I wake up in my bed, confused on how I got there. Something doesn't feel right, so I get up and walk through the door, but instead of walking into the living room, I walk into the parts and service room at Fredbear's. "Oh no. What kind of torture is he going to throw at me this time?" I say, realizing what this means. I then notice a little girl with curly blonde hair and blue eyes. She seems to be scared. "Hey, what's wrong sweetie?" I try to say, even though part of me knows this is probably one of his twisted ways to try to make me suffer, but I can't control my mouth. "Let's have some fun." I hear and feel myself say maliciously, without being able to control myself. Then, I feel my legs start to move closer and closer to her. I start to try so hard to control my body, but I can't. Then, my hand reaches into my work suit and takes out a knife. "Wh-what are you going to do to me?" She asks. "Oh, I just wanna play a little game, that I like to call... "The Grim Reaper."" I say, as I plunge the knife into her shoulder. "NO!" I shout, but the word doesn't come out of my mouth. I then stab her in the leg. "STOP IT! PLEASE!" I yell, but yet again, nothing. "YOU MONSTER! YOU BASTARD!" I yell, but this time it stops, and the scene dissolves into blackness. Then, I realize I can control myself again. A figure steps out of the shadows. It's him. "You didn't!" I exclaim. He then smiles maliciously. "YOU DID! YOU FUCKING BASTARD! YOU BLOODY, FUCKING BASTARD!" I yell. "Now, now, there's a child watching." He says, pointing behind me. I look in the direction he's pointing, and notice the girl, except her eyes seemed to be scooped out and bloody. "WHY DID YOU DO THIS?! THAT POOR, INNOCENT GIRL DID NOTHING TO YOU!" I yell. "Nor did her being alive do anything FOR me. You see, William... I've realized the secret to immortality, and how I can become the main entity controlling this vessel. And that requires sacrifices. Child sacrifices, to be exact." He says. "I WON'T let that happen! And I won't let THIS happen again!" I say. "Well, William. I'm afraid you don't have a choice." He says, as I'm suddenly in a dark void with nothing but a door with a keyhole in the center, that opens up to reveal his face. He then laughs, as he floats backwards and out of my view. "GET BACK HERE, YOU BLOODY COWARD, AND FIGHT ME!" I yell, as I pound and claw on the door. But I eventually give up and lean my back against the door, as I slide down into a sitting position. I then sigh. "What am I going to do now?" I ask no one in particular.