For the second night in a row, Akako has a lucid dream. He dreamt of being back in a pristine white room, watching a boy who looked to be fifteen years of age being surround by researchers. They hounded are him, tearing blood from his body. But they used not fangs or claws, but weapons of steel and glass. giving him shots and running tests on him. But it was not him but Akako that felt the pain. When he was brought back to his room he realized that it was not a dream, but reality. It was odd, because the entire day was filled with a numb feeling, fooling him into ignoring the obvious truth but also helping him to not feel the terrible injection that made his insides tear themselves apart.
Letting such thoughts take him over, Akako slipped into a trance. Minutes later, a piecing noice awoke him.
Plop… Plop… Plop.
It was the sound of Akako's blood dripping into the white floor. He had scratched deep into his skin and blood was flowing out from the scratch marks. This brought Akako to reality, he hadn't even felt pain when scratching himself, and now blood was dripping onto the floor that he hated so much.
Akako heard the door creaking open, he quickly covered the place where he was bleeding with his clothes. He was taken outside like he was everyday. He saw Mizuku sitting on the ground and he quickly made his way over to her.
"Mizuki do you want to escape with me?" Though it may not have been the wisest decision Akako whispered this to Mizuki.
Mizuki seemed to be shocked when she heard this, even though her facial expression barely changed. However she quickly nodded with determination.
Now they had to find someway to escape.