Chereads / GALACTIC / Chapter 29 - Chapter 6.35: Choke Out

Chapter 29 - Chapter 6.35: Choke Out

"Don't worry," Candice whispered. "I really like you, I always have. I won't really kill you. I'll just do it halfway."

Ace backed up on the bed and accidentally fell to the ground. The watch fell out of his pocket and he quickly grabbed it. Ace nodded rapidly and stood up, backing into the closet his fear clouding his mind.

Is she going to smack me again, Ace wondered. I can't hit her back, she's a girl.

Candice took off her shirt, and small, flesh like wings sprouted from her back.

"I want your body," Candice moaned.

Ace flared his nostrils and his mind went to a different place.

"We, we can do it again, if that's what you want," Ace mumbled. "I don't see what the problem is." He slowly edged to the door, his eyes stuck on her wings, wondering why he never noticed them before.

"That's not what I meant," she smiled. "I want to be inside of you."

It wouldn't be the worst thing she made me do with her, Ace thought. It's not like I haven't done something like that before.

Ace's face changed color and he mumbled something incoherently. "Speak up," she barked.

"I mean… if you're into that sort of thing I could try it once," Ace whispered. "To be honest, I think I would like it. In fact, me and this guy used to fu-"

Candice gripped her head and made a strange guttural noise, interrupting his strange sexual confessions. "Why are you so stupid," she hissed. "I am about to kill you, and somehow you don't even understand it!"

Ace stood there, clutching his strange watch as it whispered into his ear, I told you.

"Shut up," Ace shouted.

I will bring you to Deceit, the watch shouted. I do not lie!

"Don't talk to me like that," Candice shrieked.  

"I'm not talking to you," Ace snapped. "I'm talking to the watch!"

"Oh wow," she whispered. "You are truly crazy. You've lost it."

"This watch, it's talking to me and-"   

"I was so wrong this entire time," she mumbled. "You aren't strong. You're a sad, sad little boy." She sat on the bed, and flapped her little wings. "I've wasted my entire life," she sobbed. "I waited so long to find you, and you're crazy! Y-you don't even remember anything!"

Ace was easily swayed by her tears, especially since for the first time they were real. He came over to her, reluctantly, and held her hand. "It's okay," he whispered. "You're only eighteen, you haven't wasted your entire life."

She was much, much, much older than that.


Instead this just made her wail even louder, and Ace panicked, completely forgetting that she threatened to kill him only a minute ago. "My boss will kill me," she wailed. "I have nothing! No one!" Ace patted her knee and sat next to her, awkwardly, listening to her wails.

"It's, it's okay," Ace mumbled. "It never happened. I-I was just making stuff up! I'm not hearing anything!"

Candice nodded, sniffling, willing to believe the lie, wondering if maybe she should let him live a little bit longer. She nodded and wiped her tears away. "You're right," she sniffled. "Let's stop fighting for once." Her little flesh colored wings flapped in joy and Ace looked away, disgusted and scared.

"I'll just keep you anyway, I don't think your crazy brain will fuck me up once I'm in you," she laughed.

"My what?"

Candice jumped on top of him and Ace instinctively covered his face with his hands. Instead she gripped his neck and started to choke him. He squirmed underneath her, and she watched silently, waiting for the right moment to losen her grip.

Once he started to get quiet she loosened her grip and Ace gasped. Again she choked him wanting to prolong it, so he would just be on the precipice of death. She wanted to make sure they would be two souls together, inhabiting one body until the sun exploded and killed them all.

This time Ace went limp, and Candice suddenly let go, afraid that she had killed him. She stared at him and commanded him to speak but no sound came out.

Can't believe I'm happy for someone to be alive, Candice thought.

Ace was unconcious, and she was giddy that she could finally have him forever. She rubbed her hands on his face, her black acrylic nails scratching his face. They were sharpened to look like claws, and with her strength they were almost as strong.

"You can't leave me," she mumbled. "We've been through so much together."

The room started to shake and Candice let go of his face. She looked around the room and couldn't tell the source of the tremors. "Is this an earthquake," Candice wondered aloud. She gripped Ace's shirt, afraid to lose her prize after she had just wont it.

Then the shaking stopped and Candice let out a sigh of relief. "Just a little tremor," she laughed nervously.

Candice screamed and Ace jumped awake.

"Don't hurt me," he cried. "I' won't tell anyone!"

"You're disappearing," she screamed.

Ace looked at his hands, which were fine, and then his legs, which were no longer there. He watched as slowly his body faded away, and he cried, confused on what to do. He disappeared, crying and screaming, unable to make it stop.

Candice sat in the room, and for some strange reason the world sounded eerily silent. Like everything was put on pause.

Someone pressed play.

Candice covered her ears and screamed, she screamed over and over again, the room shaking, her head feeling like the inside had been cracked wide open, and someone was screaming inside her head.

A cacophony of voices screamed and mumbled inside her head. She felt like someone was staring her down from behind, breathing into her hair and caressing her neck.

The voices of the belligerent and damned went quiet and then suddenly came back, louder and louder, taunting her, telling her that she was nothing but a pawn. She screamed and shook, black tears coming out of her eyes, hoping that she would soon die than continue through the misery.

The sounds suddenly stopped and she looked around the room, arms crossing her chest, shaking and confused.

"What the fuck," she whispered."What the fuck?"

Loud knocks came from the door.

"Stop being so loud, we can all hear you banging!"

Candice let out a loud roar, and then the banging stopped. She put her wings away and then put on her shirt. She was still sweaty, and took out another cigarette to calm down.

"I am so fucked," she whispered to herself. "I have nothing to show for after all these years." She opened the window and leaned out, so she wouldn't set off the sensitive dormitory fire alarms. Maybe he just teleported really far away, she told herself. He'll be back by the end of the day.

He was not.

In fact, Ace never returned that night, and Fenton noticed. He saw Candice in their room, and he was confused. "Please leave," he barked. "I come here to get away from everyone!"

"I'm waiting for Ace," Candice whispered. She was no longer her usual haughty self. She looked scared and that made Fenton scared too.

What could this monster ever be afraid of, he thought. "Go wait in the living room then," he grumbled.

She left, and waited in the living room all night for him. Fenton smelled the air and grumbled.

She keeps on smoking in here, he thought. I'm going to get written up for her stuff. He unpacked his backpack and looked around the room. Something was different, he couldn't tell what, but he could feel it.

He tried to ignore it, and just went to sleep early, his head still pounding.