I got a lot of how to train your dragon vibes from this dream so hopefully that context can help you picture what kind of people I met:
I was the son of a chieftain. A viking Chieftain who represented our tribe. What were we called again? I forgot to write it in my dream journal. Our tribe thrived in the valley of a mountain range with a river running through the middle. Scouts and look outs watched over our clan at night in towers and structures connected by bridges accross the mountain peaks. Torches kept raiding clans at bay. Our village was close to the river and there was a water mill too.
One day, a tribe we were in a conflict with came over to sign an alliance treaty. That was the first time I saw Jessica. Or was it? There was something familiar about her...
She was the daughter of the visiting tribe. Her hair was tied in plaits, her freckles looked like someone had flicked a paintbrush onto her face, she had eyes of emerald green and pink, rosey cheeks. A viking helmet crowned her head with a strip of gold running around the rim. Her clothes were brown with streaks of red contrasting black string to hold it together.
After a hearty feast, both viking clans got up to dance. For a while, I danced with some friends but soon enough Jess, the other tribe chief's daughter, linked arms with me. We spun together in unison. She twirled around me faster and faster until we both fell over dizzy.
The details of what triggered me to become lucid evade my mind but as soon as it occurred, I gave Jess a tight hug.
"I remember everything! How are you alive?" I cried.
She giggled at my response to finally recognising her. "It took you long enough! Listen we're going to part soon but I'll return here when you become more lucid. I'm sorry I wasn't there to help in the sport's hall battle..."
"Oh no that's fine! I'm just happy you're not gone."
"Listen Chase." I flinched at hearing my name in a dream for the first time. "You're not alone. I can come back."
After she spoke those last words her clan left along with her before we could reminisce more. Did she mean she could return to the dream world after being destroyed by the darkness? That would explain the dream in the shop with the time loop. It was the biggest relief to have someone who could stay by my side while everyone else died around me.
I did all I could to prepare for the attack Jess spoke of by getting to know my tribe better. An army of vikings could prove useful against a demon army. My closest friends were some viking children the same age as me. We trained together to wield axes regularly and I also decided to practice the bow with a viking teacher. She took me under her wing and taught me the most proficient bow techniques.
Years felt like days in the dream world so my friendships grew fast and so did memories of getting to know the villagers. Vikings were surprisingly good at weaving and weren't just bloodthirsty warriors. Even today, lessons from history class in the real world altered my dreams when it came to medieval backgrounds.
Jess danced with me at every festival and since the love we cultivated from our last dream had never truly faded, we united both clans in marriage. My attachment to the dream world was increasing in integrity with every dream. At the time, I never realised it but soon my life in the dream world would grow more real than my actual life I didn't seen to care much for.
Jess and I started training together after that and a new, larger village was constructed in the valley of my home.
"Tomorrow, it's coming..." said Jess.
"Already..." I moaned. "I wanted to spend a few more years with you. Raise our child."
Jess blushed slightly and looked away. Then her expression grew sad. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"Nothing... it's just, we might not be prepared to fight this even with both clans." Jess faced away from me.
"I'm sure we can. What's really bothering you?"
Jess started weeping as she sat on her bed. "This isn't your world. I'm not real. Once you defeat the darkness, you'll stop visiting the dream world and look for someone to marry in the real world..."
I knew that adults had less dreams and soon one day I might forget about Jess but after listening to her feel so vulnerable, all I could do was embrace her.
"Never. Never will I ever stop seeing you." I realised I was crying too now. "Even if none of this is real, I still want to live through it. I'll stay here with you forever." I knew it wasn't the truth. I just couldn't see it because I was lying to myself as well.
"Really? We c-can be t-together... forever?" stuttered Jessica.
"Yes, of course!" I replied with a glorious smile that she gazed up into with one of her own. We kissed softly and the next day came too soon...