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The Misfortunate Adventurer (Konosuba x Oc)

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After finding a mansion that was said abandoned, Itami and his buddy take refugee inside from the rain. When he finally falls asleep, he is awoken with a sword to his face as he sees a crusader with a sword, and three other people behind her. Now in a predicament, his next choice will decide his fate... his stupid and misfortunate fate.

Chapter 1 - The Misfortunate Meeting

As Itami walks down the forest he comes across a river and sits by the bank of it, a slime then jumps on his shoulders as he refills a bottle with the water from the river. He sticks the bottle into the slime as it fizzles inside around it. 

Itami " Is it good to drink? " 

The slime then spat the bottle at Itami's face, leaving a red mark on his forehead. 

Itami rubs his forehead " Is that a yes or a no? " 

*Wait why am I talking to the slime again? My god what am I even doing anymore…*

Itami then drinks the water and spits it back out " You damn lair!*puh puh*This water is filthy! " Itami then grabs the slime and chucks it at the ground. The slime then bounces back from the ground and hits Itamit's face, sending him into the shallow river. He lays in the water as the slime victoriously wiggles on his chest. Itami then pats the slime as he smiles "You win this time… but seriously can you clean the water, I'm thirsty over here"

As the slime filters the river water to Itami's canteen, Itami then sneezes softly like a cat. Both him and the slime stare at each other blankly, only for Itami breaking the slince. "I don't know if you can talk but don't you dare tell anybody", He then starts a small campfire next to the river bank and takes out a large piece of meat from his bag. The slime hops in front of him glaring at the large piece of meat. "You can eat the grass over there but not my meat " Itami points out, setting the large piece of meat by the fire. The slime just wiggles his body and jumps on his shoulder, the both of them watching the meat being cooked.

*Wait, do slimes even need food? Have I been feeding him for no-*

Itami's thoughts were cut off with the sound of rain and thunder, heavy rain started to fall as the slime started to disintegrate. In a panic he quickly wraps the slime around his shirt and grabs the piece of meat that was once cooking on the fire, he then sprints down the woods. After some bit of time he comes across the backyard of a certain mansion, after breaking down the backdoor he trips and falls onto the hard flooring. He gets up on his knees and sees the slime on his shirt, seeing that it's the size of his own hand he looks around to see if he can give it anything. As he runs around the place the slime slowly crawls over the meat he was originally cooking. 

"Does this place have anything at all!? It's like it's abandoned! Who the hell owns this stupid house! " Itami yells out as he continues to run but stops to see his only meal gone and fully recovered slime jumping up and down. "So that's why you eat… " Itami mutters to himself. Only then realizing that the slime ate his only piece of food, he then kicks the slime out of anger but it bounces off the wall and hits him straight in the gut. 

Itami lights a small fire in the chimney as he lays his sword by the wall, with the warm feeling of the flames and his ever growing hunger, he lays on his side and falls asleep.The slime noticing him sleeping decides to go under Itamis head and acts like a pillow for him. 

Shouts and noises can be heard as Itami slowly wakes up and sees a sword to his face. Still half asleep he looks around and sees a female crusader and three other people behind her, now fully awake he hears their conversation.

"Kazuma there's a homeless person here, what shall we do with him" The crusader says as she turns her head towards Kazuma and the others

"How should I know?! '' Kazuma shouted as he readys his sword as well

" I don't like that guy, the feeling I'm getting from him is creeping me out! " An arch Priest getting behind everyone.

Itamai sighs as he sits up. " You know it's rude to talk about someone when their right in front of you"

"Says the one who broke into our home! " The Arch Priest shouted. 

The other three start to shout their own opinions as Itami looks around for his weapons but finds it behind the three, he then spots the slime sneakily going behind them. With a gesture of patting his side signaling for his weapon,the slime shakes his body acknowledging the command.The slime gets his weapons and slowly moves away down the hallway carrying Itami's weapons.

*AHHHHH! That stupid blue ball dumbass, I swear I'm not gonna feed him for a week! *

The three then start to argue and the crusader joins in on their arguement but Itami just slowly stands up, stretches, pats his clothes for dust, and slowly starts to back away.

"Hault! "

The Crusader yelled, stopping Itami in his tracks as he turned around to see the crusader holding her blade to him with Kazuma behind her supporting. "Look, what are you guys mad about? I just took a little rest in this joint, it's not like you live here. Look at this place, it's filthy and empty. "

"How dare you call our home a dump! " The Arch priest shouted as she is getting held back by a small mage.

"PSH says the one looking like a dump haha" Itami says sarcastically but it only riled Aqua even more. "WHY YOU! LET ME AT HIM! " 

Kazuma then goes in front of her holding "Look I understand that you were only ment to find shelter but you could of stayed in some tavern or something" 

"Yeah but this was more convenient and it was empty so I thought no one lived here but I did find this in one of the rooms" Itami holds out a succubus joint ticket. In a panik Kazuma grabs it out of his hand but Itami grabs the sword out of his hand and the ticket. He then jumps back, putting the ticket back in his pocket. "Ha! Knew you would have one, any male adventure always has one. "

"How dare you use the guy's hidden secret! Get him Darkness! " Kazuma shouted as he gets behind her. " But Kazuma, what was the ticket? You look lik-" Darkness was cut off by Kazuma screaming " Just get the intruder! "

With a shout Darkness charges Itami and swings her sword, Itami brings up Kazuma's sword making both the weapons clang off of each other. With a step forward Itami flicks her forehead and steps back while mockingly saying " Good strike but bad form, I bet you 10 Eris that you can't hit me" Darkness slightly angered she continues to swing at Itami but none of her hits land, all the sword swings hit the wall or the floor with Kazuma shouting at her to be careful.

