" I look at her and I said.
"I'll stay for brunch." It felt like I got into a brawl. And I lost. I felt low.
Suddenly, all the members of this family surrounded me in all areas. They began by asking questions about my life. And do I know the princess personally? They keep coming near. I couldn't escape. I glanced at that cowgirl and just noticed her cutie mark that they were three apples, I thought that made sense with the apple theme. And that she lived at an apple farm.
I asked the massive girl circle that was enclosing me; I had to have a conversation with one in charge of the festivities. " you seem to have fun." The cowgirl smiled at me.
"Oh, well, just trying to be polite to that all."I smiled back and laughed. Then that child from before asked a question that was so out of the blue. "Big sis. your boyfriend he's very cool." I spit some liquid out and Applejack embarrassed, "Applebloom!" Apple Jack looked puckered red.
I was also surprised."Yeah, It was nice of y'all to bring him along," her cheeks were pink-red and also mine. She began to say I wasn't her boyfriend, which was valid.
"He ain't my boyfriend!" She affirmatively denied it still, "He sure is a cute one." The grandmother called me.
"Granny!" Her grandmother thought we would be adorable together. Are people starting to get me with someone who I don't know? Then I said we had to leave. So we needed to check out more of these decorations, so Spike and I left the farm. It was getting a bit of a handful. Then I raised a question to Spike about what was next on the list.
"wha- what's next on the list Spike?" The food that I ate wanted to come back. And it wasn't a pleasant experience.
"Weather patrol"
"Brf! I want to puke..."
"can't believe it. I'm impressed by the amount you ate. The food was delicious; I hope we have some luck next time."
A dragon's stomach is more resistant than humans so this one can consume three times more than mine. It is impressive but also kind of disturbing. We stared at the sky, trying to find the person that is responsible for the sky's clearness. It appeared they were nowhere to be found. I asked, "What name is who is in charge of today's clearing of the skies for this summer sun celebration?"
"The one in charge of the weather, the name is Rainbow Dash."
"Well, it seems she's slacking off. How will we watch the sunrise with all the clouds in the sky?" Out of nowhere, a fast blur hit me at high speed. And landing in an uncomfortable position.
"My head, augh!"
I could sense she was not delighted with the odd... Perspective in which she was being in. That also implies to me too.
"Mmph, Mmph!" Translation. ( Get off me!)
"Smack!" I was hit more times than anyone would deal with.
"Hey! What in Celestia's name are you doing?!" She got violent.
She kept on wailing at me. And I had a feeling, this was going to end worse from the beginning. Is today am I just going to be hit all day?
"Who are you?"
"Oh I know, you are one of those perverts from my fan club, aren't you?!"
"Stay there and die!"
"Err... You're... Wrong. "Painfully trying to justify. Slowly I stood up and tried to explain to her who I was and where I came from.
"I'm from Canterlot! I don't know anyone here!"
"Canterlot?" She mumbled under her breath.
"Say, egghead, you say you're from Canterlot." She called me, egghead?!
"Egghead?" I was pissed off about why egghead. She started chatting. " The wonder bolts, have you ever met spitfire?"
"Who?" I raised a question and pretended not to know who they were. Even though I did. So I played along.
"The captain of the wonder bolts." Sounding overexcited. "I never met the captain of the Wonder bolts." If anyone wanted to know. So by telling her that I didn't, I don't know how she would react. But the group is common knowledge. Their military stunt division.
Then she began saying who they were even though I already have. "The wonder bolts are Equestria's talented acrobats!"
" They will be indeed at the celebration, and I will show my best moves, they'll beg for the great Rainbow Dash to join them." Made sense, by looking at her cutie mark which was a cloud having a rainbow on it, and her hair being rainbow colored fit her. "So, your Rainbow Dash?"
"The one and only. Captain of the weather control and the fastest flyer in Equestria." Bragging about her ego.
"And a slacker," I labeled her.
"What was that!? What did you say, punk!?"
We both began to argue about her performance. I began saying that being fast and being the best doesn't mean that you would be chosen. That you need more to be the best. Then she bet she could clear the sky in 10 seconds.
"No offense, the sky needs some clearance, well you are doing some stunt flying all day."
" Hey, I could clear the sky in 10 seconds flat, easy!"
So I said to her, "Prove it."
She put on her goggles and proceeded to fly to the sky. This girl was a Pegasus. Humans and as I said those with wings can fly.
She was fast, really fast. "She's good." Intrigued.
"She's amazing!" Spike exclaimed.
"Wow! Spike! Where were you?"
"Next to you." Commonly speaking to me both of us just looking at the rainbow hair girl glide towards the sky.
" N-next to me?" I was confused.
"That's not important now she's almost done." Spike was right. Rainbow Dash was almost done. And she made it to the ten-second mark.
"What'd said? Ten. Seconds. Flat." She let out a cocky attitude. And given herself high remarks. "And for a bonus." She went into the air to obtain a cloud field with Water. Pegasi can control the weather so, grabbing a cloud with a bit of water is nothing to them. It is part of their biology. But, that cloud had more water than normal.
"That will help you get the dirt and humiliation off."
"And as an apology for the kicking and face planning to the ground earlier, I'll personally blow dry your hair.," It was nice to offer but she went a bit over the top with the blowing.
"Wait! Stop!" She used so much force that she called it her tornado Style. Then, in quiet silence, no one talked, just stared at me as I had some kind of thing stuck with me. "What?" I asked them.
" what's so funny, is there something humorous?" They snickered and then fell cracking up. And then both said, that my hair looks; let's just say, this is a bit unique. I was getting hampered by both sides. I proceeded to mince my teeth back and forth, the laughter kept on for two minutes, they were rolling around in the dirt. Clicking my hands into fists and putting them by my hips. Giving a fierce look, they slowly cease their snickering to get a breather. Then as they peep yet again to my face, they resume with the caper. I asked again what was hilarious. So they responded with this.
"Ha-ha-ha!!" They both laughed in unison.
"Y-You look like a circus clown!" Spike imbued his statement of my hair.
"No, no! it's more like... J-curl. He has a j-curls style." Rainbow blew up with tears and a big smile on her expression.
"Ha-ha, You're funny Egghead. Funny."
"Dusk Shine."
"Huh?"Rainbow was bewildered.
"My name is Dusk Shine!" I blurted to her too.
"Hmm, well, Mr. Shine, I hope we can meet again." She sounded pleased. While I was bad-tempered. My out-view of her gave me a confident personality. I responded with pleasure in my voice. "Never." Barriers, we're piping out my head, this girl was a pain. I know, that I wouldn't see her. That I was going back home when I was done by the time Nightmare Moon is defeated. She began to elevate; flapping her wings, flying away before saying this. "Well, it was a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Little dragon and Mr. Dusk Egghead." As she left, the only trace of her was a glimpse of light.
"Wow, she's awesome!" Spike was astonished, but I walked away. But I do have to say that was entertaining. Spike glared at my site, worried. But I, too, was concerned that this new moon and the disaster would be unlisted to the world. "Let's go, Spike. Time to do the next thing." Walking away with a concerned smile. And knowing the next thing was going to happen would get dangerous.