I like how the real world can be altered to create an almost parallel dimension. For an entire week, it snowed where I lived two months after Christmas. Everyone kept saying how they were sick of the snow but I went out at night.
I went out when the weather had reached the level of a snow storm. Music was playing as I ran accross the heathland in the countryside. It was hard to see much but the emotions and feelings were strong so therefore easily transferable into dreams. I remember the snow was powdery like sand made of tiny ice crystals:
Everything was white and still. The ground sunk where my feet trod. Strangely, the silence was incredibly loud. It left an unforgettable impact as though it was screaming at me to notice it.
After falling to my knees, my hands submerged themselves in the snow. Or was it sand? White sand... It was hard to tell because it felt neither cold nor warm to the touch. Maybe it was more like diamonds except for the fact that my hands would have thousands of cuts on them if this was true.
The white crystals escaped through my fingers like flowing water. The effect, which seemed never ending, drew me into the sea of white. It was pulling me in!
As I was dragged down, a tranquility came over me. The sky span accross my view entirely blue with beauty. Clouds were only wisps. Never forming anything more than puffs from a pipe. Was I high?
I reached out not wanting to leave the surreal landscape that my heart did treasure so deeply. The light... it was fading...
'I don't wanna go... I don't wanna go...' I thought urgently and fought even more desperately. My arms could only twist as well as my legs and my hips just managed to arch above a little longer delaying the inevitable.
However, it was impossible to escape the ever flowing sandy snow. Soon after I sank below, darkness encompassed me. The theme of white had switched to black. The colour wheel had been flipped!
I settled gently on an invisible plane that revealed only more darkness below. Although I had not noticed before, my clothes were black too. Some light peeped through the opening from which I came. Thus gave me the privilege of being able to see my own hands and the being that emerged from the darkness...
It spoke but I can not recall what it said. I only remember the fear it inspired in me. After all, emotions leave a deeper imprint on the mind than words alone.
The terror within me was overwhelming though I would not run. This thing... this monster... it had killed people I knew... somehow... somewhere... WHY did I think that? Who meant so much to me that their death caused so much rage to build up inside myself?
It was less spawning them in with a lucid moment and more that they were there all along when two swords appeared at my hips. I've always been a fan of dual wielding.
From the Japanese samurai technique of the two heavens, to the absolute blender captain levi can be in attack on titan. Being able to wield two blades together in unison. Some people didn't understand the principle and could only wield them one at a time which just made a mess of the art.
Toward the mini-god, I strode at first. Then my pace picked up as I began to jog until I reached an all out sprint. Just before I came in reach, I leaped up and up to dodge a long flailing limb with razor edges. One sweep could end my life in an instant but its attacks were slow. However, one mistake could result in death.
When I came down on it, my fury was unleashed tenfold. Slicing in combos, criss crossing, arcs, and a final plunge of the blades using an inverse grip to unzip the entity downward on both sides.
This thing didn't bleed or at least not blood. Darkness poured out like a poisonous fog. Still, it was not dead. Limbs flew from the fog much faster now. The right one reached me first so I slashed with my right sword only to lose my grip as it was knocked from my grasp.
To stop the second razor like tentacle, I gripped my second blade with two hands and knocked it to the side with all my strength. I didn't stop there though as I dragged the blue weapon along the beast pushing it away the entire time.
Behind it, more monstrous entities identical in appearance emerged from the darkness. All hope was lost. However, I did not lose my fighting spirit. The rage that filled me wanted to destroy every last one.
My friends... images of people presented themselves in my head. A girl with scarlet red hair, a man my age with brown hair and a glorious smile. Both of them were equipped for battle... who were they?
My whole body braced when it hit the fog. I held my breath tightly until I'd left the fog and once again leaped up. A black, writhing mass sat in the monster's chest now exposed. It was obvious what had to be done. I lunged with my full strength to pierce its core.
At the point of impact, I screamed at the top of my lungs, "For Maria!" Everything exploded violently and the dream ended.
I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS! The moment I woke up, I wrote every detail down. Who were these people? Emotions... memories... they started to fade too quickly. In frustration, my nails combed my hair for answers. They were slipping away. I swear I knew more. I think I knew who they were in the dream but obviously I couldn't describe them more in this retelling because I forgot after waking...
Who was Maria? It was rare that I could remember names. The details were always the most important part... Maria, Maria, Maria. Repeating the name was key in attempting to trick my brain to think it was important. Nothing came back after trying for some time. Already the feelings I had for those people, were slipping away. A wave of depression hit me gradually. For some time I cried harshly and chokingly long after my tear ducts had dried up. How could I forget them when they made me want to die for them and seek revenge and hold them close and see... their... smiles... just... one... more... time...
Thinking of something to take away from this was difficult. My attachment to the real world was slipping away. The bird kingdom, Jessica, the murder school. Somehow they were all linked. Was the answer at the top of the Yggdrasil tree? Did the village by the sea know something? Was that vortex the darkness they fed to appease and survive a little longer? Is the darkness a malevolent force inside my dreams I'm supposed to fight? It seemed easier said than done. Being able to wake up after everything meant I had an infinite supply of lives or do-overs but at the same time my dreams could produce an infinite amount of demons stemming from the darkness...
Maybe I need to search for the root. Could the friends from my dreams be trying to help me defeat the darkness? It was horrible to think at least losing my memories softened the trauma of losing my friends. How many dream allies have sacrificed themselves to aid me in my quest? How much of my dreams were forgotten the second I woke up making them impossible to even write down? This did not help my situation... I wanted more than anything to recall the events and time I had spent with these people...
I guess I learnt that there's more that meets the eye in dreams. Some things are forgotten, some things are hidden and even more is mixed up in the lies, tricks and being constantly mislead into a false sense of wonder. Curiosity kills us all every night. My ultimate goal to uncover dream law has changed. It is now to search for the darkness and end or save it for the better.
To save the beautiful, the ugly, the kind and bashful. To protect the locals, the visitors and even those who migrate into the dream world. EVERYONE deserves a world to live in. Maybe even the darkness might turn out to be the dark thoughts of a neglected child. The consciousness of a lost soul...