Over the next few days, Zahanna monitored Pteleria closely. She watched for any signs of trouble or dishonor. There was none.
"I can't believe that prideful man hasn't done anything yet," High Lady Friste admitted.
"I know. He's actually following my orders," Zahanna muttered. "That's no fun. I would have liked to kill some Ptelerians."
"Then mess things up," Duke Grejen advised.
"What?" Zahanna looked at him.
"Do something to Salencia, but make it look like Pteleria did it. They'll deny it, but Salencia won't believe them. Especially since the war just ended."
"I won't hurt my own people!" Zahanna snapped at him.
He stood and walked over to her. Duke Grejen leaned over her in her throne.
"You're no longer a Salencian. You are a Master of Hell. Your allegiance lies with us, not Salencia. Remember that, Princess Zahanna."
She stiffened, but knew he was right.
Then, she was gone in a puff of black smoke. She reappeared in Dressna and set fire to some buildings. Zahanna made sure Ptelerian explosives were found nearby. Then, she left and returned to Hell.
"Now, we'll just have to wait and watch," Viscount Drusan said.
A few weeks later, Zahanna was destroying the plains of Pteleria. Out of "revenge" for what they did to Salencia, she burned their fields tenfold, destroying crops right before harvest time.
At one farmhouse, she saw a man in his early twenties escape from the house, alone. Deciding he wasn't worth it, she continued to rage havoc everywhere. But the man saw her and immediately vowed his own personal revenge on her for his dead family.
When she was done, Zahanna went to the King and Queen.
"I told you, go against me, and I would retaliate."
"We didn't attack Dressna!" King Fenten roared at her.
"Oh please, you're a prideful man. You were willing to sacrifice you own nobility just to stand up to me and my pets. A small covert act such as what was done in Dressna wouldn't be unbelievable at all."
The King glared at her, anger apparent in his eyes. The Queen looked upset.
"This is my last warning. Touch Salencia, and you will pay for it."
Then, she was gone.
Back in Hell, the other Masters celebrated her. She rose to be their leader, not only in title, but decision-making and everything else as well. They knew Zahanna had just as much ambition as they did, and the same innate desire to be feared by all. And with her potent Willow blood, she was the most powerful of them.
A new war had begun in the land of the living. Pteleria versus the Masters of Hell. As King Fenten got more and more angered, Zahanna unleashed the powers of Hell against him. Soon, Pteleria was barely a country anymore. Its reputation had been destroyed. Salencia flourished from Pteleria's demise.
One day, Zahanna appeared to Queen Milah, Crown Prince Troy, Princess Sadie, and the Royal Mage Gordon Werner.
"Princess Zahanna, Salencia cannot thank you enough. But did you really have to destroy Pteleria so thoroughly?" Queen Milah said.
"King Fenten is very vain and very proud. He started this, and I have finished for the whole world. I'm sorry if this is out of my place to say, Your Majesty, but Salencia should not be trampled by any other kingdom. For years, the Davines have led the world in being the most powerful monarchical family. It would look bad on Salencia if Pteleria took its place."
"You!" Gordon Werner exclaimed. "Don't go too far now, Mistress."
Zahanna cast a cool gaze over the Royal Mage.
"Too far? I once killed the entire Gathering of Mages. I massacred Sonicans. Is this really too far?" she asked coldly. "I was worshipped as the Mage Queen. I have done things no others can."
He stared her down. "Prove it."
Since she had become a Master, her magic had changed from gold to black. But now, gold smoke swirled around her as she transformed into her peridot green and black Draman. She roared peridot green fire and changed into a Phoeman. Zahanna screeched as fire flapped along with her red and gold feathered wings. Then, she transformed into a snowy white alicorn with a shimmering silver horn. Finally, she changed back into human form.
"Satisfied? Or do you want to see the ultimate price that magic costs?"
Gordon Werner looked confused. Zahanna rolled her eyes and turned around to the Crown Prince.
Addressing him, she asked, "How much do you trust me?"
"What do you mean, Princess Zahanna?"
"Would you trust your life in my hands?"
He hesitated. She was annoyed and ignored his hesitation. Zahanna walked up to him.
"Think of something... good."
Before he could ask what was happening, she had already stabbed him in the shoulder with a sai.
"Ahh! What the hell?"
"Troy!" his mother and sister cried.
Zahanna pulled the sai from him, leaving behind a fairly large, but nonfatal wound. She swallowed, not having done the spell in years. Taking a deep breath, she turned to the Royal Mage.
They all watched as her a warm golden glow encased her hands as she hovered them over Crown Prince troy's wound. She pressed her hands to his shoulder, healing him. Once there wasn't even evidence of a scar, she pulled back.
Their shock at her healing spell turned to horror when the saw her veins under her eyes turn black. Zahanna stumbled, a little off balance. She eased herself down into a step of the dais. When her veins returned to normal, she stood back up.
"A healing spell I created. I used it to heal my twin brother, Vander's, fatal wound at the Battle of Sonic two centuries ago. Only that time, it cost me my life," she sighed. "All magic that manipulates life has a price.This healing spell will always succeed as long as one is willing to pay the price immediately."
The others remained silent, unsure of what to say after her display. Then, the Royal mage stepped forward and bowed his head.
"I am sorry, Princess Zahanna. I was an ignorant fool. Please forgive me."
She waved it off. "I did not even believe I could still do these spells. I'm not entirely sure if it's a comfort knowing I still can."
After a moment of silence, black magic rose up around Zahanna, and she teleported back to Hell.