" Get him darkness!" The priest shouts

" Yeah show him who's boss!" Both the Mage and Priest yelled out as Itami dodged one of her attacks while playing with Kazuma's sword.

"Why you! Take this seriously! Don't you dare underestimate a crusader! " Darkness shouted. Itami was about to dodge another one of her swings till he trips on the slime that was bouncing around and exploring the rooms. "Crap! " Itami yells as he braces for a slash but Darkness's sword completely misses.

*Wait a damn minute, how did she miss? Wait! No… that can't be right… *

Itami hops back up and just stands their arms wide open. " Come and attack me! I dare you! "

"HOW DARE YOU! " Darkness took the bait and swung at him but her attack missed and tripped on Itami's foot. He then sits on her back and faces Kazuma.

 " So can we all calm down and have a chat" 

" Sure why not " Kazuma shrugged but was then pulled in by The Arch Priest and Mage, they huddled together and talked about the situation. 

Megumin " You really want to talk to this guy?" 

Kazuma " What choice do we have? He beat darkness without breaking a sweat! also he doesn't mean any harm to us, the most we can do is just chat and he'll be on his way" 

Aqua " Yeah but I don't like the feeling of that guy gives, it gives me the creeps" 

Kazuma "look well talk to him and see the situation, then we can decide what to do" 

They all turn back to Itami but they see him giving Darkness a weird look as she's panting heavily and blushing. 

Itami " Uhhh.. Is she okay? "

Kazuma " Yeah, she's just like that " 

Itami " Do I get off because her face is getting redder and she's breathing harder too" 

Darkness " NO! " 

Itami jumps away from her, getting as much space from Darkness as possible, stepping away from her.

" Is she one of those Axis Cult members?" Itami says worridly as he sees the crusader slowly get up. He sees her grinning as she walks towards him, Itami backs away as Kazuma hits her in the back of the head with the hilt of his sword.

Kazuma " So what's the reason why you're in our home" Darkness is crouching down rubbing the back of her head.

Itamit " Well it started to rain hard an-"

Itami was cut off by the shouting of The Priest, they both look towards her panicking and pointing at the slime carrying weapons inside of it.

" Darkness! Kill the slime!" The Arch Priest shouted as both her and the mage back away slowly. Darkness swung at the slime but with quick reflexes, Itami stops her blade from hitting the slime by having it hit his forearm. It took a moment to let it sink in that Darkness hit Itamit.

" Im so sorry! What have I done!?" Darkness crys out as she drops her sword.

" Its okay, it only hit the metal plate! It didnt break through fully!" Itami yells out as he tries to calm down Darkness. Kazuma thinks to himself as he just realized how fast Itami's reflexes are as his party calms down.

Itami takes his weapons out from the slime and picks the slime up. " Long story short, The slime has been traveling with me and for some reason he listens to my commands'' Itami says, taking off the cracked metal plating. " By the way, I haven't gotten any of your names yet."

Kazuma then introduces himself and the rest soon follow but Itami chuckes.

" Dont you dare make fun of my name" Megumin said in annoyance. " No, Your name is alright but who names themselves after a Godess with crazy followers!" Itami said while laughing. This angered Aqua but she was held back by Darkness " Let me at him! How dare he make fun off me and my followers!" Itami smirks and turns around to Kazuma. " LET ME GET HIM, I'LL SEND HIM TO THE AFTERLIFE WITH MY GODBLOW!"

Kazuma " Can I see your adventures card?" 

Itami " My..What?" 

Kazuma " The card that they give you at the guild so you can do bounties and adventures" 

Itami rubs his chin " No never heard of it" 

Before Kazuma can reply, they were cut off by Sena barging in " KAZUMA SATO!"

*Great another pers- wait, isn't she part of the government!?*

Itamit quickly chucks the slime down the hallway as Sena shows up. " Who is this man next to you, I hope he isnt part of the Demon King's army?"

*The hell did this party do?*

" No mam he' for trying out for our party!.." Kazuma turns and gives a half smile. " Yeah I am, so why are you here trying to talk to Kazuma for?"

" Some Giant Toads have awoken due to his party's disturbance" 

Kazuma then respond " Okay, you can leave it to use, hey uh… sorry what's your name again" He gives a worrying smile as he scratches his head.

" My Name is Itami, it's a pleasure to join your party" 

In the cold winter fields Itami is speechless on how Kazuma runs his party. " What the hell is wrong with your party?" 

Kazuma `` Yeah… Dont ask anymore questions 

Itami sees Darkness happily being eaten by a giant Toad, Megumin laying face down in the snow from her using her explosion spell, and Aqua running away from a Toad. " Im so confused how you guys survived this long, and I heard you guys beat two of the Devil Kings Generals?" 


" Yup" Kazuma responds with a grin but turns away having his face depressed. 

" Well, you don't mind if I join your party right? I don't need that high of a cut, I just need enough to eat, I can probably sleep outside or something" Itami says as he watches Aqua running away from two Toads.

Kazuma stretches " I mean what can you bring to the table that we don't have?"

" I can actually hit something with my sword, I know a lot of useful survival skills etc….But I cant use magic…" Itami says as it cuts off Kazuma's thinking. " Wait what?"

Itamit " I said I cant use magic"

Kazuma then muttered " There's it is..."

To be continued...