I began to reminisces about my time job searching and how I ended up with my job.
I was exhausted. I didn't get any positive feedback. Most of the jobs I applied to, I wasn't qualified for, or they didn't want a Gaijin working for them. Not to mention any of the clinics that I applied for didn't agree with me because of my tattoos. Thinking I was some sort of Yakuza whore.
I was almost at the point of crying. I looked at my surroundings and spotted a maid cafe and decided to try my luck.
Upon opening the door, I was greeted by a woman in a maid uniform. "Welcome Mistress."
I was taken aback for a moment. "Um...May I speak to the manager? I'd like to apply for a job... if possible." I fidgeted at the look I was given.
The glasses-wearing silverette gave a calm smile and replied. "If you could wait for one moment, I'll go get her. "
I returned my smile with one of my own while agreeing to wait. I leaned against the wall and observed joyful expressions on everyone's faces. I was basking in the happy atmosphere.
'I could enjoy working there.' I thought with a small smile.
---I'm a cute Little Line—
When the silver-haired Tsunade came in, saying a woman was asking for a job. Minako thought it was a sign.
She walked out and saw a woman leaning against the wall. Gently smiling at the joy in the room. It was a wonderful smile that gave Minako a warm feeling.
As she walked over, the woman's attention was then turned to Minako. She saw the hopefulness in the younger woman's eyes. "Follow me into my office, we'll have an interview. Afterward, we'll see if Rosa Cafe is the workplace for you."
Like any job interview, Minko asked if I had any experience, I told them about me living in the USA and doing waitress work. Miss Minako had asked if I had any health issues.
I fidgeted a bit nervous at Minako's reaction to my answer. "...I'm a diabetic. I hope that doesn't affect anything..."
Minako smiled. "That won't be a problem. We do have emergency glucose for when we have a diabetic customer and they crash." She handed me a packet of papers. "Just fill these out and you can start next week. Sakura here;' She motioned to a redheaded maid who entered the room. "Can help you with your uniform choices after."
I gave a huge smile. "Thank you! I can't tell you how much this means for me!"
Minako laughed. "Work well. That's enough thanks for me." She then handed me an extra paper. "Rosa has our maids based off of Heros. Here is a list of the Heroes who haven't been picked yet."
I scanned the list and found all, but one picked. "Um, there's only one left..."
Minako looked and gave a laugh. "Many have tried, but they just didn't fit the role. Looks like we finally got an "Iron Maid."
I left the office and used one of the tables to fill out the application packet. I ate my bento and ordered a treat from the cafe. The cheesecake was to die for. Not to mention the berry smoothie. Once I was done with my meal I handed back the paperwork to Minako, who called Sakura in. I was then motioned to follow the redhead, who insisted on being called; Sakura-chan, into the back room. It was where all the spare uniforms were kept.
I went through the spare bits of uniforms to make one I would like. I found a conservative main dress that would fit. It was of a crimson red imperial style and an extremely long skirt with unattached yellow bell sleeves, both having red lace trim. I chose white Mary Jane shoes for uniform and a simple yellow waist heart-shaped apron with little pockets along with a yellow rabbit-eared scrunchie. As an afterthought, I threw in red and yellow striped tights.
I didn't know how to feel cosplaying as a maid version of a superhero as a paid job. But it was the only position left and I really needed the work.
With uniform in hand, I bid my soon-to-be co-workers farewell and made my way back towards the bus stop. It was getting dark and I wasn't that fond of walking about on my own and Musutafu was a large city compared to the small mountain town I grew up in.
I was basically a country girl here. 'Another label to add to my list of "follies". Yakuza(Japanese mafia), Baita(Whore), Gaijin(Foreigner), and Kantorīgāru(Country Girl).' I thought while staring out the window.
I had never gotten used to living in large cities. This was an experience and a half for me. Arriving at my stop, I made my way to the apartment and made myself a small dinner of rice and curry chicken.